
The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

author:Xiao Qiye sand sculpture animation

【Exclusive Insider】The four departments jointly standardize the after-school services of compulsory education, and the campus chaos is expected to be cured!

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education and other four departments jointly issued a notice proposing a series of strict measures for after-school services in the compulsory education stage, aiming to eliminate campus chaos and protect the rights and interests of students. The notice pointed out that the school strictly prohibits expanding the scope of after-school services under various pretexts, must not force students to participate in after-school services, strictly prohibit increasing students' homework burdens, strictly prohibit indiscriminate collection of fees in the name of after-school services, and restrict unqualified institutions and personnel from entering schools to provide after-school services.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?


The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

[It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily expand the scope] After-school service hours must not exceed the normal off-duty hours, and services such as early arrival at school, lunch break care, and evening self-Xi provided by the school must not be used as after-school service fee items.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

After-school services must be voluntary, and the school must fully solicit the opinions of students and parents, and students and parents have the right to make their own choices.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

[It is strictly forbidden to increase students' homework burden] Based on the needs of students, a variety of activities such as moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor, reading, and science are to be opened, and after-school service time must not be used to organize exam preparation.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

[It is strictly forbidden to charge fees arbitrarily in the name of after-school services] Schools must not increase the items of fees or expand the scope of fees without authorization, and it is strictly forbidden to force fees against the wishes of students' parents.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

[Strictly prohibit unqualified institutions and personnel from entering the school] The qualifications of third-party institutions should be reviewed, a selection and review mechanism for entering the campus should be established, and supervision should be strengthened to ensure that the interests of students are not harmed.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

The introduction of this series of strict prohibition measures has given hope to the majority of parents and students. This is undoubtedly great news for families who have been forced to attend after-school services and the cost of after-school services has risen. After-school services are no longer a burden, but an opportunity for the whole development of students.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?
The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?
The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

However, some netizens expressed concern. A netizen in Guangdong said: "The school is mandatory to participate in after-school services, and I don't get home until 6 o'clock every day. There are also Shanghai netizens complaining: "Jiangxi has more than 500 after class, 4 at home, and more than 1,000 in the third year of junior high school, and all kinds of studies, tens of thousands a year" In addition, a Fujian netizen said: "Twenty or thirty years of Xi and routines can really be forbidden?"

We can understand these concerns. After all, it's not just about issuing a notice, it's about putting these rules into practice to clean up the campus environment so that every student can enjoy a fair and equitable education.

The four departments jointly put forward five "strict prohibitions", your child is affected?

For schools, it is necessary to take this notice seriously and strictly implement the relevant regulations to ensure that the rights and interests of students are not infringed. At the same time, schools should also actively create a good after-school service environment and provide a variety of activities to meet students' interests and needs, so that they can learn through play and better develop themselves.

For parents, it is necessary to actively participate in the work of the school and care about their children's Xi and life. If any unreasonable phenomenon is found, it should be reported to the relevant departments in time to protect the rights and interests of the child.

Through this series of strict prohibition measures, it is believed that the chaos on campus will improve. Let's focus on education issues and work together to ensure that every child can enjoy equitable educational resources!

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