
2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

author:Words and snow

Life is like everywhere

It should be Feihong stepping on slush and slush

The time train belonging to 2023 has quietly arrived at the station unconsciously

Fly away with our memories and emotions

But the good thing is that there are always some golden sentences that are worth staying in time

It's not just an ad that belongs to a certain brand, but it resonates with us all over the world

What I bring to you today is the unofficial inventory of copywriters:

2023 Top 30 Golden Sentence Copywriters (in no particular order)

Feel the vitality of words together


- Station B.

The train of time is coming all the way, and every station is indispensable on the way home.

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

During the Spring Festival in 2023, Station B made a special project. In this project, it wrote a letter to 3,285 railway passenger stations across the country, asking these platforms to tolerate the guys who accidentally bump into people on the platforms, please help a group of girls with big boxes, and ask every young person to go home smoothly this year, because they especially want to go home this year.

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

What's more special is that the letter was responded to on February 15, 2023 by an official short film of China Railway, "Hello Station 3286 Station B". An ingenious insight allowed them to complete a perfect linkage, and also quietly upgraded the warmth of the Spring Festival, so that thousands of young people could feel the warmth of being seen and cared for.


- Coca-Cola Valentine's Day

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Writing about love is so difficult, so simple. At a time when many brands are "overturning" due to love copywriting, Coca-Cola uses a delicate ingenuity and the help of the Tyndall effect to present a great set of Valentine's Day copywriting. When the Tyndall effect appears, light takes shape, and when you appear, the heart has a definition. The generation of love is very calm, very simple, and very dreamy.


——Alipay "Spring Consumption Festival"

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Spring comes slowly, and spring is romantic.

For many people, the spring of 2023 is a very special spring, embrace nature and have fun. Therefore, Alipay took advantage of the trend and seized the audience's sentiment of "cherishing spring" of consumers, taking it as the theme of communication, calling on people not to miss the tail of spring and seize a better spring with action. The spring we can really have is the spring that you have been there when you realize that it is about to pass. Let's go and live each day seriously.


May you

Get a good night's sleep through the rainy days of your life

Sleep well rain or shine

——Mousse bedding "Rain Sleep"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

When anxiety spreads in the air, slowing down becomes a luxury.

This short film "Rain Sleep" produced by Qunyushan for the brand Mousse uses healing copywriting and images to soothe the anxiety genes of this generation of young people, so that we don't have to feel guilty about rest and sleep.

In between restless and busy work, throw away the emotional garbage and embrace the happiness of peace in a nap. Don't care when the wind and rain will leave, just sleep well for the time being.


——Internal and external 38 copywriting

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

On March 1, "NEIWAI Inside and Outside" released the 2023 March 8 International Women's Day campaign "Ten Questions on the Body", with the theme of "MY BODY TO ME", leading all women to get rid of the eyes of the outside world, grasp the initiative of the body, and let the body become the most honest voice of the self, and further explore the path of women's physical and mental freedom.

Soft and hard, gentle and sharp, both inside and outside let us see women's self-exploration and consciousness exploration from the perspective of the brand, and let more women choose to "be themselves", think about their own lives, and think about the road under their feet.



——Mengniu Mother's Day "Same Year Mother"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting
2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

On Mother's Day, Mengniu saw her mother again. Who remembers that the reason why a mother can become a mother is from the moment she has a child? tells the story of a mother and her child "growing up together", without being overly sensational, and in "Mothers of the Same Year", the softness and warmth of maternal love are vividly displayed. Mothers do not become hard and brave from the moment they become mothers, but when they grow up with their children, play together, and play with the world together, they give their children infinite strength with gentle companionship.


- "All the Suns"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Our "arming" is not because of fear and avoidance, but because we choose to face and embrace what we love. Extending the value of "sunscreen", Banana handed over a novel and eye-catching answer sheet. As digitalization and urbanization deepen, low desire and silos are becoming real barriers to human relationships, deepening feelings of alienation. And what Jiaoxia wants to pass on and break through is this, connecting the beautiful outdoor life through sunscreen clothing, embracing the sun with those you like, and enjoying free time and a broad world.


