
"Why does my mother live in a nursing home, and your mother lives in our house" The phoenix man confidently asked for justice and was beaten back to his original form

author:Flatbread emotional sharing

My name is Li Hua, I am 32 years old this year, and I was born in an ordinary family in a small county. I learned from a young age that knowledge changes destiny. After my continuous efforts, I was finally admitted to the university, out of the small town, and into the wider world. After graduating, I worked in a well-known company, and with my diligence and talent, I was quickly appreciated by my leaders, and my position and salary were promoted.

However, my love life has not been going well. Until I met Xiaomei, my colleague, a gentle and kind girl. We quickly fell in love and decided to get married soon after.

"Why does my mother live in a nursing home, and your mother lives in our house" The phoenix man confidently asked for justice and was beaten back to his original form

Xiaomei's family is relatively advantageous, and her parents bought us a house when we got married. I am very grateful and have been working hard, hoping to get a better life through my own efforts.

However, my mother did not understand my choice. She thinks that I married a girl from the city, and that she was "climbing high branches" and "eating soft rice". She always looked at me with a strange look, as if I had done something unseemly.

"Why does my mother live in a nursing home, and your mother lives in our house" The phoenix man confidently asked for justice and was beaten back to his original form

Xiaomei's mother is completely different. She always prepared meals for us, helped us with cleaning, and even left us lights when we came home late from overtime. Every time I go to her house, I feel like I'm back in my own home.

Gradually, the mother began to complain. She said that I lived in a house that my mother-in-law bought, which made me feel very shameful. She started pressuring me constantly, asking me to kick Xiaomei's mother out, sell the house, and take my mother to live in the city.

"Why does my mother live in a nursing home, and your mother lives in our house" The phoenix man confidently asked for justice and was beaten back to his original form

I just couldn't understand what she was thinking. The money for this house is from Xiaomei's family, and this is Xiaoya's pre-marital property, which has nothing to do with me. I tried to explain it to her, but she just wouldn't listen.

Finally, one day, the mother's request escalated. She even asked me to take my mother to live at home and send my mother-in-law to a nursing home. She said, "Why does my mother live in a nursing home, but your mother lives in our house", she thought it was an insult to my mother.

I couldn't believe my ears. I asked her, "Mom, what the hell do you think? This is Xiaomei's house, not mine." But the mother said coldly, "You are my son, and what is yours is mine." I am your mother, if you are not filial to my mother, you are not filial to me. ”

"Why does my mother live in a nursing home, and your mother lives in our house" The phoenix man confidently asked for justice and was beaten back to his original form

I shook my head helplessly: "Mom, this is different. This is Xiaomei's house, and we don't have the right to send other people's mothers to nursing homes. ”

When my mother heard this, she was furious: "Why are you so spineless! Are you afraid of your wife? Or do you not love your mother anymore?"

I explained, "Mom, this has nothing to do with being afraid of my wife or loving my mother. This is the basic principle of being a human being, and we must respect the property rights of others. ”

But my mother didn't listen: "I don't care! Anyway, you have to take my mother to live there! Otherwise, I'll go to court and sue you!"

I really don't know how to communicate with my mother. I felt helpless and helpless. I want to discuss with Xiaomei what to do, but I'm afraid that she will misunderstand. After all, it's a family affair for the two of us, and I don't want her to be caught in the middle.

However, this matter was finally known to Xiaoya. That night, her mother called again to cry, and Xiaomei heard her. She asked me what was wrong, and I had to tell the truth. Xiaoya was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said, "Li Hua, I think you should have a good talk with your mother." ”

I said, "It's been talked about, it's useless." She just wouldn't listen. ”

Xiaomei was very firm: "No, you haven't talked about it in the right way." You have to make it clear to her that this is our house and she has no right to interfere in our lives. ”

I sighed, "I know, but I just can't make sense of her." ”

Xiaomei looked at me: "Li Hua, you are an adult, you can't always let your mother control your life." You have to learn to make your own decisions. ”

I think what Xiaomei said makes sense, and I decided to pluck up the courage to talk to my mother.

The next morning, I called my mother and asked her to come out to meet. We sat down in a coffee shop, and I looked my mother in the eye and said, "Mom, please respect our decision." ”

My mother was angry when she saw my resolute attitude: "You unfilial son, how could I give birth to such a thing as you!" and then she left the coffee shop in a rage. I didn't chase her out. Although I was sad and conflicted at that moment, I knew that I had to stand my ground or everything would only get more chaotic and complicated. Since that argument, my relationship with my mother has become very deadlocked, and the understanding and communication between each other has become less and less, and I know that this is not the outcome I wanted, but I also understand that in order to maintain my family and happiness, I have to make some difficult choices and decisions. Xiaomei saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, she offered to have a good talk with my mother, hoping to alleviate the contradictions and misunderstandings between us, but my mother was full of hostility and dissatisfaction with her, thinking that she was provoking our mother-son relationship, but Xiaomei did not give up her efforts because of this, she slowly moved my mother with her sincerity and patience, and let me see the power of hope and warmth.