
High priority should be given to the summing up and advocacy of the campaign — the commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the President's birth

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
High priority should be given to the summing up and advocacy of the campaign — the commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the President's birth

In view of the current development of the international and domestic struggle situation, I feel that it is necessary to attach great importance to the summing up and propaganda work of the movement to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression.

First, the Movement to Aid Vietnam and Resist US Aggression was a representative stroke of support by Chairman Mao in supporting the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial revolutionary struggles of the oppressed nations and peoples of the Third World, and it was another major international war action decided by Chairman Mao to directly oppose US imperialism after the Great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and won an even greater victory.

In this struggle, US imperialism almost lost its hegemony, relations with its allies collapsed, the dollar had to be decoupled from gold, the dollar was discredited, the United States completely admitted defeat and withdrew from the Indo-China battlefield, and the US hegemony declined as a result, and throughout the seventies, the US hegemony was very honest.

This war, which lasted for 15 years, together with the support of the Chinese people for the revolutionary actions of other oppressed nations and peoples in the Third World, constituted the rise of the Third World and provided strong support for the anti-imperialist and anti-revision movement of the new Chinese people, and the Chinese people won victory in the anti-imperialist and anti-revision struggles and successfully restored all their legitimate rights in the United Nations.

Second, the anti-US movement in Vietnam pushed the international communist movement to a new height.

The Movement to Aid Vietnam and Resist US Aggression was the third military blow to US hegemony after the Great War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and it was also the war in which the United States lost the most completely.

The Movement to Aid Vietnam and Resist US Aggression was one of Chairman Mao's greatest decisions, and it was also the greatest decision. In this war, Chairman Mao led the people of all nationalities in China to not only fight back against the counterattack of the domestic bourgeoisie, but also to promote domestic economic and social development and realize industrialization; internationally, to resist the pressure of the US imperialists and Soviet revisionists, and even to prevent provocations from southwest India, and to vigorously support the national independence and liberation movements of the third world。

However, in recent years, the propaganda and education of the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea have received relatively good attention, but the degree of attention paid to the propaganda work of the struggle to resist US aggression in Vietnam has obviously not been enough, with the result that Chinese society is very unfamiliar with this period of history.

Third, the anti-US movement in Vietnam was deliberately downplayed by historical nihilism.

Following the shameful defeat of supporting Chiang Kai-shek, the agent of imperialism, in provoking the civil war and organizing the 16-nation coalition to invade Korea, the US hegemony suffered an even more complete and shameless defeat in the war of aggression against Vietnam, which thoroughly exposed the paper tiger nature of its foreign power and the middle of the country, and greatly encouraged the confidence of the people of the world in opposing US hegemonism.

Since then, US imperialism has suffered from the "Vietnam War syndrome" and has not dared to speak war against China and its allies until today. However, in order to cover up the deep fear of the great leader Chairman Mao, the new Chinese people who have stood up, and the people of the whole world armed with Mao Zedong Thought, the US hegemony has tried its best to collude with comprador capital forces in various countries to smear, negotiate, and distort the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the War to Aid Vietnam to Resist US Aggression.

It is also because it paid a great price in the war of aggression against Vietnam, but suffered a complete and complete defeat and no gains, so unlike distorting the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the US hegemony and the comprador capital forces it fostered adopted a deliberately downplayed strategy for Chairman Mao's decision to aid Vietnam to resist US aggression, that is, through the media, education, propaganda, and academic systems controlled by it, completely did not mention this war, so that the entire Chinese people, The people of the whole world have forgotten this war, and it seems that as long as the people of the whole world do not mention this war, then the US hegemony can hide its inner fear, suppress the confidence of the people of the whole world in opposing US hegemony, and prevent the people of the whole world from countering US hegemony.

This strategy is effective to a certain extent, because the young people of China and the world have indeed prepared the conditions for the history of aiding Vietnam in the struggle to resist US aggression and supporting the national independence and liberation movement of the Third World, as well as the great contribution made by this struggle to promoting the liberation of the Chinese people and the people of the world, blindly believing in the power of US hegemony and preparing conditions for the comprador capital forces to create the myth of the invincibility of the United States and mislead the people of the world.

Propaganda of the movement to aid Vietnam in the struggle to resist US aggression is conducive to clarifying historical facts and breaking the fog spread by historical nihilism in the war to resist US aggression in aiding Vietnam!

Fourth, the situation of the struggle against dollar hegemony in the world requires the Chinese people to pay new attention to the propaganda work of the anti-US movement in Vietnam for reference.

The Liberation War was a revolutionary war in which the Chinese people counterattacked the Chiang Kai-shek clique, the agent of US imperialism in colonizing China, at the beginning of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and the result of this great victory, China achieved national independence and liberation, and established the civil power of the new Chinese.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a struggle in which the Cold War had taken shape in Europe, and the Chinese people united with the Korean people to break the restrictions imposed on China by the Cold War pattern in Northeast Asia.

The struggle to aid Vietnam and resist the United States was a war in which the Chinese people broke the pattern of the Cold War and fought for national independence and self-determination at a time when the United States and the Soviet Union simultaneously exerted political and strategic pressure on China.

The three great wars have made unique and great contributions to the independence and liberation of the Chinese people and to the independence and liberation of the people of the whole world. While carrying forward the spirit of the Great War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we should not neglect the spirit of the struggle to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression.

