
Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!

author:Every time I see the Big Buddha


> "In the darkness she found the light, and in the helplessness she found strength. This is not just the story of a woman who lost her arms, but a legend of tenacity, courage and miracle. Let's step into Yang Pei's world and explore how she rose from pain and redefined the definition of life.

At the age of nine, Yang Pei lost both arms in an accident while playing. At that moment, life seemed to fall into the abyss, and darkness enveloped her heart. After undergoing amputation, her family scraped together to pay for the operation, and she was on the verge of life and death. This difficult experience became a turning point in her life, but it was also the starting point for her perseverance.

Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!

After treatment and rehabilitation, Yang Pei gradually accepted the cruel reality of not having arms. However, in the process, she once felt that she was a "burden" and a "disabled person" in society, and such a psychological burden almost led her to the abyss of despair. But it was in this darkness that the companionship and persistence of her family made her believe that there will always be miracles in life.

Life is not easy, especially in a small village. Due to her disqualification, Yang Pei was ostracized and discriminated against by her peers. She grew up in loneliness, and her inferiority complex became more and more intense, and she even considered suicide at one point. This is an incomprehensible pain for ordinary people, but Yang Pei chooses to be unyielding, and her determination to find light in the darkness is touching.

Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!

The support of her family became the key for Yang Pei to regain her courage in life. Learning Xi cross-stitch became her way out of the haze and shared her story on the China Dream Show to inspire other injured people. This transformation is not only about personal growth, but also about a positive response to life, perseverance and victory over adversity.

Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!

By using her cross-stitch skills, Yang Pei started her own shop, helping not only herself, but others in need. Not only did she stop there, but she also established a company and became a "female president", and she was worth tens of millions in the live broadcast. This is the result of her hard work and a reflection of her positive attitude towards life.

Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!

Behind the brilliance of his career, he has the silent support of his husband and daughter. This warm family is the source of Yang Pei's optimism and positive attitude towards life. At the age of 36, she still maintains her love of life, which is a testament to her perseverance and a reflection of the warmth and happiness of her family.

This story is not just about one person's achievements, but also a picture of overcoming adversity through resilience and hard work to reshape the good life. Yang Pei's story highlights the importance of family support, personal perseverance, and social understanding in overcoming adversity. Her experience has given us a profound inspiration to re-examine the value of life and cherish what we have in front of us.

Armless girl Yang Pei: At the age of 9, she lost her arms, started her own business and became a boss, and achieved a wonderful life!


> Yang Pei's miraculous journey is like a meteor piercing the night, bringing us hope and courage. Her story teaches us that no matter what adversity we face, with perseverance and courage, we can find the light of life in the darkness. Let's draw strength from Yang Pei's experience, bravely face the challenges of life, and believe that miracles always happen inadvertently.