
53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

author:Funny one-man show


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53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

Funny one-man show

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The video taken by the paparazzi seems to have hammered the love affair between Ayunga and Lu Yu! The scandal between the 53-year-old Lu Yu and the 19-year-old Ayunga has finally come to light. The video shows that Ayunga first sent Zheng Yunlong home, and then returned to Lu Yu's home.

This already shows that the relationship between the two is extraordinary. It has been rumored before that the two have a close relationship and are often seen going out wearing the same outfit. Ayunga was also revealed to have ridden Lu Yu's private car.

53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

Although Lu Yu once denied that the two were lovers, this time Ayunga stayed at Lu Yu's house late at night, which seems to show that their relationship is not as simple as colleagues. Now the truth is finally revealed!

First of all, as soon as this revelation came out, it immediately sparked a huge discussion on the Internet. Many netizens questioned the relationship between Ayunga and Lu Yu. Some people think that this revelation is purely a rumor, Ayunga is only 19 years old, Lu Yu is 53 years old, the age gap between the two is too big, it is impossible to be together.

This is just an internet rumor, and we should not believe it. Some people also think that even if the two are really in love, what if they are in love? Love has nothing to do with age, as long as the two are happy, they can be together. We should not be biased in judging others. Of course, more people believe that since Ayunga did not respond positively, it can only mean that this revelation is likely to be true.

53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

Ayunga stayed at Lu Yu's house late at night, which is enough to show that the relationship between the two is extraordinary. If it was purely a normal colleague relationship, it would be difficult for Ayunga to explain it clearly if he stayed at Lu Yu's house late at night.

So this revelation can almost confirm that there is some kind of special relationship between Ayunga and Lu Yu. However, we should also give Ayunga the time and space to explain openly, and not jump to conclusions. Maybe there are some hidden secrets that we still don't know, and we still need to confirm it in person to determine the truth.

Secondly, the paparazzi video that broke the news clearly recorded the whereabouts of Ayunga and Lu Yu. The video shows Ayunga first sending Zheng Yunlong home, and then returning to Lu Yu's home. This can already prove that the two are very close. I have also witnessed Ayunga and Lu Yu wearing the same clothes when they go out.

53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

There are also rumors that Ayunga has sat in Lu Yu's private car. Looking at these evidences in tandem, the relationship between Ayunga and Lu Yu is undeniable. Although Lu Yu's public relations previously denied that the two were lovers, Ayunga's actions in this video have shown that the problem is not trivial.

Whether or not their relationship is truly "lovers", the two are clearly beyond the confines of normal friends or colleagues. This worries many fans, because if this revelation is true, Ayunga's image may be affected. Fans are also showing their support for Ayunga and hope that he can give a reasonable explanation.

Moreover, in the face of this revelation, Ayunga has not responded positively or denied the content of the video. This has made speculation about the relationship between the two more and more high. Fans are worried that their idols will be involved in false scandals and will not be able to get out, so they have left messages on Ayunga's social media, "Is it true if you don't deny it" and "Please explain your relationship with Aunt Lu Yu".

53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

At present, Ayunga's reaction seems to be acquiescing to the authenticity of this revelation. But we also need to give time and trust that Ayunga will respond to this matter in due course.

Young idols are indeed facing pressure from public opinion, and we should understand Ayunga's current situation. However, if this revelation is untrue, Ayunga should also clarify it as soon as possible to avoid further damage to his image.

Finally, this revelation that Ayunga was exposed to live with Lu Yu is difficult to distinguish between true and false. But judging from the current reaction of the two, it is more likely that there is some kind of special relationship. We should not jump to conclusions, and we need to wait for my response.

53-year-old Lu Yu and 19-year-old Ayunga passed on their relationship again, and they were photographed living together, and the woman once said that she did not cheat in marriage

I also hope that everyone can look at this matter rationally and not cause too much pressure on Ayunga public opinion. Idols are also human beings, and they also need private personal space. We should give time and understanding and trust that Ayunga will choose the right way to make the truth public. Whatever the outcome, we should remain rational and not be misled by false information.

The authenticity of the relationship between the two sides will surely be revealed soon. We'll see!