
Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Ah San Shiji

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At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, life becomes lively. The streets and alleys of the city are filled with a strong New Year's flavor, and every corner is filled with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. In the busy supermarket, the shelves are filled with a variety of Chinese New Year goods, and a variety of food and gifts cater to people's expectations for a better New Year. On this joyous day, I always experience some small "lessons" in shopping, which makes me know more about how to choose the right New Year's goods. Whenever I think about the pre-Chinese New Year, I think of the New Year's goods that make me "turn around and leave", because not only are they not delicious, but they also make me feel like a waste of money.

Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

Try not to buy these four New Year's goods

First and foremost are the brightly colored preserved fruits. Supermarkets are filled with all sorts of tempting-looking preserved fruits, but I've learned a rule that preserved fruits that are too bright in color are often not natural. The color of the preserved fruits is supposed to be slightly light after drying, but if they are too bold in color, it is most likely due to the addition of pigments during the production process. For the sake of my family's health, I didn't hesitate to turn around and leave when I saw such preserved fruits now.

This is followed by those whitish pistachios. On the eve of the New Year, every household prepares pistachios to symbolize the joy of the New Year. However, I found that pistachios that were too white in color may have been bleached with industrial hydrogen peroxide. This bleaching makes pistachios look more appealing, but their taste and aroma are greatly reduced. For the real pleasure, I now choose those naturally coloured, larger pistachios, because it means more flesh and more nutrients.

Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

In the cold winter wind, hot pot has become the first choice for family dinners. In order to make the hot pot more abundant, many people will buy frozen meatballs in bulk. However, as a chef, I know the process of making frozen meatballs in bulk. Most of these products are based on starch, spice powder and color powder, and while eating a few of them is not a big deal, their nutritional value is very limited. What makes me even more alarming is that sometimes these bulk frozen balls don't even have clear production information, and it is even more prohibitive when buying. Therefore, I recommend that you choose to buy handmade meatballs at the vegetable market, although the price is higher, but at least the real ingredients are safe for your family to enjoy.

Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

Finally, there are those foods with ice coatings, such as ice-coated shrimp, ice-coated fish, ice-coated chicken thighs, etc. When these seemingly fresh ingredients are thawed, the ice on the surface often reduces the net weight of the food. In order to avoid buying "ice coats", I choose those foods that do not have ice coats in supermarkets or vegetable markets, although they are slightly more expensive, there will be no psychological burden after the purchase.

Pay attention to the purchase of New Year's goods

In addition to avoiding the "pitfalls" mentioned above, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when buying New Year's goods. First of all, plan your shopping list in advance and know what kind and how many items you need to buy. This helps to avoid impulsive spending and excess spending. Second, be aware of the deals, discounts, and promotions that may be available everywhere during the festive season, but not all deals are good deals. It is necessary to compare prices and value for money and avoid buying unnecessary items just because of discounts.

Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

Also, when buying food, it's crucial to check information such as the product's production date, shelf life, and country of origin. Especially for fresh ingredients, the key to maintaining freshness and quality lies in how well they are produced and stored. For packaged foods, read the ingredient list and nutrition facts list carefully and avoid buying foods that are not good for you or your family.

Before the Spring Festival, if you encounter these 4 kinds of New Year's goods, don't ask for free gifts, it's not delicious and a waste of money

When it comes to shopping, I know it's wise not to rush into action. Shop around to ensure you spend the least amount of money on the healthiest and tastiest food. On the occasion of this Spring Festival, I hope everyone can choose the best quality New Year goods and spend a happy and healthy New Year with family and friends. If these suggestions are helpful to you, you may wish to follow them, like them, and thank you for your support.