
Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

author:Emotional Gillian

Hello everyone, I am a self-media creator. Now that we are in the prime of life, careful management of the vineyards is crucial in the new year. Spring is the golden period for all kinds of management work, including pest control, trimming the shelf, tying branches and vines, and wiping buds and shoots, etc., all of which cannot be ignored. However, among these many management matters, the binding of branches and the smearing of buds are particularly crucial. Today, we will focus on the importance and techniques of vine tying.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

There has always been a saying: "Three points by pruning, seven points by tying vines." This sentence directly underlines the importance of vine binding for the growth of grapes. To the uninitiated, grape vine tying seems to be just for the sake of beauty, neatness and orderliness, giving the vineyard a more regular look. However, vine binding is not a simple task, but a crucial step involving all aspects of grape growth.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

First, let's take a look at why grape vine tying is done. In the spring, when the grapes are in the middle of the scarcity period, the branches absorb water softly, and the directional binding of the branches can make them evenly and reasonably distributed on the shelf, so that ventilation and light can be transmitted to promote the growth of the tree. This measure is similar to the pulling and supporting branches of fruit trees, and the main function is to develop angles, but because grapes are vine-type fruit trees, they are significantly different from other fruit trees.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

Specifically, the vine binding has the following main functions:

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

1. Promote the rapid growth of young grapes: By tying vines, the grapes in the young stage can be accelerated, the shelf surface can be expanded, and the rapid formation can be achieved. If the new shoots are easy to droop if they are not tied in time, the secondary shoots will grow upwards instead of the main shoots, resulting in the total growth of the shoots and delaying the fruiting years.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

2. Promote the growth of weak branches: reasonable vine binding can promote the rapid growth of thin fruiting mother branches, and at the same time, by widening the angle, inhibit the growth of long-growing fruiting mother branches, so that the growth potential is balanced.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

3. Control the rise of fruiting parts: due to the dominant effect of the apical dominance of the fruiting mother branches, the lower buds rarely germinate. With reasonable binding of vines, the fruiting part can be lowered, which is convenient for retraction and renewal in the following year.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

4. Promote or control bud eye germination: If the fruiting mother branch grows straight upward, the bud eye germination rate will be very low. Therefore, the germination rate of bud eyes can be increased by horizontal binding.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

It seems like a simple way to tie vines, but it actually requires some skill. First of all, there are vertical binding, oblique binding, downward binding, and horizontal binding. Each method has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and needs to be chosen on a case-by-case basis. For the binding of fruiting mother branches, it is necessary to avoid vertical binding as much as possible, because this can easily lead to vigorous growth of branches, and the phenomenon of elongation is serious, which is not conducive to flowering and fruiting. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to use oblique binding, which helps the branch to develop moderately strong, and the growth of the mother branch is relatively balanced.

Tie vines to grapes don't look simple, the knowledge is great, and the wrong direction of tying will backfire

When tying vines, you also need to pay attention to the timing of binding. For the binding of old vines, it is usually required to be carried out before germination. For the binding of new shoots, it is necessary to wait until the new shoots grow to 40-50 cm long, and can be appropriately advanced according to the actual situation.

In general, tying vines with grapes may seem simple, but it actually requires some skill, as different branches require different ways of tying them. Choosing the right binding method and the right time node can better promote the growth of grapes, making them healthier and more orderly.

It is hoped that through these explanations of grape bundling, you can better understand this important management technique and provide some suggestions for the healthy growth of grapes. If you find this article valuable, please share it with more friends who are interested in viticulture. See you next time!

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