
When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

author:Yamajaku Mother-in-law


Today's headlines/Aunt

If the popularity of the parents is very poor, the popularity of the children will not be particularly good, after all, it takes a lot of effort to repair the broken relationship, people live in popularity for most of their lives, in the connection, if the popularity is not good, there will be no connections, the connections are not good, the connections are not good, and the few people will not be prosperous.

The old man plays a role in these relationships, if an old man is particularly good at doing things, then his children will worry a lot, even if they are in the field all the year round, when they go home during the New Year's holidays, they will greet each other on the road, not to mention neighbors, your parents are not at home, the neighbors will invite you to his house to sit and wait for your parents, give you tea and food, talk about life, talk about work, really treat you as your own child.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

In fact, there are many opportunities to repair the relationship between neighbors in the countryside, and the people in a village are brothers with discounted bones and tendons, and the relationship between cousins can always be related to relatives.

Raise your hand and don't hit the smiling person, you are all gone, as long as the other party is not messing around, oil and salt do not enter the mixed jar, this step is taken, this meal is eaten, this relationship is half repaired, people can figure it out when they are old, face is not so important, when they are young, they are full of spirit, do not admit defeat, no matter who is right or wrong, they just don't go down the steps, they must let the other party admit their mistakes to themselves.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

When you reach a certain age, you can figure it out, you can't eat your vindictiveness, you have finished your life, and you still have your children! There are also grandchildren! You can't settle your grievances and settle them, you can't be so selfish and only think about yourself, think more about your children, every parent doesn't want your children to go home, they see their neighbors take a detour, they see their relatives walking with their heads down, and they see their friends walking sideways! In this way, if there is no warmth and no loving family environment, the children will definitely not want to come back.

Parents must set a good example for their children, do wrong things, be misunderstood, vindictiveness is not terrible, as long as you know how to reflect, as long as you are willing to wake up, this is not a thing, these things can turn the page, as long as you are brave to take this step, work hard, fight, the rest is to go with the flow, if you can't get the desired result, it is also a relief for yourself, relatives and neighbors know these things, they will only say that the other party is holding it, taking the shelf, whether it is reputational, spiritual, they are the party that benefits, because they really let go.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer


This is mutual, the human relationship is sophisticated, and the exchange of gifts and gifts needs to be maintained by both sides, Mr. Lu Xun said: "The relationship is the same, the original two strangers do not know each other, and there is a movement between each other, and the more they go, the affection is established."

In addition, walking around with neighbors is good for yourself and children, children work in other places all year round, and the people who accompany you are in addition to your wife, that is, the kitchen and yard, all year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter, day after day, year after year, from the child adulthood, such days are formed, after the child gets married and has children, such days are fixed.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

In addition to the wife, kitchen and yard, and you see the most people must be neighbors, the old saying: "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors" is this truth, to the old age is uncertain, to this age, if the body is a little uncomfortable, and the children are not around, only with the neighbors to have a good relationship, in order to help you, children have the ability, in case of emergencies, can not come back immediately, so, it is very important to have a good neighbor.


Don't expect that the neighbor is not good, in fact, the neighbor is not good, but also affects the people around you, complaining about the place where you gather, the people around you will not be particularly good, so you still have to get along with people, especially the elderly, you must be more than peaceful, don't be competitive.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

There is an old man in my village, his children are not around, once he suddenly fainted with a cerebral hemorrhage, and then crawled out of the room, but also made all his efforts to climb outside the gate, so that the neighbors saw, the neighbors called his children, and helped send them to the hospital, which saved a life, the children are very grateful, if not found by the neighbors, and if the relationship between the old man and the neighbors is particularly poor, the neighbors can naturally pretend not to see, the old man is really hopeless.

In the city, there is not much contact with each family, many times it is powerless, a door separates all the enthusiasm, but the old people who live in the countryside are different, every household basically does not close the door during the day, as long as it does not go far, the door is open, eating, holding the bowl and going over, chatting, Lala eats a meal at home, whoever makes delicious food, will share some to the neighbors, decades of neighbors, really deeper than the feelings of some relatives.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer

Write at the end:

The old man must remember that after getting older, the children are unable to do something, but the neighbors can help, live in the countryside, plant in the spring and harvest in the autumn, do a little farm work, use farm tools, and the children can't help, but the neighbors must help.

When people are old, think more about their children, don't let your children not even want to go back to your home after a hundred years, come back during the New Year's holidays, the family is not even popular, the elders, peers, and younger generations are not willing to come over, and there is no popularity in a lifetime, and life in old age will indeed be much bleaker.

The elderly are old, their physical strength is poor, they can't walk far, they go out of the house to chat with their neighbors, find a cool place in summer, find a sun to bask in in winter, just sit in this way all day, and they can indeed see people, only neighbors.

When people are old, they get along with their neighbors like this, and their children will not suffer
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