
Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!


"The income has increased, and the smile has become more! We will actively participate in the competition, produce a batch of Acura truth, kindness, beauty, and inspiring people to forge ahead, and inspire the majority of employees to work together to create a better life!" On the afternoon of December 27, at the launching ceremony of the first Tianjin Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Broadcasting Activity, Li Bingyan, Chief of the Comprehensive Management Section of the Energy and Environmental Protection Department of Tiangang Company, said.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

In the cold winter, the third floor of the lecture hall of the main building of Tianjin Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Dongli District, Tianjin City, is very lively, and the launching ceremony of the Dongli District Station Competition is being held here. At the event site, Allegro, comics, calligraphy, food tasting, live broadcast...... "Picture Toray", "Writing Toray", "Talking Toray" and "Lohas Toray" four major links of various wonderful displays took turns, network V, cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, company employees, grassroots workers, and strivers personally told about the outstanding achievements of Dongli District in manufacturing, cultural tourism, government services, grassroots governance and other aspects in recent years, and these fruitful achievements have also become a source of inspiration for the contestants.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

Caption: Toray meets high-quality development

Dongli District, as an important passage connecting Jincheng Bincheng, can be described as an advantageous endowment. At the launching ceremony, a short video of "Big V Looks at Dongli" showed the achievements of the high-quality development of Dongli District, which is not only full of pride of Dongli people, but also writes a new memory for the city. In the video, the network Vs went deep into the high-tech enterprises to collect style, they observed the forefront of high-tech applications on the spot, and once again recorded the achievements of the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in Dongli District through the lens.

"The development of advanced manufacturing industry, we have ......achieved fruitful results" for the achievements and changes of the high-quality development of Dongli District, Jiang Hongnan, a cadre of the Dongli District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, saw it in his eyes and moved in his heart, and he vividly described the development and changes of various undertakings in Dongli District in recent years through an allegro performance.

These developments and changes are exactly the practice practiced by Li Bingyan, head of the comprehensive management section of the energy and environmental protection department of Tiangang Company. "The development of enterprises is inseparable from the soil that cultivates it, industrial ecology, ecological industrialization, and the high-quality development concept of Dongli District have pointed out the development direction for enterprises, and in terms of policy, capital and technology, they have also given a lot of help and guidance to enterprises. Li Bingyan said.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

Write Toray to appreciate high-performance governance

"The '1+1+N' micro-grid created by the community fully mobilizes multiple forces such as community party members and social professional organizations, guides them to enter the network, provides accurate and professional services for residents, and gives full play to the leading role of party building. "The community builds a platform for deliberation and consultation, and organizes the person in charge of the property, the person in charge of the power grid company, the business committee, the representative of party members, the representatives of residents, and the community police to discuss solutions together, and clarify the attribution of responsibility. After unremitting efforts, the meter box switch was replaced today to ensure the normal power supply ......"

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

Grassroots governance is the foundation of high-quality development, and in recent years, the continuous improvement of the level of grassroots social governance in Dongli District has provided the most basic guarantee for high-quality development. In the "Writing Dongli" link, Qi Xue, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lily Spring Community in Dongli District, shared her vivid stories with community residents, in the process of grassroots community governance, Qi Xue solved one problem after another for the masses with heart and affection, and continued to convey the care of the party and the government to the hearts of every masses.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

The community is like a big family, and the community staff is the pillar of the family, taking care of all the big and small things, and the elderly and children have to watch it. Although it was hard, everything was relieved to see the smiles of my family. In recent years, Dongli District has taken frequent measures to promote grassroots social governance, various innovative models have emerged in an endless stream, the efficiency of grassroots social governance has been continuously improved, and the grassroots social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing has become increasingly perfect.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

At the launching ceremony of the sub-station competition, Xing Jiqing, chairman of the Dongli District Calligraphers Association, created the "positive energy" calligraphy work "Meet Dongli", presented it to the organizing committee of the event, and launched a proposal to participate in the activity to the cultural field of the whole district on the spot. "As a Toray person, we have an obligation and responsibility to promote Toray. It is hoped that the majority of cultural workers will work together to spread positive energy and convey Toray's good voice. Xing Jiqing said.

Talking about Toray shows a high level of service

"Tianjin is really a city you can't leave when you come, Dongli is really a place you don't want to leave when you come, here not only left my youth, but also left the footprints of my struggle......"

The level of development of a city is not only measured by the indicator of economic development, but more importantly, by the level of services. The level and ability of government departments directly affect all aspects of urban development and the happiness of the people.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

In the "Talking to Toray" session, the feature film "Other Towns, Hometowns, Hometowns" was played, showing the personal feelings and moving stories of different groups of people such as "strivers who came to Toray from other places to start a business", "Toray people who walked out of Toray and cherished their hometowns", and "Toray people who were born in their hometowns to build their hometowns".

LOHAS Toray Experience the good taste of life

Camel house roast chicken, terracotta button meat, Huantuo tomatoes, "IKEA Winter Shopping Festival", "New Year's Day Shopping Festival", "IKEA Year-end Shopping Season", ...... Living in a city, in addition to feeling the service level of the city, everyone is also very concerned about whether there is good food and fun in this area.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

The "LOHAS Dongli" session invited intangible cultural heritage inheritors, who not only brought delicious intangible cultural heritage products, but also introduced the development stories of intangible cultural heritage; relevant responsible comrades of Dongli District also released the special cultural and tourism activities during the double festival in Dongli District; Happy Valley, hot spring city, flower market and other scenic spots and leisure consumption places announced discounted tickets and preferential products; Dongli District Bureau of Commerce also actively organized various commercial and trade enterprises to carry out wonderful and surprising consumption promotion activities—— On December 31st, Tianjin Dongli Wanda Plaza will hold a series of activities such as "Romantic Balloon Rain, Surprises Fall from the Sky" to invite citizens to the New Year; Huicheng Plaza will hold a New Year's market covering folk customs, intangible cultural heritage, special snacks, fresh and dried fruits, cultural and creative products, etc.; IKEA Toray Shopping Center will hold a series of activities such as "IKEA Winter Shopping Festival", "New Year's Day Shopping Festival" and "IKEA Year-end Purchasing Season", launching multiple surprises such as full gifts and discounts! In addition, at the launching ceremony of the sub-station competition, honorary certificates were also awarded to the representatives of the creative units of the award-winning works in Tianjin of the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Broadcasting Activity.

Meet Toray and meet Jincai! This sub-station competition is full of dry goods at the start of the competition!

"We must mobilize the majority of cadres and cultural and tourism enterprises in the jurisdiction to actively participate in the first Tianjin Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Broadcasting Event, Dongli District Station Competition, record the great development, spread positive energy, transmit good voices, and further show the fruitful results of the high-quality development of Dongli District. After the launching ceremony, Wei Junxiang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Dongli District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, said.

The reporter learned from the launching ceremony that the Dongli District Station Competition will be carried out through Weibo, Toutiao and other platforms, and the contestants can associate the topics of "#Like Tianjin#" and "#Meet Dongli#" in the text description, or upload their works through the Jinyun client and the northern network "See the action and see the effect of Jincai Blooming" column to complete the submission of works. Friends, hurry up, the grand prize is waiting for you, tell the story of Toray, and bloom together!


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