
Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

author:Longnan Xi and released

Since the beginning of this year, Xihe County has insisted on rectifying and upgrading weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations as a powerful starting point for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and continuing to promote rural revitalization, an effective move to consolidate the grass-roots foundation, and a powerful strategy to promote the grass-roots party building infrastructure construction.

Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

Adhere to the problem-oriented, scientific positioning of "goal-setting". In accordance with the principle of seeking truth from facts, not covering up, not definite indicators, not setting proportions, and should be included, focusing on the weakening of the political function of the village (community) party organization, the incompetence of the secretary, the lack of responsibility, the organizational system is in vain, and the village collective economy is weak, through the "self-inspection of grass-roots party organizations, the review of the party (work) committees, and the verification of the organization department of the county party committee" three-level joint inspection network, and the "negative list", the county's grass-roots party organizations in all fields are "dragnet" to conduct a "dragnet" investigation. Through visits and investigations to understand the facts, village-by-village analysis and judgment, and discussions and exchanges with party members and the masses, we have conducted a comprehensive survey and research, and accurately identified 26 weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations.

Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

Improve the working mechanism, and grasp the "burden" at a fixed point. The Organization Department of the county party committee strictly reviewed the rectification plan, and promoted the rectification and improvement of "one team and one policy". Persist in opening the door to grasp rectification, and implement in detail the "four ones" rectification mechanism in which one member of the county-level leading group joins the village, one member of the leading group of the township party committee covers the village, one first secretary is stationed in the village, and one organ and unit at or above the county level is paired to grasp the rectification mechanism, clarify the responsibilities and tasks, and work responsibly. Construct a situation in which the county-level party members and leaders are connected and grasped, the members of the leading groups of the township party committees are directly grasped, the first secretary is stationed in the village to grasp the specific work, and the organs and units at or above the county level are paired to help and manage the work, so as to truly transform the joint force of assistance to weak and sloppy party organizations into a "steady stream of power" for rectification and upgrading.

Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

Continue to track the effectiveness and brainstorm to "prescribe". Take the identification of the cause of the problem as a breakthrough in rectification and transformation, strictly implement the "four discussions and two openness" system, adhere to the situation in the front line, solve the problem in the front line, and advance the work in the front line, in accordance with the suggestions of party members and mass representatives, the joint meeting of the "two committees" team to deliberate, the township party committee meeting to deliberate, the organization department and the ministry meeting to approve and the village party branch secretary, the first secretary, the township package leader, The secretary of the township party committee and the county-level leaders separately audited the way to comprehensively analyze the causes of weakness and slackness, deeply analyze the crux of the problem, give on-site feedback on the problems found, rectify them within a time limit, and continue to track the results. This year, a total of 31 outstanding problems were investigated, and rectification measures were established one by one, respectively, to clarify the time limit for completion and to grasp the leadership, so as to achieve accurate problems, precise measures, and precise goals, and truly put an end to problems such as incomplete rectification and insufficient consolidation.

Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

Strengthen dynamic management, and truly supervise and strictly guide the "root cause of disease". According to the specific problems existing in weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations, the rectification measures taken, the time limit for rectification determined and the person responsible for rectification, the organization department of the county party committee has made a warning sign for the rectification and promotion of weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations in each rural area. Combined with the supervision of key tasks of grass-roots party building, insist on carrying out supervision and investigation once a quarter, supervise and urge the rectification and improvement of the situation, and in view of the existing problems, through on-site direct reform, issuance of notices to supervise and urge reform, and interview leaders for accountability and reform, etc., continue to track the effectiveness, grasp the implementation of rectification within a time limit, ensure that the rectification measures are in place, and effectively promote the rectification and improvement of weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations.

Xihe County: "Five doses of good prescription" to rectify and improve weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations

Strict evaluation and acceptance, grading acceptance "to ensure efficacy". Adhere to the rectification and promotion of one, acceptance and evaluation, and adopt the method of "self-evaluation of party branches, self-inspection of party (work) committees, and county-level evaluation and acceptance", and carry out the rectification, evaluation and acceptance of weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations at different levels and from multiple angles. After the rectification of weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations in various fields is completed and the self-inspection and self-inspection are qualified, the Organization Department of the county party committee timely formulates the "Xihe County 2023 Weak and Sloppy Grass-roots Party Organization Rectification Work Acceptance and Evaluation Plan", combined with the county's key tasks of rural (community) grass-roots party building in the third quarter, and adopts the method of "one statement, one review and eight inspections", focusing personnel, energy, and time to inspect on the spot. On the basis of consulting materials and listening to reports, we will go to the house to understand the satisfaction of party members and the masses with the effectiveness of rectification, and carry out evaluation and acceptance work in a strict and practical manner.

Source: Longnan Xihe Group Workers WeChat release