
My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

author:Arkema emotion

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My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to run to Ma Yunjie's house to find him. When I saw the closed doors and dark rooms of his house, I felt a little strange. I knocked on the door and called Ma Yunjie's name a few times, but there was no movement in the room.

At this moment, I saw Ma Yunjie's mother coming over with a deep sadness on her face. I hurriedly stepped forward and asked her, "Auntie, where is Yun Jie? I came back to look for him!"

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

I was stunned and stammered, "Auntie, what's wrong with Yun Jie?"

Ma Yunjie's mother burst into tears and said: "Yunjie, he had a car accident a month ago, he was seriously injured at the time, and he was rescued in the hospital for a long time, but he still couldn't survive, and he has left us and gone to another world!"

When I heard the news, my head buzzed, and my body shook a little. My brother, my best Ma Yunjie, passed away like this, leaving me forever.

"No, Yun Jie, he is so young and lively, how can he leave like this?" I still deny this fact incredibly in my heart.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

I really can't believe that Ma Yunjie, who is cheerful and sunny and full of enthusiasm for life, passed away like this and never returns.

"Auntie, when is Yun Jie's funeral scheduled? I wiped away my tears and said firmly to Ma Yunjie's mother.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

The day after tomorrow soon arrived, and I came to the scene of Ma Yunjie's funeral. Our high school classmates gathered here, and their faces were filled with disbelief and grief. I saw Ma Yunjie's parents sitting in the front row, their faces pale and their eyes blank, apparently completely broken.

I walked up to Ma Yunjie's parents and said, "Uncle and aunt, I'm here." Yun Jie, he must have gone to heaven, and he will definitely continue to live happily there. ”

Ma Yunjie's mother held my hand tightly, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Xiao Wang, thank you for coming to see Yunjie on his last journey." His favorite thing in life was you, brother. ”

At this time, our math teacher Liu Qi also came over, she was the teacher who knew that Ma Yunjie and I had the best relationship. She looked a lot haggard, and her eyes were red: "Xiao Wang, Yun Jie's kid is so good, I really can't believe that he left us like this." ”

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

I nodded and said, "Yes, teacher, I can't believe that Yun Jie is so smart and lively, and he has a bright future, but he has encountered such misfortune." ”

Teacher Liu Qi sighed and said, "Yes, Yun Jie is so good in school, his grades are among the best, and he is the little leader in the class, everyone likes him." I still remember that he helped a transfer student solve a lot of difficulties last semester, what a warm-hearted and good boy!"

Hearing the teacher praise Ma Yunjie like this, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I choked up and said, "He not only has good grades, but also has a very good character, and often takes the initiative to help others." I really miss him!"

Teacher Liu Qi's eyes were also red, and she patted me on the shoulder and said, "I miss Yunjie very much. But we must always remember this cheerful and kind child and live by his example, so that his spirit will live forever in our hearts. ”

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

"You're right, teacher. "I wiped away my tears and tried to pull myself together.

After a while, the funeral officially began. The students took the stage to speak one after another, recalling the bits and pieces of Ma Yunjie's life. Everyone said that he was optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic and helpful, and a good brother to everyone, and his departure was saddening. I also nodded heavily, and the scenes of Ma Yunjie's life reappeared in my mind, making me cry again.

After the funeral, Ma Yunjie's parents and I once again expressed our condolences. Looking at their withered faces, my heart could not be calmed for a long time. On the way home, I kept thinking about the bits and pieces of Ma Yunjie's life, as well as his help and encouragement to me. I swear that I will definitely live as Ma Yunjie wants me to live and become a pair of family

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

People who are responsible for their families, affectionate to their friends, and contribute to society. This is the spiritual sustenance of Ma Yunjie's life that I will always remember.

A month later, I went to visit Mr. Ma's parents. In the past month, they have obviously aged a lot, and their hair has turned gray by more than half.

I brought them Ma Yunjie's favorite snacks and fruits. Ma Yunjie's mother took the snack, and tears began to burst out of her eyes again: "Xiao Wang, thank you for coming to see us, we have had a bad time in the past month." Not only did we lose Yun Jie, but just a few days ago, our little black also left us. ”

I was surprised and asked, "Blackie has also died, and how old is it?"

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

Ma Yunjie's father sighed and said, "Xiao Hei is 15 years old and is our old dog. It may be that he misses Yunjie too much, and his body weakens day by day, and finally he still hasn't survived. Now that our house is empty, we are so lonely. ”

I also said sadly: "Xiao Hei is Yun Jie's good partner, he must miss Yun Jie very much." You said it was gone, then it must have gone to Yunjie now, and the two of them must be happily reunited in heaven again. ”

"yes, they must be happy in heaven. Ma Yunjie's mother smiled reluctantly.

We chatted for a long time, recalling the bits and pieces of Ma Yunjie and Xiao Hei's life. Xiao Hei is Ma Yunjie's loyal partner and accompanies him to grow up. Now that Ma Yunjie is gone, Xiao Hei has also left one after another, I don't know if it is out of longing for his master, or because the bond with his master is too deep.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

"Uncle and aunt, I will visit you often. Yun Jie is gone, you will treat me as your son. If you need anything, just ask. I said to Ma Yunjie's parents sincerely.

"Thank you, good boy. "Ma Yunjie's mother held my hand as if she were holding Yunjie.

When I left, it was raining, and I picked up my umbrella and walked in the direction of home. The rain was pouring down on my face and I don't know if it was rain or tears. I began to think about the meaning of life, we came to this world and experienced so many beautiful bits and pieces,

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

After experiencing so many beautiful bits and pieces, I still have to face the parting of death in the end.

