
The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

author:Chenchen Chenchen Dragon、

Liu Yalou and Chen Shiyu in the Liberation War: The pinnacle of military talent

In the fiery years of the Liberation War, the Northeast Field Army and the East China Field Army were like two sharp swords, pointing directly at the core of the Kuomintang's rule. In these two powerful troops, Liu Yalou and Chen Shiyu respectively held the post of chief of staff, and their wisdom and courage were fully displayed in the war. So, between these two military geniuses, who is better?

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

1. The eagle returning from the Soviet Union - Liu Yalou

Liu Yalou, a hero who returned from the Frunze Military Academy in the Soviet Union, served as chief of staff of the Northeast Field Army during the Liberation War. With his deep military background and outstanding leadership skills, he has built an efficient command for the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army. He knows that war is not only a contest of weapons, but also a duel of wisdom and strategy. Therefore, he actively prepared for the establishment of surveying and mapping academies and staff training classes, and rapidly enhanced the combat capability of the headquarters.

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

Under Lin Biao's leadership, he assisted in commanding a series of major battles, such as the Sanxia Jiangnan, Sibao Linjiang, and Liaoshen Campaigns. Especially in the Battle of Tianjin, he personally commanded 340,000 troops to conquer Tianjin in only 29 hours, showing amazing strategic vision and command ability.

Second, the senior battlefield strategist - Chen Shiyu

Chen Shiyu, a general who had accumulated rich combat experience during the Red Army and the Anti-Japanese War.

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

During the War of Liberation, he not only served as the chief of staff of the East China Field Army, but also often commanded operations alone. He is well aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of war, so he always plans and then acts, and if he does not fight, he will win. In key battles such as the Battle of Luoyang, the Battle of Kaifeng, and the encirclement and annihilation of Huang Wei's corps, he showed outstanding military talent. Compared with Liu Yalou, Chen Shiyu has made greater achievements in military affairs.

3. Military geniuses with their own merits

Although Liu Yalou and Chen Shiyu have similar positions, due to their different positions and functions, their contributions and achievements also have their own merits.

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

Liu Yalou planned more behind the scenes, and through efficient headquarters construction and coordination, the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army could operate efficiently. Chen Shiyu, on the other hand, is more on the front line commanding operations, personally visiting the battlefield, formulating tactics, and his figure often appears on the most dangerous front line.

4. Who is better?

So, between these two military geniuses, who is better?

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

Actually, this is a difficult question to answer. Because each general has his own unique combat style and strategic vision. With his profound military background and outstanding leadership skills, Liu Yalou built an efficient headquarters for the Northeast Field Army, doubling the combat effectiveness of the troops. Chen Shiyu, on the other hand, relied on his rich combat experience and excellent tactical vision to win many key battles.


Whether it is Liu Yalou or Chen Shiyu, they are all outstanding military generals during the Liberation War.

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

Their wisdom and courage, their talents and contributions are worth remembering. In the long river of history, they are all bright stars, and they have made great contributions to the victory of China's Liberation War. For our generation, we should remember their achievements, inherit their spirit, and make unremitting efforts for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The two chiefs of staff of the original Dongye and Huaye, who is better in the war, and which one is more popular

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