
Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?


Text | Observe Jun

From the perspective of the market, Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones really lose!

On December 27, 2023, Beijing time, the launch of the Huawei Mate60 was held at the National Stadium in Beijing. As Huawei's flagship product, the Mate60 has attracted the attention of consumers around the world. However, an important element of this press conference has sparked controversy.

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

Mate60, as a high-end mobile phone owned by Huawei, has always been pinned on high expectations. However, at this launch, people were surprised to find that the baby element did not appear in the promotion of the Mate60. Huawei has always been loved by consumers for its concept of focusing on family and life. However, this time the Mate60 seems to deviate from Huawei's traditional philosophy.

In this regard, Huawei said that the original design of the Mate60 is to meet the needs of consumers for high-end mobile phones, not just to cater to some specific concepts. The company emphasizes that they always pay attention to the needs of consumers and are committed to providing the best quality products.

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

However, consumers are not buying this explanation. On major social media platforms, many netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction. One netizen said: "As a family-centric company, how can Huawei ignore the important element of babies? ”

In an exclusive interview, the head of Huawei's Consumer Business Group said, "We always put consumers first. We will continue to pay attention to the needs of consumers and strive to improve our products. He also stressed that the launch of the Mate 60 does not mean that Huawei will abandon its family philosophy. "We will continue to focus on family and life," he said. We will strive to incorporate more family elements into our products in the future. ”

For the release of the Huawei Mate 60

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

, industry insiders also gave their own opinions. An industry insider said: "The Mate 60 is a very good product, but in some ways, it does have some shortcomings. It is hoped that Huawei will listen to the opinions of consumers and make improvements in future products. ”

Although the release of the Huawei Mate 60 has sparked some controversy, it is undeniable that the phone still has a high level of influence around the world. According to data from market research institute IDC, the global sales of Huawei Mate 60 have exceeded 6000000 units since its launch.

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

A consumer from France said: "Although the Mate 60 does not have a baby element, its performance and design are excellent. I like this phone very much. He also said he would recommend the phone to his family and friends.

A consumer from Germany also said: "The Mate60 is a very good phone. Its performance and design are excellent. I believe that as Huawei continues to improve its products, they will win the love of more consumers. ”

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

Although the controversy remains, the influence of the Huawei Mate 60 cannot be ignored. As a high-end phone, it has excellent performance and design that meets the needs of consumers. At the same time, Huawei is also actively listening to the opinions of consumers and working hard to improve its products. We believe that in the future, Huawei will continue to launch more excellent products and win the love of more consumers.

Huawei Mate60: The absence of baby elements, is it really lost?

It can only be said that the current Huawei, if it wants to return to the peak state of five or six years ago, there is indeed a long way to go, chip production capacity, chip performance, Huawei must solve the next problem, because, it is absolutely possible for consumers to pay for feelings once or twice occasionally, but it is absolutely unrealistic to want consumers to pay for feelings for a long time. Lao Tie, who agrees with my opinion, please like, friends with different views, you can also freely discuss and exchange in the comment area!

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