
If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

author:Neck, shoulder, back and leg pain doctor

Zhang Wei, a 50-year-old middle school history teacher, lives an ordinary but passionate life. He is the coach of the school's long-distance running team, loves to run in the morning, and always starts each day with full energy. But recently, he's started noticing some subtle changes.

Whenever he returned from his morning run, he felt more tired than usual. At first, he thought it was just a normal change in age, but as time went on, the fatigue became more and more apparent. Not only that, but he also noticed that his feet began to swell slightly, especially at the end of the day. What worries him even more is that he finds himself waking up to go to the toilet more often than ever at night.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

These changes left Zhang Wei confused and worried. He is a health-conscious person who has regular medical check-ups, a balanced diet and a regular lifestyle. However, these symptoms seem to suggest something. He began searching the internet for his symptoms, and the results kept appearing for information about kidney health. It reminded him of his father, who had been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease a few years earlier. Could it be that he is also facing the same health problems?

After a morning run, Zhang Wei, standing in front of the mirror, decided that he needed to explore the issue more deeply. He plans to make an appointment with a doctor for a check-up and begins to record his Xi and physical changes in the hope of finding answers. He also decided to start documenting his own story in hopes of helping people who care about their health as much as he does.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

Since discovering that he may have kidney problems, Zhang Wei's mood has become a little heavy. Every morning, when he puts on his running shoes and prepares for his morning run, he unconsciously thinks about his physical condition. His steps were no longer as brisk as before, and a shadow of worry was always hanging over his heart.

Finally, Zhang Wei decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive kidney function test. During the days he waited for the test results, he began searching online for information about kidney health. He learned that the kidneys are important detoxification organs in the body, responsible for removing metabolic waste and excess water, as well as regulating blood pressure, maintaining electrolyte balance, and producing certain important hormones. Zhang Wei realized that if there were problems with the kidneys, it could lead to a range of serious health problems.

In the sea of the Internet, Zhang Wei found many popular science articles about kidney disease. He learned about the common symptoms of kidney disease such as edema, abnormal urine output, fatigue, sleep problems, etc. Whenever he read about these symptoms, Zhang Wei would unconsciously sit down, and the worry in his heart would increase. He realized that the dangers of kidney disease should not be underestimated, and early detection and treatment were crucial.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

A few days later, Zhang Wei received a call from the hospital, and the results of his examination were in. With apprehension, he walked into the doctor's office. The doctor explained the results of the examination in detail, telling him that although there are no obvious lesions at present, there are some indicators of kidney health that need to be paid attention to. This means that Zhang Wei needs to make some changes to his lifestyle, such as reducing salt intake, controlling protein intake, and having regular medical check-ups.

Zhang Wei sat nervously in the doctor's office, holding the crucial examination report tightly in his hand. The doctor's expression was serious, but there was also a hint of reassurance. Zhang Wei's heart was beating faster, and his breathing became rapid. He knew that this report would reveal the secrets of his body and could be a major turning point in his life.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

"Mr. Zhang, your renal function test shows that there is a mild abnormality. "We found that your kidneys have a slightly lower filtration rate, which is an early sign of kidney disease." ”

Zhang Wei felt a wave of dizziness, and his world seemed to disintegrate in an instant. He had always thought he was healthy, how could he suddenly be... His thoughts were interrupted by the doctor's voice.

"But don't worry too much. Early detection means we have more opportunities to control and treat. If we act now, your situation can be managed effectively. ”

These words pierced the clouds like a ray of sunshine and gave Zhang Wei a glimmer of hope. He breathed a little deeper, trying to calm his emotions. Yes, he thought, at least the problem was discovered early, and there was still a chance.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

The doctor explained Zhang Wei's condition and possible treatment options in detail. He advised Zhang Wei to change his diet Xi reduce salt and protein intake while increasing exercise. It is important that he needs regular kidney function tests to monitor changes in his condition.

When Zhang Wei walked out of the hospital, his mood had calmed down a lot. He knew he was facing a whole new challenge, but he also knew that he wasn't alone. His family, friends, and doctors will support him on this journey.

Over the next few weeks, he changed his diet Xi and began experimenting with new recipes and cutting back on savory foods. He also increased his physical activity, insisting on walking and light exercise every day. It wasn't easy, but he knew that these efforts were necessary for the sake of health.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are good or not, and whether you have kidney disease?

Zhang Wei began to speak openly about his kidney problems. He shares his story on social media in the hope of raising awareness of kidney health. His story resonated with many people who shared their experiences and words of encouragement.

Zhang Wei's life has changed, but these changes have been positive. Not only did he learn how to take better care of his body, but he also became more appreciative of each day. He knows that challenges can arise in everyone's life, and the key is how to face them.