
Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

author:Xiaolu talks about history

Excellent child's mother magnetic field

(1) The story of Mrs. Lee

At the age of 49, Mrs. Li decided to resume her student career and was admitted to graduate school. As an accountant, she could have spent her middle life in peace. However, when the familiar campus and youth beckoned to her again, Mrs. Li embarked on the road of study without hesitation.

The current school Xi life is not easy, and while the schoolwork is heavy, Mrs. Li also has to take care of her husband and granddaughter who are in primary school at home. However, whenever he encounters a problem Xi studying, his son Li Deyue will always send a message in time to "fight with his mother" and overcome the problem together.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

Mrs. Li has consistently accompanied Li Deyue through elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university, until her son was admitted to graduate school with the same enthusiasm. In these long years of growth, her mother's Xi academic temperament and diligence deeply influenced and infected Li Deyue.

In the end, a mother and a son shared the harvest and joy brought by the Xi.

(2) The importance of the mother's magnetic field

As the saying goes: "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black." The mother's magnetic field, which is closest to the child, naturally has a profound impact on them. As mentioned in the book "Power", people are attracted to each other, and people with similar personalities and values are more likely to get together.

Excellence is often passed down from generation to generation. The story of Mrs. Lee's mother and son is a vivid illustration. The mother's Xi learning ability and fighting spirit have laid the potential and motivation for her son to achieve outstanding achievements in the future.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

There are many similar cases. Statistics show that 78% of successful people have a hard-working, motivated mother who Xi and gradually developed excellent Xi habits and beliefs under the influence of her mother's words and deeds.

The powerful magnetic field of these mothers attracts children to grow in a positive and upward direction.

Therefore, the mother's magnetic field energy should not be underestimated. It often determines the pace of progress of a family or even an entire nation. A good mother can gather and cultivate batches of outstanding talents to lead the country to prosperity and strength.

Three abilities that a mother should have

(1) Learning Xi ability

In the face of a complex and ever-changing society, learning Xi is a basic survival skill. In order to help her son study Xi, Mrs. Li returned to school at the age of 49 to pursue a graduate degree, which shows her determination to study Xi.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

At Mrs. Lee, there is no end to learning Xi age, and there is no end to the pursuit of excellence.

Xi refers to the ability to constantly acquire new knowledge, broaden horizons, and find solutions to problems. This includes both updating one's own knowledge and mentoring others.

When Mrs. Li encounters difficulties on the way to Xi school, her son will always send timely and effective help, and then she will also use these experiences to help her son Xi school.

This kind of resonance of learning Xi you have me and I have you has produced a strong Xi synergy of learning and helping Li Deyue pass with high scores on the road to higher education. The data shows that 82% of mothers with academic Xi are able to do good schoolwork, and 96% of children like to read.

Because of the Xi atmosphere and methods, children can quickly absorb knowledge and transform it into their own ability.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

(2) Sweeping power

Each of us has some psychological burden to a greater or lesser extent, which may come from work, interpersonal relationships, etc. As a mother, Mrs. Li not only sweeps away the dust at home, but also pays more attention to helping her son clear the psychological obstacles on the way to growth.

For example, when her son lost confidence due to a decline in his grades in junior high school, Mrs. Li patiently identified the crux of the problem, gave him appropriate encouragement, rekindled her son's motivation to continue working hard, and gradually helped him build up his self-confidence.

This ability to resolve problems is the sweeping power.

The data shows that 92% of mothers with sweeping power can deal with all kinds of unsatisfactory and frustration that happen to them, and enhance their ability to resist stress and emotional regulation.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

Because a mother's love is like a mirror, illuminating the child's heart and soothing the pain.

(3) Resilience

In this complex and ever-changing society, each of us will encounter accidents at one time or another. As a mother, when Mrs. Li learned that her son was depressed due to unrequited love in middle school, she did not scold him harshly, but patiently listened to his voice and thought about the problem from his point of view.

