
In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

author:Xiaofeng talks about history

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The rooster crows, and the sun sets.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In ancient times, living according to the "sun" became the norm for ordinary people. In addition to closing the gates at the end of the day, there are also various strict curfews.

Once violated, the lighter person will be beaten and the worst person will be hanged.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Even princes and nobles were not allowed to move around the city at will.

But why did the ancient rulers go to great lengths to build towers and enact all kinds of strict systems, and what if the people of the city were really in a hurry?

1. Why do you want to close the city gates?

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In ancient societies, the regular closure of city gates was always an important security measure and city management policy.

It can even be said that the closure of the city gates is particularly crucial for the poor people.

In ancient times, although the people lived inside the walls, they were usually unarmed, and they could not compete with them if the outside beasts invaded.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Closing the gates is like building a protective barrier for them, minimizing the harm caused to them by external threats.

What's more, the majesty and solidity of the walls also played an important role in the management of the city's inhabitants and soldiers.

The height of the walls was generally exaggerated in ancient times, and the enemy had to climb a long ladder to enter the city, which effectively saved the energy and time of the defenders, and was also important in the final protracted war.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In addition, closing the city gate can also prevent the enemy's eyes from infiltrating the city, which can avoid the risk of rebellion or internal mole involvement from within, so as to prevent the occurrence of internal and external consequences.

It can be said that the regulation of closing the city gate not only protects the city residents, but also protects the city security by the city administrators, and can ensure the rigor and effectiveness of the city governance.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In addition to the closure of the city gates, the law enforcers also set up a series of "curfews" for the people in the city. When night falls and the gates are closed, the inhabitants of the city are required to observe a curfew and no longer move around freely.

Although this may cause some inconvenience to the people in the city, as we said, this kind of regulation is mainly for safety and security reasons.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

After all, ancient times are not as good as modern times, not only do they not have cameras, but also the night is relatively dark, and it is difficult to identify outside movements after closing the city gates, which may cause the potential harm of an imperfect punishment system and provide opportunities for criminals to take advantage of.

But what if the people have to go out during the curfew, or what punishment will they receive if they violate the rules of the superiors?

II. Prohibition System

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

As one of the largest cities in ancient times, Chang'an City reached its peak of curfew here, especially in the Tang Dynasty.

Combined with the management of the fang market system, the curfew system of the Tang Dynasty restricted everyone to their own square activities, and the sound of the street drums and bells of Chengtianmen also made people comply with the curfew.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In addition to the closure of the city gates, there were also patrol guards in the castle to ensure the safety of the vigil.

The corresponding employees have different responsibilities and play an important role in maintaining social order, although they have a certain impact on the daily lives of citizens.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

In addition to these curfews, there is a special feature of the curfew system, which is the establishment of passes to deal with emergencies. If members of the public have the necessary need to go out, they can apply for a permit from Fangzheng.

This permit allows citizens to go out and move during the curfew period without penalty. Of course, persons in public office are not affected by the curfew.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Even Li Guang, a famous general in history, was directly detained on the spot by Captain Baling when he missed the curfew time due to drunkenness. Even if the other party expresses his identity, it has no effect.

But no matter which dynasty it is, there are people who do not listen to discipline.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Even during the curfew, there were cases of citizens taking risks. Some people may venture out without permission, ignoring the restrictions of the curfew.

But you must know that at that time, the punishment for such disobedience was also quite severe, and those caught would be flogged twenty times. If the circumstances are serious, the punishment will be more severe.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

The most serious thing is that they will even be hanged.

However, despite the strict management, people also have freedom. Compared to the strictly managed streets, the people in the square can also move around within the corresponding range.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Therefore, when you say that you see the scene of running at night on the TV, you can only say that you can just say that you have a happy picture, don't believe it.

However, this strict system became a dispensable existence in the Song Dynasty.

3. The nightlife of the ancients

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

The Song Dynasty was a special period in the history of the mainland, and its economic prosperity was among the best in the world at that time.

In this context, the productivity of the Song Dynasty has increased by leaps and bounds, especially after the lifting of the night ban, and nightlife has flourished and developed like never before.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?
In historical materials, the financial revenue of the Northern Song Dynasty was about 90 million guanwen, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, it was as high as 100 million guanwen, compared with the 30 million financial revenue of the Tang Dynasty, its economic strength can be said to be outstanding.

With so much possessions, it is enough to see the importance of the nightlife economy, and even compared to the later Ming and Qing dynasties, the economic achievements of the Song dynasty are still remarkable.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Compared with the strictness of the Tang Dynasty, when the ban was lifted, the night markets of the Song Dynasty also began to flourish. It is no different from the bustling market, dense shops and dazzling array of goods in Bianjing City at night depicted in the popular "Tokyo Menghualu" some time ago.

Even our current Kaifeng is not comparable to the ancient hall engraved with thousands of years. Of course, perhaps this statement is a bit of an artistic exaggeration.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

It can be said that the night of Bianjing City thousands of years ago seemed to be forever full of endless vitality.

At that time, people were free to participate in various activities at night, whether it was shopping, tasting food, or enjoying opera, singing and dancing, it was full of joy in life.

Compared to other dynasties, the Song Dynasty was indeed the most suitable period for enjoying nightlife.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

The lifting of the night ban gives people 24 hours of complete freedom and is no longer confined to a narrow confinement. This also creates a lot of spectacle, which makes the whole city shine in the light of night.

In addition to the night market, palace fights and social events also come to the fore at night. The high dignitaries of the imperial court held various gatherings and banquets in the evenings to enhance interaction and social relations.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

Literati with unique temperament and inspiration often gathered in bustling restaurants and teahouses to talk about life's hardships and ambitions, thus creating countless popular works during this time period.

However, the lifting of curfews is not without cost, and the activities of different social groups can sometimes lead to various disputes and social problems. Whether it is a drunken person or an aristocratic person, trouble often occurs.

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

At this time, in order to ensure social order, the Song Dynasty court had to strengthen night patrols and maintain order to ensure that people could enjoy the fun of nightlife in a safe environment.

In any case, the lifting of the curfew is undoubtedly an important milestone in the succession of dynasties, demonstrating the creation of a beautiful culture and economy with industrious hands and wisdom.

The author thinks

In ancient times, why did the city gate close the curfew, and what if someone wanted to leave the city?

It can be said that in ancient times, the walls and gates were symbols of wisdom and defense, and the system of curfews also reflected the ingenuity of the ancients.

These buildings not only ensure the safety of the city's residents, but also provide valuable architectural experience for future generations.