
Fortunately, it was found early! The guy escaped from the earthquake and injured his waist, and was accidentally diagnosed with liver cancer

author:Guangdong Health Online
Fortunately, it was found early! The guy escaped from the earthquake and injured his waist, and was accidentally diagnosed with liver cancer

This morning (December 26).

#小伙地震逃生撞伤腰, liver cancer was accidentally detected#

The topic rushed to the top of the hot search

Fortunately, it was found early! The guy escaped from the earthquake and injured his waist, and was accidentally diagnosed with liver cancer

Recently, Shanghai

The doctor posted a video of the outpatient clinic

A young man in Gansu hit his waist when he ran out because of the earthquake

The radiograph was diagnosed as liver cancer

The wife and children still live in tents

The guy came to Shanghai alone for medical treatment

Fortunately, it was found early! The guy escaped from the earthquake and injured his waist, and was accidentally diagnosed with liver cancer

The doctor said that because of the timely detection

It's early days

Arrange surgery as soon as possible after the consultation with the guy

User Comments:

Fortunately, it was discovered early, and it was a blessing in disguise

If you don't die in a big disaster, you will have a blessing!

Fortunately, it was found early! The guy escaped from the earthquake and injured his waist, and was accidentally diagnosed with liver cancer

Talking about the "silent killer" liver cancer

Everyone must know

The liver is a "silent" organ

Even if you are damaged, you will "suffer silently"

When the symptoms manifest themselves

It's often too late

How can liver cancer be detected early?

What are the ways of early screening?

Can liver cancer be cured and can cirrhosis be reversed?

Let's learn Xi together


Liver cancer is in the middle and advanced stages at the first checkup, and there are two main reasons

The liver is the largest substantial organ in the human body, which has both secretory and synthetic functions. Liver cancer can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary:

  • The cell types of primary liver cancer include hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and mixed cell carcinoma containing these two cells, and hepatocellular carcinoma accounts for about 90% of primary liver cancer cases.
  • Secondary (i.e., metastatic) liver cancer refers to the metastasis of malignant tumors originating from other organs to the liver, with the most common metastasis of abdominal and pelvic organs such as stomach, biliary tract, pancreas, colorectal, and ovarian organs.

It is understood that China accounts for half of the global liver cancer population, and more than half of the liver cancer is found to be at an advanced stage.

For liver cancer, many people wonder: "Doesn't it mean that cancer is a slow process, why do many liver cancer patients have intermediate and advanced stages as soon as they are examined?"

"This is a question that I get asked by patients almost every day. Li Kai, director of the interventional ultrasound department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, explained that there are two main reasons:

  • Patients with liver cancer usually have underlying liver diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, or have high-risk factors for liver damage, such as excessive alcohol consumption, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and long-term consumption of food contaminated with Aspergillus flavus.
  • Related to the characteristics of organs, the liver is an "introverted" organ, and the symptoms of liver cancer in the early stage are not obvious or have no symptoms, until there are obvious symptoms, most of them are in the middle and advanced stages.

So how can liver cancer be detected early?

"This is difficult to say, easy to say, that is, we must insist on regular physical examination and re-examination in professional medical institutions. Li Kai said, especially patients with hepatitis B and C infection, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, liver cirrhosis of various causes, people with a family history of liver cancer, as well as people with obesity, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, long-term consumption of food contaminated with Aspergillus flavus, men over 40 years old, drug-induced liver damage and other characteristics.

Only liver function is checked, and liver cancer cannot be screened

In addition to the strong insidiousness of liver cancer, many people in life have such a misunderstanding, thinking that as long as the liver function indicators are normal, there will be no problems with the liver, let alone tumors, but in fact, it is not.

Liver function tests mainly include aminotransferases, bilirubin, albumin and other important indicators, among which bilirubin reflects whether the secretion function is normal, albumin index reflects the synthesis function, and transaminase reflects whether hepatocytes are damaged. Through these three indicators, it is basically possible to identify the impaired liver function, but it is difficult to screen for the presence of tumors.

The liver is a particularly compensatory organ, and 70% or even 80% of the liver can still be sustained after a normal person has been cut off. Therefore, in the early stage of cancer patients, liver function will not be significantly damaged, and it is generally difficult to detect tumors early through liver function tests.

At present, there are two main methods for early screening of liver cancer:

1) B-ultrasound, generally speaking, liver tumors larger than 1 cm can be detected by ultrasound;

2) Test the tumor markers, if the indicators in the markers are abnormal, it indicates the possibility of cancer.

For high-risk groups with a history of hepatitis, alcoholism, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, it is best to conduct tumor screening every 3~6 months, and non-high-risk groups should also undergo tumor screening once a year.

Among all cancers, the causative factors of liver cancer are relatively clear, among which viral hepatitis is the most important cause, and more than 80% of liver cancer patients in mainland China suffer from viral hepatitis. However, many people do not know that they have viral hepatitis, and their history is often discovered only after they are diagnosed with liver cancer, so personal testing for hepatitis should be strengthened.

It should be noted that some viral hepatitis, especially chronic hepatitis, has no obvious liver damage in the early stage and cannot be detected through liver function tests.

Liver cancer can be cured, and cirrhosis can be reversed

At present, there are many ways to treat liver cancer, including liver transplantation, surgical resection, local ablation, transarterial chemoembolization (interventional), radiotherapy, systemic therapy (targeted drugs), etc., but the key to the prevention and treatment of liver cancer is early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment.

Professor Hou Jinlin, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that early liver cancer can be cured, for example, early small liver cancer can be treated by ablation and surgical resection, and the five-year survival time can reach more than 70%.

There are also more effective methods for patients with advanced liver cancer, such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, etc., to prolong the survival time of patients.

Hou Jinlin reminded that in the treatment of liver cancer, it is necessary to find a professional treatment team for standardized treatment.

In addition, large-scale data show that 70% of patients with early cirrhosis can reverse cirrhosis after long-term treatment. However, there are two key points, one is to be early, and the other is to be long-term - early, emphasizing the need to strengthen early examination, and long-term, which means to receive long-term treatment, at least more than five years.

编辑 | 任君飞 责编 | 张秀丽

Source | Star Video Guangdong Health Online previously reported

Produced by the Guangdong Health Online all-media team

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