
What is the importance of the direction of the pyramids?

author:Little Shadow Time

The Egyptian pyramids, one of the most mysterious and ancient structures in the world, are of great interest to many people as to why they were built and their symbolism. However, if we delve deeper into the ancient astronomical and religious connotations that the pyramids represented, we can get a clearer picture of the true meaning of these magnificent structures.

What is the importance of the direction of the pyramids?

First, let's look at why pyramids are usually oriented north. This question is not accidental, but is essentially a reflection of the ancient Egyptians' unique understanding of the universe, of astronomy. According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, the North Star remained the same, like the center of the sky, and it was known as the "star that never sets", shining forever in the night. When the pharaoh dies, he will transform into a star and meet the North Star for eternal life. Therefore, the pyramid faces north in such a way that the souls of the pharaohs can smoothly ascend to the North Star.

The establishment of the North is a very important step. The simplest but most effective way to do this is to utilize a device called a "level". The instrument has a long vertical rod on top and water on the horizontal line below. Just find the two bright stars in the northern sky, the last star in the constellation Ursa Major (Sirius) and the first star in the constellation Ursa Minor (Pleiades), and align them with the horizontal line of the level, to confirm the true north.

What is the importance of the direction of the pyramids?

In addition to the north, the ancient Egyptians also showed amazing precision in their refinement in other directions. People divide the sky into 24 pieces, each corresponding to a specific star. These stars are known as "clock stars" and can help calculate time. In addition, a calendar was developed to divide the year into 12 months, with each month corresponding to a "moon star", which was used to determine the phases of the moon. The winter solstice is the starting point of the year, which is the day when the sun rises at its lowest and the day is the shortest and the coldest day, while the summer solstice is the day when the sun rises at its highest, and the day is the longest and hottest.

What is the importance of the direction of the pyramids?

In addition, the ancient Egyptians had a long history of belief and reverence for the sun god. The sun god was seen as the source of life, the creator of all things, and even the father of the pharaohs. They used the process of the sun to symbolize the life course of the sun god. Every time the sun god is born in the east, he travels through the sky on a solar ship, reaches the west and sinks into the ground, and after a battle against death and evil, the sun god is reborn the next morning, repeating this endless cycle. The goddess of the moon is seen as the cursor of the night, a barometer of time, and a protector of the pharaohs. At the beginning of each month, the moon goddess appears in the sky, gradually brightens and becomes stronger to the full moon, and then the moon gradually darkens to the new moon, disappears in the sky, and then awakens again after a period of sleep, and begins a new round of reincarnation.

The long history, profound cultural heritage and wisdom of this ancient civilization are hidden behind the pyramids, waiting for us to explore and understand. From the deep understanding of astronomy and religion in ancient Egypt to the precise setting of the pyramids in the direction of the north and beyond, it may bring more thinking about the philosophy of human existence in modern society.