- Ant Forest, "I Am a Tree"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

A palindromic poem, the annual rings of time, extend the meaning of nature and life. This short film is the first public welfare short film collection created by Ant Forest's "Ancient Tree Protection" project, which conveys thoughts on life, time and life from the perspective of old trees in Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Nanjing. Romance is both a verb and an adjective.


——NetEase Cloud Music x China Resources "Music Review Highway"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

This is Olivia-Lintao's comment under the song "The Sea of Life" by Mayday. At the end of the year, Mayday is not immune to controversy, but one thing is certain - a song does not belong entirely to the author, and there are thousands of listeners united by a common feeling about music. Life is as unpredictable as the sea, today is sinking at the bottom of the waves, tomorrow is stepping on the top of the waves, and the life we participate in together is a more magnificent part.


——Station B "I'm Studying on University Road"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Station B can always be very "burning". This is a promotion done by station B on this year's World Book Day, which cleverly splits the unique identity label of station B as the UP master, and then combines it with reading, so there is a good copywriting like a magic pen. DAY DAY UP is not only a beautiful message, but also a booster that is injected into the hearts of young people.


- Little Red Book

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

In 2023, the big promotion will not work. Platforms and brands are still "rolling in the roll", but more and more consumers are starting to return to rationality. The brand that "goes against the current" has become a "conspicuous bag". This year's Xiaohongshu has a clear stream of 618 publicity, and it has set up an "anti-impulse club" to call on everyone to consume rationally. The consumption proposition of not being impulsive and buying is also a clear stream in the big promotion, but it has helped Xiaohongshu reach many core users.


——Lin's Home

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Why do we need furniture? It's also a "swim against the current" saying. furniture, utensils, because of the use of people constitute "life";

Houses and spaces have become "homes" because of people's lives. Consumerism encourages us to have more, and Lin's Home Furnishing chooses to return to the origin of life in response to the film released by the People's Daily's "Better Life" feature.

In the fast-paced life, we have less and less time to get along with furniture, and we are gradually drifting away from life. We always think that a good life is on the other side of the world. In fact, the answer is often at home. Slow down, calm down, and live your home the way you want it to be.


——Zhen Gu Yi Instant Porridge.

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

When I was a child, I thought it would be difficult not to eat at noon, but when I grew up, I realized that "what to eat at noon?" is even more difficult.

When I was a child, I thought it would be difficult to take the test tomorrow, but when I grew up, I realized that it would be even more difficult to wear what to wear tomorrow.

This sentence is now very "explosive" in Xiaohongshu. In this advertisement of Jingu Yi Instant Porridge, it exposes the tired life of this generation and the freedom to be "clearly marked". What is drifting away is the simple happiness of childhood, the people and things around him, and the former self. Isn't it easy to empathize with the simplicity of a cup of porridge?


2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting
2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

- RT-Mart pyrotechnic literature

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

RT-Mart's copywriting has seen countless workers crying. "Go to work, go to the class worth a piece of five pounds", "The heart is not big enough to fit 800 hearts." RT-Mart's series of copywriting with the theme of "The Story of Migrant Workers" shows the bosses in the workplace, the forced involution, and the backstabbing of colleagues, which are full of deep insights into the daily life of migrant workers. Those words that can't be swallowed and spoken become a smile when they see RT-Mart's "fireworks literature".


- Hungry

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Drink milk tea, don't you drink this cup, I please. Insight into 80% of the milk tea is with colleagues,'s group of "resignation" advertisements, starting from the resignation, looking back on the good three years of working with the eyes of memory, focusing on taking some non-"plastic" things. The integration of the popular MBTI test also brought together more resonance, and everyone began to be above board, E at a glance, and successfully blew a wave of workplace treats!


