
"Gone with the Wind": There is no suspense, there is no tomorrow, divorce is their only ending

author:Manchester's navigator

In those chaotic times, life was always full of incredible emotional stories. Let's travel back in time and enter a unique life entertainment drama starring the conflicted Rhett.

First, let's put aside the movie version and look back at the time when Brad was unrequited in love with Scarlett. The loving gentleman watched Scarlett marry twice and widow twice, and finally succeeded in proposing to the widow who was dragging her family. The plot in the story may be unusual, but it is more like a small episode in life, full of drama and twists.

"Gone with the Wind": There is no suspense, there is no tomorrow, divorce is their only ending

After getting married, the two experienced a sweet time, but with the presence of Xili, the relationship gradually became confusing. This kind of affection that knows that the other party has others in his heart, but still insists on pursuing, makes people laugh, as if it is a comedy in life.

After Scarlett's miscarriage, he stayed outside the door, expecting to hear her call. However, due to some misunderstandings, the relationship between the two gradually fell to a freezing point. Meilan's death becomes a turning point in the relationship, and the quarrel in grief brings their relationship to a breakdown.

Now, let's add some more life elements to this dramatic story and make it more relevant to our daily lives. Imagine that on the stage of Atlanta, the life drama of Red and Scarlett is like a comedy of life full of absurdity and reality.

"Gone with the Wind": There is no suspense, there is no tomorrow, divorce is their only ending

In real life, have we ever been like Rhett, knowing that the other person has someone else in mind, but still insisting on pursuing it? However, when we get it, we find that the expectations in our hearts are not as happy as we imagined. This mentality, perhaps a portrayal of love in reality, allows us to find resonance in comedy.

In the face of family affection, Rhett shifted the focus of his feelings to his daughter, which may also be a common emotional transfer in our lives. The gains and losses in the family are like a family drama, everyone is playing a different role, love and quarrel, interweaving a unique picture of life.

Meilan's death brought this drama to an end. Scarlett wants to funeral her daughter, but Red stays in front of her body and refuses to leave. This scene seems to be an emotional drama, and the helplessness and sadness in the quarrel resonate with people's hearts.

"Gone with the Wind": There is no suspense, there is no tomorrow, divorce is their only ending

Eventually, Red left Atlanta and returned to his hometown. The ending may not be perfect, but like life, it is full of unpredictable twists and turns. We may all have lost and lost our sorrows, but just like Rhett, life will always go on, and tomorrow will still be a new day.

This relationship story may not happen to you and me, but the humanity and emotions in it are scenes that can be seen everywhere in our lives. It's like comedy, everybody is playing their own role, we're either starring or supporting roles, but everybody has their own play.

Let's find our place in this big drama and enjoy every wonderful moment. Because life is such a stage full of drama, and each of us is an indispensable actor. Drama, after all, will have a perfect curtain call.

"Gone with the Wind": There is no suspense, there is no tomorrow, divorce is their only ending