Through nuanced communication, Mrs. Li helped her son realize that the hazy emotions of adolescence were not unstable and that they could pass quickly. Her understanding and tolerance helped her son quickly get out and return to Xi.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

In many cases, 96% of resilient mothers are able to quickly regain a positive mindset in the face of adversity. This comes from the healing power of mother's love and the emotional concentration of mothers.

They use warmth to melt the difficulties of life and make the family full of positive energy.

Be a good mother's cultivation

(1) Give demonstrations by example

The words and deeds of each of us will have a subtle influence on the people around us. As a mother, Mrs. Li has always maintained her enthusiasm for learning and Xi, invisibly infecting and inspiring her son with her own actions, which is the true meaning of teaching by example over words.

For example, Mrs. Lee's move of studying for graduate school at the age of 49 undoubtedly made her son understand that there is no age or limit to learning Xi and progress. Statistics show that 95% of mothers with positive role models will subtly develop the quality of diligence and studiousness.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

This comes from the power of hearing and seeing, and the mother's words and deeds naturally give birth to the child's inner excellence.

(2) Cultivate children's independence

Mrs. Li attaches great importance to cultivating her son's ability to live independently. She often invites her son to the kitchen to cook with her and teaches him how to cook some home-cooked dishes simply.

In addition, she instructed her son to wash and repair torn clothes on his own.

The cultivation of this self-care ability allows his son to know how to take care of himself, and at the same time, he also understands the thrift in life. Statistics show that 92% of children who learn to live independently are able to manage their time reasonably, and children who read more than 2 hours a day at $^{{7}{8}}$.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

This comes from the improvement of t's ability to actively participate in household activities.

(3) Tolerate children's emotions

Each child will have their own unique personality and emotional traits. Mrs. Li was able to tolerate her son's mental activity of liking the opposite sex in middle school, and she did not blame her son, nor did she distance himself or oppose him, but put herself in his shoes to share his worries and solve problems.

This kind of warm and understanding maternal love helped her son successfully through the eventful autumn of adolescence. 96% of tolerant mothers said that through heart-to-heart communication with their children, their children will naturally open their hearts and be close to their mothers.

This comes from the interconnectedness and resonance of emotions.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

The significance of motherhood to the development of society

(1) Mothers are the source of children's growth

"Mount Tai does not let the soil, so it can become big. The river and the sea do not choose a trickle, so it can be deep. In the idiom, the mountains and the sea are often used as a metaphor for the mother who gave birth to a great man.

The celebrity Gorky also lamented that all the great glory and pride in the world come from the care and cultivation of his mother.

Look at the good people around us, almost all of them are closely connected to the great mothers, who have grown up under their careful care, and have absorbed the nourishment of their wisdom and love.

The vivid story of Mrs. Li and her son Li Deyue is a strong proof of this thesis.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

Statistics show that 97 percent of all the outstanding people in American history came from warm and harmonious families. Mother's love is like a warm current, giving birth to excellent talents.

Without the selfless love of our mother, our nation would not have produced so many outstanding talents.

(2) A good mother creates national rejuvenation

At present, the mainland is in the midst of a national crisis, and many families have a serious generation gap due to the phenomenon of "lying flat." However, it is at this time that good mothers come forward to rebuild family order with their words and deeds, awaken the ideals and aspirations of young people, and promote the modernization of social governance.

Statistics show that during the pandemic, 99% of responsible mothers are actively involved in family and community affairs, taking the lead in volunteering to bring their families through the difficult times.

Amazing law of magnetic field: children with excellent results in the college entrance examination continue the three abilities of their mothers

This stems from the temperament of selfless dedication of mothers in the traditional virtues of the mainland. It is the mothers who promote social progress step by step, and it is also the mothers who ignite hope and lead the rejuvenation of the nation.

(3) Salute to all mothers

Gorky said it well, all the glory and pride in the world come from the mother! On the occasion of Mother's Day, let us extend our high respect and best wishes to Mrs. Li and all mothers.

It is with your selfless dedication and love that countless national elites have been born. You are the driving force for the progress of this society, the backing for the growth of children, and the backbone of family harmony.

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