——Little Red Book, "The Entrance of Nature, the Exit of Life"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

The reason why the outdoors is so popular may be precisely because it is an "outlet for life". We get out of the quagmire in a brief detachment and gain the courage to face life again. "The Entrance of Nature, the Exit of Life", Xiaohongshu leads everyone to embrace the vastness of heaven and earth, mountains and seas, the endless growth of cockroaches and ants, the accumulation of rain and loess, the vastness of rivers, and the eternal rivers and mountains in the form of questions...... Embrace yourself who loves the outdoors, embrace yourself with curiosity, and embrace more possibilities in life.


- Little Red Book Outsiders' Day

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Many times, life is like a dog that needs to be walked from time to time. By collecting happiness and beauty in the vast world, the existing troubles will become small and light. This copywriting of Xiaohongshu not only calls for the outdoors, but also conveys a different kind of philosophy. We are all small in the face of nature. Mourn the moments of my life, and envy the infinity of the Yangtze River.


——Changsha Yuelu Mountain Road Sign

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

This copy came from the words written by the staff of Yuelu Mountain in Changsha, but it was all the rage in this autumn. It is a "deconstruction" and "anti-routine" ridicule of emotions, which not only responds to the topic of climbing the mountain, but also makes people can't help but let go of the heavy thoughts and smile.


- Wei Long

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Squeezed into the press conference between Apple and Huawei, Weilong's "conspicuous bag" really has a sense of existence. Reproducing a "conspicuous bag" press conference like a mobile phone press conference, hugging Apple to "rub" to the end, Weilong is really good at playing!


——Tmall Xiaoshan Airport

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

A simple pun will make you feel better! The "special skin" of Tmall Xiaoshan Airport makes people happy all of a sudden. When bidding farewell to the uncertainty of the past and facing the hazy future, travel is such a ritual to seek inner peace and firmness. Just the right luck, just the right surprise, let Tmall Red firmly implant in memory.

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting


- Tmall "Restart Today"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

If life could be recycled, what kind of different life path would you embark on? Tmall's film with the theme of "circulation" brings us a new perspective on daily life. The new life is hidden in the repetitive daily life - hidden in the hug, hidden in the fish tank, hidden in the workstation, hidden in milk tea, hidden in a bouquet of flowers, hidden in a more determined self. Life goes on and on, but it's always new. Come on, embrace your new self.


——Meituan 61 copywriting

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

This sentence may be a bit naïve for elementary school students, but it is just right for adults. Some happiness is "special for adults". On this Children's Day, Meituan is not only celebrating children's birthdays, but also using fresh and healing advertising films to provide a small corner for those who still retain their childlike innocence to bloom those hidden joys in life.



Looking forward to you

——Meituan Midyear Festival: "Eat Well, Life Events"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

In the eyes of Chinese, festivals about death such as the Midyear Festival are often kept secret, after all, openly talking about "ghosts" in front of the public, one is careless, and it is easy to backfire. However, in the commercial film "Eat Well, Life Events" handed over by Meituan during this year's Midyear Festival, it provides a sufficiently anti-routine perspective, telling the story of a father who exchanged his life's merits for a meal with his daughter when he was dying.

Death is not a permanent farewell, forgetting is. Eat well, integrate every nostalgia for your loved ones into your life, into three meals a day, and they will always be with us.


- "Shocking Order"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Different from the "little freshness" of outdoor brands, this copywriting is really burning! A thunder, a pair of shoes, a song, a dance, a group of us in the world, will step on the sting, wake up the mountains and rivers! The majestic Chinese style copywriting under the banana not only fits the characteristics of the solar term of "stunning", but also gives us a small shock with a surging vitality. A creative change not only allows us to see the solar terms Xi and traditional spirit come alive in modern life, but also injects full spirit into consumers.


——but lab《苦命甜心》

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting
2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

This "migrant worker case" is eye-catching and heart-piercing. The coffee of the new label but Lab is called "Bitter Sweetheart", which is specially aimed at working women, and the hedging of coffee bitterness and "bitter life" pokes at the emotional points of migrant workers. I hope that every bitter sweetheart can be bitter first and then sweet!


