
Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

author:Ke Qunzhi said
Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

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In the sports world, the turmoil of a ban is like a storm, quietly coming, but the people who leave can always make waves in silence. Sun Yang, the controversial Chinese swimmer, will end a two-year ban on April 30, 2024. And he is now inspired to return to the pool, embarking on a bumpy or bumpy road back.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

The Paris Olympics in Sun Yang's eyes is an optimistic clear sky, however, the reality is no longer the blue he was once familiar with. For him, the challenges are the tip of the iceberg, hiding more unknown dangers. The first is how he reintegrated into the selection system of the Chinese swimming team.

In the past two years, the domestic swimming world has undergone a revolution, a new pattern has been formed, and coaching resources have also been redistributed in this reshuffle. Sun Yang's return will inevitably mean that this new pattern will be broken again. However, this is not a simple addition operation, but a puzzle that requires careful consideration.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

seems to be longing for Sun Yang's return, but in fact, there are unavoidable problems. According to the regulations of the Chinese Swimming Federation, athletes who have been banned for more than one year are not allowed to enter the national team selection, which means that Sun Yang must prove his strength through domestic selection after the ban expires. However, there is a time wrestle in this, as his ban just missed the timing of the domestic tryouts. The road back seems bright, but it is full of thorns.

What's even more tricky is that the attitude towards banned athletes in the new selection regulations of the Chinese Swimming Federation is even clearer, and they are clearly stipulated as "prohibited from entering the national team selection". The introduction of this regulation directly targets banned athletes like Sun Yang, making it more difficult for them to find a way back. The Xinmin Evening News has said that the national association has the right to authorize athletes who have not obtained the Olympic registration A standard to participate in the Paris Olympics, but whether this applies to Sun Yang is a more complicated issue.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

In the face of this problem, Sun Yang may be overly optimistic. Maybe it's because he's overconfident about his place in the swimming world, or maybe he's too optimistic about his plans for the future. However, the reality of the situation still pushed him to a precarious situation.

And Zhou Jihong, the current director of the swimming center of the Chinese swimming team, is obviously cautious and calm about Sun Yang's return. In an interview, Zhou Jihong used the phrase "steady progress" to describe the preparations of the Chinese swimming and diving teams. This may not be a simple wording, but a thoughtful plan for the future.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

Why not let Sun Yang compete in Paris? The answer to this question does not seem so simple. Prior to this, Sun Yang's high-profile announcement of his desire to participate in the Olympics may have been an expression of his popularity, but the popularity brought by the high profile also made him the focus of attention. Once a controversial figure returns, the attention and controversy it brings will inevitably affect the nerves of the Chinese swimming team.

Sun Yang's return will undoubtedly become a hot spot in public opinion and even the focus of controversy. Until then, the swim team had tried to stay calm and prepare for the race on thin ice. And Sun Yang's return will undoubtedly stir up ripples in this calm, and bring a lot of interference to the preparation of the entire team. Perhaps, this is also the original intention of Zhou Jihong's "steady progress".

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

But Sun Yang's high profile is not his only "fault", and more importantly, his return has not been smooth sailing. During his ban, a new pattern has been formed, and coaching resources have already been allocated. Sun Yang's return means a reallocation of coaching resources, which is not only related to his own performance, but may also affect the entire team's front.

If Sun Yang is given top-level resources, will he be able to adapt in a short period of time and come up with remarkable results? And if he is not given enough support, Sun Yang's return may become an out-and-out "vase", and his presence on the field is only a symbol, not a substance. Such a predicament may make people wonder about Sun Yang's future.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

And Sun Yang's return also means that he will be subject to stricter scrutiny, scoring, and so on. The controversy of his past has made him the target of public criticism, and at this sensitive moment, his every move will be amplified and every performance will be the yardstick by which he deserves to be back in the pool. Perhaps it is precisely because of this concern that the Chinese Swimming Federation will remain cautious about his return.

Behind all this, Sun Yang may have felt an invisible pressure. He was once the proud swimmer of China, but now he needs to prove himself again. And this proof is not just standing at the starting line, but also a choice related to his career.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

However, one might ask why Sun Yang was not allowed to compete in Paris, isn't he also part of Chinese swimming? There may be more factors behind this. Perhaps, this is a response to Sun Yang's "high-profile return". In the sports arena, everyone has their own stage, but whether it is worth giving Sun Yang such a chance again may require more thinking.

All in all, Sun's ban is coming to an end, but his return to the pool has not been easy. He faced great challenges on multiple levels, such as timelines, regulations, and teamwork. Perhaps it was the high-profile declaration of his return that made him the target of public criticism, or perhaps it was his controversy that made people question his return. In this comeback drama, whether Sun Yang can succeed, whether he can truly integrate into this new swimming team system, and whether he can create another glory in the Paris Olympics is full of unknowns.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

Perhaps, the waves in the pool are about to set off again, but this time, whether it will bring real surprises remains to be seen by time. For Sun Yang, returning to the pool, he may become the focus of a storm and a controversial topic. In this magnificent water, who can really move forward steadily can only be revealed by time.

Sun Yang, this name once shone in the swimming world, but now it has been silent for two years. As his ban ended, he heralded a new era for himself. However, if he wants to gain a foothold in this new era, Sun Yang will face one huge test after another.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

First of all, time is a harsh referee for Sun Yang. After the ban ended, he was not able to participate in the domestic tryouts as he would have liked. This time difference may only be a few months, but for a top athlete, it can be the difference between success and failure. In the pool, every moment may decide the winner or loser, but Sun Yang missed the big stage of the domestic selection at this moment.

Perhaps, this is also a big price to pay for his overoptimism. During the ban, Sun Yang did not keep a low profile, on the contrary, he announced his desire for the Olympics in a high-profile manner. Such a declaration, although it expresses his love for the pool, also puts him in a dilemma. Excessive anticipation and a high-profile return announcement put him in the spotlight, which may not have been what he expected.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

In this process, the attitude of the Chinese Swimming Federation has also become the key. The Xinmin Evening News has mentioned that the national association has the right to authorize athletes who have not obtained the A standard for Olympic registration to participate in the Paris Olympics, but whether this applies to Sun Yang is a more complicated issue. Whether the Chinese Swimming Federation will give him special care and whether the requirements for him will be relaxed will become the key to whether he can enter the Paris Olympics.

However, in addition to the test of time and regulations, Sun Yang will also face more complex teamwork problems. In the past two years, the Chinese swimming team has undergone a renovation, a new pattern has been formed, and coaching resources have been redistributed. Sun Yang's return will inevitably mean a reshuffle, which will involve whether he can quickly adapt to the new team, whether he can work closely with the new coach, and even whether he can regain his leadership position.

Why don't you let Sun Yang compete in Paris? Zhou Jihong said that the inside story was exposed, Sun Yang should not make a mistake!

On this issue, perhaps Sun Yang already has his own plans. He trained aggressively during the ban and tried to stay fit. However, everything is still full of uncertainties. The redistribution of coaching resources and the change in team atmosphere will have a profound impact on him. Perhaps his former glory will earn him a place, but it remains to be seen whether he will be able to make a name for himself again in a new era.

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