Today, we are facing the US dollar hegemony colluding with bureaucratic comprador capital forces to attack and deceive the Chinese people in all directions politically, ideologically, culturally, economically, financially, diplomatically, and so on. Unearthing the history of the struggle to aid Vietnam and resist the United States is conducive to breaking through these fogs and clarifying the direction of the Chinese people's anti-hegemony struggle.

Fifth, initial results have been achieved in propaganda and education on the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Over the past 10 years or so, the struggle against historical nihilism has achieved phased successes, and the reactionary forces that have nihilized, smeared, diluted, and distorted the history of the party, the revolution, China, the international communist movement, and the history of New China have been effectively suppressed. Very good results have been achieved in the propaganda work of the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. However, due to the rapid turning of the international and domestic situation in the 70s of the last century, the Chinese people have done quite hasty and superficial work in summing up and publicizing the achievements and experiences of the anti-US movement in aiding Vietnam, or in other words, they have hardly made a systematic, profound, and comprehensive summary.

In order to promote the in-depth development of the struggle against US hegemony, it is necessary to draw nourishment from the struggle to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression, so as to enrich and develop the experience of the struggle against US hegemony and improve the fighting skills. At this time, it is opportune to attach importance to summing up and publicizing the great achievements and valuable experiences of the struggle to aid Vietnam in resisting US aggression.

Sixth, the rapid development of friendly relations between China and Vietnam has provided a historical background and social environment for the propaganda of the anti-US movement to aid Vietnam.

On December 13 and 14, at the invitation of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and Vietnamese President Vo Van Thanh, Chinese leaders paid a state visit to Vietnam. This state visit is the most important political agenda item in Sino-Vietnamese relations this year, and it has been a great success and of great historical significance, and has become a new milestone in the relations between the two parties and two countries between China and Vietnam. "In particular, the peoples of the two countries have supported each other in the process of fighting for national independence and national liberation, and have forged an unbreakable friendship." The leaders of the two countries have repeatedly stressed the importance of inheriting and carrying forward the traditional friendship between the two countries under the new situation." This has provided a good social background and public opinion environment for publicizing the movement to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression.

Seventh, the Chinese People's Liberation Army vigorously supported the anti-imperialist revolutionary movement of the Vietnamese people, and the sacrifices it made must not be forgotten.

The 10-year anti-US movement to aid Vietnam, together with the previous anti-French actions to aid Vietnam, the Chinese people, as the strong backing of the Vietnamese people, have given great support to the Vietnamese people, effectively guaranteed the victory of the Vietnamese people's anti-imperialist and anti-colonial revolutionary struggle, and written a new chapter in the friendship between the Chinese and Vietnamese peoples.

According to information, between June 1965 and August 1973, China sent troops to support the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the "South Vietnam National Liberation Front" (South Vietnam Resistance Force) in military operations in the War of Resistance against the United States and National Salvation of the United States. During this period, at the request of North Vietnam, China successively dispatched 23 detachments (divisions), 95 brigades (regiments), and 83 squads of antiaircraft artillery, engineering, railway, mine-clearing, and logistical support units, totaling more than 320,000 personnel (including 170,000 engineers and 150,000 air defense units), to undertake the tasks of rushing to repair and build roads, railways, airports, and communications facilities, as well as air defense operations, logistical support, and transportation.

At the same time, the Laos battlefield was part of the Vietnam War. The War of Resistance Against the United States generally refers to the military assistance operations in which China sent a total of 110,000 engineering, antiaircraft artillery, guards, and logistics support troops to the Lao battlefield in the Vietnam War to undertake the task of building roads and air defense operations, and to build a strategic highway network in the north of more than 800 kilometers for Laos free of charge.

The two Chinese reinforcement units endured the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefields of Vietnam and Laos, and paid for their sweat, blood and lives. A total of 1,446 people were sacrificed by the anti-US troops in Vietnam and buried in 40 Chinese martyrs' cemeteries in Vietnam. A total of 269 people were sacrificed by the troops who aided Laos, and they were buried in the Chinese martyrs' cemeteries in Chuankhouang, Namo and Muangxay in Laos, as well as the Shangyong Martyrs' Mausoleum and several other martyrs' cemeteries in China.

The sacrifices of the revolutionary martyrs must not be forgotten.

Eighth, attaching importance to Vietnam's aid to the War of Resistance Against the United States is conducive to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The entire western part of the South China Sea is close to Vietnam. Vietnam, of course, is one of the countries that has the greatest influence on the situation in the South China Sea. Summing up and propagating the movement to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression is conducive to strengthening the unity between the Chinese and Vietnamese peoples and thwarting the undermining of stability in the region by the US hegemony and its servants.

Ninth, it is conducive to strengthening the unity of the nations and peoples in China and the rest of the world who have been oppressed by US hegemony and further promoting the development of the anti-hegemony movement.

Publicizing the movement to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression is also conducive to consolidating the "One Belt, One Road" strategy, uniting people all over the world, enhancing China's international authority, promoting the de-dollarization of the world, shaping an international and domestic environment conducive to China's peaceful development, and promoting the rapid development of the anti-hegemonic movement around the world.

(Author: Wu Ming, Special Researcher of Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's Authorization], recompiled from the WeChat public account of "Nine Heavens View the World"; the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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