- Kuaishou "Soft Iron Ridge"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

Tieling's first "out of the circle" was about Li Xueqin's speech in "Talk Show Conference 3" - "I fell out of love, my mother said to go back to Tieling, my work is yellow, go back to Tieling, in my mother's eyes, the end of the universe is Tieling." ”

Tieling is the "happy hometown" in the Internet world, but the real Tieling is full of ambiguity. But this time, Kuaishou and Li Xueqin filmed a commercial for "Soft Tieling" of 500 hometowns, from a first-person perspective, just like a friend introducing his hometown to you, using a new vision to take you to re-understand Tieling, the end of the universe, and tell you the softness and tenacity of the city. Every city is a kind of China, but no one has ever expressed it that way. This is true of cities, and so are people.


——Kuaishou Xuchang City Promotional Film "Xuchang is not panicked"

Creative new set

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As one of Kuaishou's 500 hometowns, "Xuchang Don't Panic" has become a big hit. Under the narration of the protagonist "Lin Yao", this slow city is narrated. 3 yuan water bus, 10 yuan open-air barber shop, ancient style photo shooting everywhere, local characteristics of the book dance troupe...... These seemingly ordinary scenes of life flash the desirable side of life. "When I came to Xuchang, I didn't panic. This simple language tickles people's hearts.


- Hungry Season Officer

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting
2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting understands the voice of workers. Contemporary young people choose incense between going to work and being motivated, Buddhism between relationships and systems, and compassion between medium and large cups. With accurate insight into the social mood of people in the workplace, "Takeaway Red Envelope Literature" is gathering the resonance of thousands of young people.


- You will bloom

Via_ Jiao Yelu "I'm awake three times a day"

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

In this era of pressure, uncertainty, and insecurity, such a warm "chicken soup" is needed. Sometimes we are too panicked – afraid of going in vain, afraid of working in vain, afraid of not being seen, afraid of meaninglessness, afraid of losing what we love. But we always have to move forward, and the action itself is the greatest significance.


- Douyin

"Young people's favorites are as inscrutable as young people"

"The world may not be worth it, but my favorites must be worth it"

"The yearning of the world is in the favorites"

Brush to the beautiful, like to collect all kinds of valuable videos, "collection" becomes an instinctive reaction. In the favorites, there is a spiritual corner and a happy nest for young people, hiding safety knowledge that saves lives at critical moments, a collection of open classes of various gods, a dressing formula that will be seen at a glance, and an exclusive decompression gospel for obsessive-compulsive disorder...... It's like a condensed list of life's dreams, with all our fantasies. These "must-brush" at the bottom of the Douyin pressure box are like burying seeds in the soil, maybe they will be able to bloom?

An additional sentence:

Time flies. Say goodbye to 2023 and end with this "cheesy" blessing.

In this uncertain and uncertain world, what God does not give you, no matter how tightly you clasp your fingers, will still slip, and what God has given you, no matter how you missed in the past, you will have it.

Go all the way firmly, you will have a smooth road and all your dreams come true.

The beauty of the world is interlocking.

In 2023, there are too many copywriters that touch people's hearts, and good copywriting is a thousand words. You can savor the connotation, insight and ingenuity of each sentence.

2023 TOP30 memorable golden sentence copywriting

- Little Red Book, Mid-Autumn Festival

- Little Red Book, Good Morning, Eight Lessons

——Little Red Book, Scribbled Autumn Appreciation Conference

——Taobao old baby is new

——Tmall Qixi Festival

- Ant Forest, "I Am a Tree"

——Kuaishou "Everything in the Universe"

- Kuaishou: 500 hometowns "Xuchang Don't Panic"

- Douyin x Mo Yan World Book Day

——Xiaodu "Middle-aged Love Illustrated"


——Lenovo x Xining Zoo

——NetEase Cloud Music College Entrance Examination Season "It's a Station, It's a War"

——Minsheng Bank, side by side

——Dongpeng tile "See Nanshan"

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2023 golden sentence copywriting, which sentence do you like the most?