
Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

author:Belli said the ball

Text/Belli said ball

Editor/Belli Says Ball

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

Hello everyone, today we still bring you relevant news on sports. The first piece of news is that Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is capricious in selecting a coach, taking detours, and pointing the finger at the Basketball Association. The second piece of news is that the free throws are 21 times behind! Ding Wei dares to be angry and dare not speak, Beijing Enterprises has won disgracefully, Master Gong dares to do this?

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is willful in selecting a coach and taking detours, and the spearhead is directly aimed at the Basketball Association

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

Chinese Basketball: Challenges and Prospects

With the end of 2023, the Chinese basketball world is once again on the cusp. This year, both in the competition on the pitch and in the management behind the scenes, there have been many ups and downs.

The challenge of hiring a coach

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

First of all, I have to ask about the selection of coaches. This incident has caused quite a stir in the basketball circle. Let's talk about Li Nan first, he was originally elected as the head coach of the national team, and this decision was later questioned by many experts and fans. Why? The main reason is that his experience and ability are not strong enough. Especially in a crucial World Cup game, the Chinese team was ahead, but because of his tactical mistakes, it was overturned by the Polish team. This is not just a tactical issue, but also a reflection of negligence in the selection of the manager.

Challenges from the leadership of the Basketball Association

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

When it comes to the leadership of the Basketball Association, we can't fail to mention Yao Ming. The basketball superstar has a pivotal role in the basketball association, but his decision to select a coach has also been criticized for a lot. Some people say that he was too willful in making decisions, which indirectly led to some detours in the men's basketball team. Of course, when the men's basketball team did not perform well, other leaders of the basketball association did not escape the storm of criticism.

Comparison of men's and women's baskets

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

Let's take a look at the men's and women's basketball teams in China. Recently, the performance of the men's basketball team has not been too good. In the 2019 Asian Games, our men's basketball team actually lost to the second team of the Philippine team, which was really unexpected. Many blamed this on Djordjevic, the head coach at the time, who thought that he did not play well in the team's ability to use people and command the game. At the same time, the women's basketball team performed quite well during Yao Ming's tenure, which was in stark contrast to the men's basketball team.

The challenge of the overall level of competition

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

In addition to management problems, Chinese basketball is also facing challenges in terms of overall competitive level. Compared with European and American leagues, CBA may be reasonable at the technical level, but it is a bit backward in terms of overall strategy and youth training system. In particular, the problem of "green and yellow" in the youth training system is directly related to the future of Chinese basketball.

The controversy over the timing of the change of manager

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

Then there is some controversy over coach management. For example, Du Feng's decision to change the coach at a critical moment has been criticized a lot, and some people think that he misjudged the time. Although Djordjevic's ability is good, his lack of employment and command has also affected the performance of the Chinese team.

Personal opinion

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

In general, the problems of Chinese basketball are not isolated. Whether it is the decision-making of the management or the construction of the youth training system, it needs to be deeply reflected and adjusted in time. For the Chinese Basketball Association and the leadership, especially key figures like Yao Ming, there needs to be more prudent and scientific when dealing with issues such as coach selection, training and game strategy. At the same time, it is imperative to improve the quality and efficiency of the youth training system and narrow the gap with international basketball powers.

The success of basketball as a team sport depends not only on the hard work on the court, but also on the wisdom of decisions behind the scenes. I believe that Chinese basketball can find the right development path in the future and achieve a qualitative leap.

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

21 free throws! Ding Wei dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, Beikong won disgracefully, Master Gong dared to do this?

In the competition for a playoff seat in the new CBA season, the Shandong team and the Beijing Enterprises team had a fierce competition, and the fans who were always following this key battle were nervous. However, when the outcome of the event was announced, the Shandong team unexpectedly lost to the Beijing Enterprises team, which caused a sigh from the fans.

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

Behind this match was a series of controversial referee decisions, which became the focus of discussion. Shandong's head coach Ding Wei unreservedly criticized the referee, believing that the team's defeat was not due to the strength of the opponent, but to the referee's unfair decision. Ding Wei questioned the fairness of the referee, and even believed that the referee's decision had become a major stumbling block to the development of Chinese basketball.

Specifically, Gillenwater was visibly fouled against Zou Yuchen's defense, but the referee chose to ignore the obvious foul. In addition, Jia Cheng and Tao Hanlin also left the field due to a misjudgment of six fouls, further aggravating the controversy of the match. Incredibly, the disparity in the number of free throws made in the game has also become the focus of controversy, with Shandong facing the pressure of 39 free throws compared to 18 by their opponents.

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

The match caused strong dissatisfaction among fans and commentators, who expressed their support for Ding Wei and unanimously criticized the unfairness of the referee's decision. They felt that the referee's partiality directly affected the final outcome of the match, making what should have been a tight matchup confusing.

The fairness of the match was widely questioned, with the referee team questioning the decision to be extremely unfavorable to the Shandong team. In this controversial match, the fairness of the referee's decision has become a topic of dispute.

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

In general, although this game showed the defeat of the Shandong team in terms of scores, there was a hidden injustice of the referee's penalty behind it. This also makes people think more deeply about the referee system of CBA games. The impartiality of referees is not only related to the victory or defeat of the team, but also related to the fair competition and sustainable development of basketball. It is hoped that the relevant parties will take this issue seriously and ensure the fairness and fairness of future competitions.

Personal opinion

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

In this controversial CBA playoffs, the unfairness of the referee's decision has attracted widespread attention and criticism. The Shandong team lost in the fierce competition with the Beijing Control team, but the referee's decision caused strong dissatisfaction among the fans. Head coach Ding Wei publicly expressed doubts about the fairness of referees, believing that this not only affected the team's record, but also became a stumbling block to the development of Chinese basketball.

On the field, Gillenwater was clearly treated unfairly, and the misjudgments of Jia Cheng and Tao Hanlin deepened the controversy of the game. The difference in the number of free throws made in the game is also unacceptable. Fans and commentators alike unanimously stood in solidarity with Ding Wei and criticized the referee's unfair behavior.

Xinhua News Agency issued an article criticizing the Basketball Association: The men's basketball team is too capricious and takes detours, and the spearhead is directed at the Basketball Association

This incident has made people think deeply about the referee system of CBA games. Fair play and sustainable development of basketball need to be based on fair refereeing. It is hoped that the relevant parties will take this issue seriously and ensure the fairness and fairness of future competitions. The controversy is also a reminder of fair play in sports, drawing attention to referee decision-making to ensure that the fairness of sports competitions is not violated.

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