I think of Ma Yunjie's favorite sentence before his death is "live in the moment". He is always very good at enjoying every moment of his life. I still remember one time after the exam, the two of us went to the park together, and the sun and breeze were so warm and comfortable that day. Ma Yunjie said happily: "Dude, let's enjoy the moment, today's time was not yesterday, and there will be no tomorrow." ”

Now that I think about it, what Ma Yunjie said is very reasonable. We should be like him and cherish every moment in front of us.

A week later, I went to visit Ma Yunjie's parents again. This time, I specially brought Ma Yunjie's favorite snacks and music, and wanted to recall his preferences during his lifetime.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

"Uncle and aunt, this is Yun Jie's favorite egg rolls and chocolates, as well as his favorite music discs, let's remember him together. "I took the things to Ma Yunjie's parents.

"Thank you, good boy. Tears welled up in Ma Yunjie's mother's eyes again, "Every time I see this, I can't help but think of Yun Jie." ”

"Yes, this kid has so many preferences, so many dreams that have not had time to be realized, and he has left us like this, and my heart is like a big hole has been chiseled. Ma Yunjie's father also had red circles.

I nodded and said, "Uncle and aunt, I often think about how good it would be if Yun Jie was still here." But those of us who are alive must learn to look forward, and this is what Yun Jie wants us to do. ”

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

"You're right, Xiao Wang. We want to live and remember our children well. Ma Yunjie's mother wiped away her tears and said reluctantly.

We chatted for a long time, eating Ma Yunjie's favorite food and listening to his favorite music, as if he was right next to us. I know that his spirit will always live in the hearts of those who love him.

Before leaving, I said to Ma Yunjie's parents: "Uncle and aunt, I will often come back to visit you, and I will often talk about Yunjie with other friends, so that more people will remember him." We must live happily and happily and live up to Yunjie's expectations of us. ”

"Good boy, go ahead, take care of yourself. "Ma Yunjie's mother sent me to the door and watched me leave.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

As I walked home, rain fell in the sky. I think of Ma Yunjie, his love for life, and his philosophy of "living in the moment". The rain poured down on my face, and I smiled at the refreshing coolness. I want to live happily and comfortably, as Yun Jie hopes

As Yun Jie hopes, become a positive person who loves life.

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Ma Yunjie passed away. In the past six months, I have often visited his parents at his house, chatted with them, had dinners, and taken care of them as much as I could. I also often reminisce about Ma Yunjie with our mutual friends, talking about all kinds of interesting things and advantages of his life.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

One weekend, a few of our best friends made an appointment to go back to school together to relive the bits and pieces of our high school life.

"Of course I remember, I still remember that Ma Yunjie tore up the exam papers, saying that the results were just numbers, and told us not to pay too much attention to the scores. Li Xiao added with a smile.

"Yes, Jack Ma is the most sunny and cheerful person among us, always positive and optimistic, and super warm-hearted. Wang Min said with emotion.

"The other man is gone, but his spirit lives on in our hearts. I will try to be who he wants me to be, and I hope that we can all encourage each other to be as positive as he is. I said sincerely.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

"That's right, we must unite and love each other, help each other, and live in Ma Yunjie's way, so that he will feel relieved and proud in the spirit of heaven. Everyone nodded heavily.

I looked at the old school building, which left us with so many good memories. Although our good brother is gone, his spirit will always guide us. I know that he is watching us from heaven, hoping that we will have a good time, and that we will not forget our original intentions and continue to influence those around us with kindness and friendship.

Another two months passed, and Ma Yunjie's death day arrived. I took the white chrysanthemum to his grave and stood quietly in front of the black tombstone for a while.

"Yun Jie, it's another year's death day, you must be happy in the Heavenly Spirit. In the past six months, I have often visited your parents, and we talked about interesting stories about you when you were a child, ate your favorite egg rolls together, and listened to your favorite music together. Don't worry, I'll always take care of your parents, don't let you

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15

Don't let them be lonely. I also often remember you with my friends, so that more people can remember that sunny and warm-hearted Ma Yunjie.

I still remember your favorite words in life, 'live in the moment', which has become my life motto. I'm trying to live the person you want me to be, to be a positive and optimistic person who loves life. I will cherish everything I have now, cherish the company of my parents and friends, and live happily every day.

Yun Jie, I want to say to you, you left too early, but your spirit will always live in our hearts. You're gone, but the inspiration and encouragement you gave me will last me a lifetime. I will work hard, live hard, and be a responsible person for my family, loving for my friends, and useful to society, this is my promise to you.

Yun Jie, I will come to see you from time to time and tell you about my life. You'll be happy in heaven, too. Don't worry, everyone and I will take care of each other and live happily together. Thank you for coming into my life and making me a better person. I will always remember you, my good brother. ”

After saying this, I silently laid down the white chrysanthemum in front of the tombstone. There was rain in the sky, and I didn't hold an umbrella and let the rain fall on me. The rain soaked my clothes and my heart. I will always miss Jack Ma as a friend, and follow his example to live my best life.

I believe that Ma Yunjie has now gone to heaven and is with Xiao Hei. He will continue to live happily there, watching us strive to move forward in the world. I know that he is somewhere in the sky, watching over us.

Ma Yunjie, my good brother, you can go with confidence. Your spirit lives forever in my heart, and I will always remember you and will always be grateful that you have come into my life. I will strive to be who you expect me to be and infect more people to live with kindness and a positive attitude. We will be united, encourage each other, and live happily together.

My classmate was gone at the age of 46, and a month later his dog was gone at the age of 15