
Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Doctor, my mother often said that bitter gourd can clear heat and detoxify, and it is good for the body, is it true?"

Zhang Tingting asked anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital. Here's what happened last week. Zhang Tingting's uncle was rushed to the hospital for indigestion after a family gathering.

At the family gathering, the dishes were rich and tempting, but soon after the meal, the uncle felt an upset stomach, which was followed by severe abdominal pain. His family immediately took him to the hospital.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

After the doctor's diagnosis is completed, he gives a plan for the treatment of appendicitis. However, Zhang Tingting's aunt was not satisfied with the plan, she thought that traditional diet therapy was more effective, so she asked the doctor if there was a better way.

The doctor smiled and explained that diet therapy is only an adjunct to us, but it cannot completely replace our medical treatment. Then the doctor started talking about bitter melon.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

However, there are some misconceptions about the utility of bitter gourd. Bitter melon is not a panacea. Its heat-clearing and detoxifying effect is not a substitute for medication, especially in the face of acute illness.

In addition, bitter melon is not suitable for all people. For example, pregnant women and patients with hyperacidity should avoid bitter gourd because bitter may stimulate stomach acid secretion and worsen discomfort.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

The way bitter gourd is eaten is also quite important. Although raw bitter gourd can retain most of the nutrients, the bitter taste will be stronger and not easy to accept by most people.

When cooking bitter gourd, it is best to pair it with some mild ingredients such as pork, eggs, etc., which can not only neutralize the bitter taste, but also increase the nutritional balance of the plate.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

Although bitter gourd is good, no food should be consumed in excess. A reasonable diet, paired with proper exercise and good lifestyle Xi, is the key to maintaining health.

Zhang Tingting suddenly realized after hearing this, and thanked the doctor for his patient answer. She decided to prepare a delicious and healthy bitter gourd meal for her family after her uncle recovered.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

At the same time, I also kept in mind the doctor's advice: diet is good, but in moderation and cannot be completely relied on. In the corridor of the hospital, Zhang Tingting looked at the blue sky outside the window and had a deeper understanding of health in her heart.

Everyone's body is unique, and only by understanding the true value of food and the lifestyle that suits you can you truly achieve a healthy and harmonious life.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

After Zhang Tingting went home, she thought about the doctor's words. Bitter melon, as a home-cooked dish, does have its peculiarities that are not effective in all cases.

She decided to prepare a bitter melon-themed dinner for her family. When cooking bitter gourd, she takes special care not to overemphasize the bitterness, but balances the taste with other ingredients so that the family can accept this special flavor.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

For example, she uses bitter gourd with lean meat to make bitter gourd stir-fried meat, the deliciousness of the meat and the fragrance of bitter gourd are intertwined, which is both delicious and healthy. Or bitter gourd boiled eggs, with a faint bitter taste with egg aroma, balanced nutrition.

After the meal, the family sat together, and Zhang Tingting talked about what she saw and heard in the hospital. She shared her doctor's insights on bitter melon, and her family felt that they benefited a lot after listening to it.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

She emphasized that healthy living is not about pursuing some kind of "magical" diet or medicine, but about finding a balance that suits you in your daily life.

At the dinner table, there are not only delicious dishes, but also relaxed conversations about health and life. Zhang Tingting feels that this is the real family atmosphere.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

It is not only the satisfaction of nutrition, but also the communication and resonance of the soul. Healthy living does not require overly complicated theories and guidance, but more about the love of life and care for the body.

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

What do you think about bitter melon? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Doctor: If you don't understand these points, you will eat it in vain

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