
An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

author:Unstoppable Star DM

From the vegetable market to the person who manages half of the security in Jinghai, Gao Qiqiang's counterattack life has always been a legend in Jinghai.

An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

Judging from his encounters, the turning point of his fate seems to be because of An Xin's appearance, and his later means are inseparable from a copy of "The Art of War".

Gao Qiqiang never denied that An Xin was a person who was kind to him;

After he became "Mr. Gao", he still often watched the "Art of War" recommended by An Xin back then, even in front of Gao Qisheng, the younger brother of a high-achieving student, he was willing to share his experience.

An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

But Gao Qiqiang's life has never been because of An Xin's appearance, or because of reading "The Art of War".

An Xin has met so many people, so many people have read "The Art of War", why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

There is a saying in "Mencius": the time, the place, and the people. The time is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people.

This indicates what is necessary for a person to be successful.

Before meeting An Xin, did Gao Qiqiang have these?

He really has some qualifications.

Before Gao Qiqiang met An Xin, although he was just a bullied fishmonger, if you look at the timeline, you will find that his personal ability is actually not bad, and it can even be said to be quite good.

When setting up a bureau to get Cheng Cheng into the bureau, Gao Qiqiang said something to Uncle Tai: My father is a drunkard, and when he is drunk, he beats us and my mother. When I was 13 years old, the factory asked him to pull the goods back, and he drank again, and took my mother with him, but there was a car accident, and both of them were gone. The factory compensated us with a pension according to the work-related injury, just 500 yuan, and I relied on this 500 yuan to bring up my younger brothers and sisters. There is no dignity at all, just to eat a full meal!

An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?
An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

Gao Qiqiang said that he began to have dignity when Chen Tai bought Bai Jinhan and gave it to him. At that point, his life was "to eat a full meal, without any dignity at all!"

This kind of life is miserable enough, and it is not also discovered that in the face of such a miserable life, Gao Qiqiang completed the salvation of himself and his younger brothers and sisters.

At the age of 13, he was still a child, but suddenly he had to shoulder the responsibility of a family, to take care of himself, and to take care of his younger brother and sister.

500 yuan is Gao Qiqiang's entire capital to support this family.

An Xin has met so many people, why is only Gao Qiqiang changing his fate because of this?

He was afraid of fish since he was a child, but he still took the 500 yuan and went to rent a fish stall (13-year-old Gao Qiqiang already knew that the fish stall business could make money), got up early and sold fish in the dark, and relied on the fish sold to feed the family, and also provided for his younger brother and sister to go to college.

Just ask, how many people can do this life ability