
Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

author:Remembering the cubic of the mind

In the spring twilight, everything in the Bahraini steppes is shrouded in a mysterious mist.

On the grassland, a group of people and horses slowly moved forward, and the leader of them, a man in an ordinary blue cloth robe, looked inconspicuous, but he hid an unknown secret - he was the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi.

This time, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the people's feelings, he decided to pay a private interview with Weifu, and this trip will take him into a story full of suspense and surprises.

Just as the sun was setting, Kangxi and his entourage were hungry, and they stumbled upon a Mongolian camp.

With the owner's permission, they stepped into a seemingly ordinary yurt and prepared to rest and fill their stomachs here.

However, this simple meal is about to trigger a series of unexpected events.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Kangxi's micro-service private visit

On a spring day during the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the sun was warm and soft, shining on the vast Bahrain grassland, and everything on the grassland seemed so vibrant. On this warm day, Emperor Kangxi decided to conduct a private visit to Weifu.

His purpose is to go deep into the people, understand the life of the people, and feel the customs of the grassland.

Emperor Kangxi changed his dragon robe, put on an ordinary blue cloth robe, wore a hat, hung a small gourd around his waist, and stepped on a pair of cloth shoes, the whole person looked like an ordinary businessman.

His attendants also changed into their men's attire, each with coarse cloth coats and cloth hats, and their faces were dusted to make themselves look more earthy.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

The group set off in a majestic manner.

Emperor Kangxi rode a donkey, which was not as tall and mighty as a horse, but it was also steady.

The emperor sat on the back of a donkey, looked at the surrounding scenery, and felt the style of the steppe.

His attendants, on horseback or on foot, followed closely behind, keeping a certain distance so as not to attract the attention of others.

They passed through the hamlet and saw villagers working in the fields and children playing by the stream. A smile flashed in Emperor Kangxi's eyes, and he knew that such a scene was the national peace and security he had been pursuing. They passed by the pasture again and saw the herdsmen grazing their flocks, which were running freely on the grassland, and the scene was very peaceful and harmonious.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

An unexpected encounter

After walking for most of the day, the sun was already high in the sky, and the scorching sun was shining on everyone.

Emperor Kangxi and his entourage all felt indescribably tired.

After the long journey, their steps became heavy and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

Emperor Kangxi looked at the road ahead and thought about the next trip.

It was then that they discovered a Mongol camp.

The camp is located on a verdant meadow, and several yurts are scattered, like a few pearls on the grassland.

A gentle breeze blows, and the scent of the grassland fills the air, making people feel a touch of coolness and comfort.

Emperor Kangxi thought to himself that this might be a good place to rest.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

He proposed to rest here, and his entourage immediately agreed.

They walked slowly towards the camp, each step taking extra caution so as not to disturb the tranquil grassland.

As they approached the yurt, a Mongolian man walked out.

Dressed in traditional Mongolian costumes and wearing delicate ornaments around his waist, he welcomed the surprise guests with a smile on his face.

Emperor Kangxi expressed their request for rest to this master in Chinese.

When the man heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure.

He replied in Mongolian, in a low and pleasant voice.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Although Emperor Kangxi didn't know much Mongolian, he could feel that kind of warmth and hospitality.

The man then motioned for them to follow him into the yurt.

Walking into the yurt, the interior layout is simple but full of life.

In the center of the bun is a fire, on which a pot of fragrant mutton is cooking.

There are some simple furniture and utensils all around, and some brightly colored decorations hanging on the walls, showing the artistic taste of the Mongolian people.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Tradition and misunderstanding

In the yurt, Emperor Kangxi sat casually in front of the cabinet in the center, his movements natural and easy-going, without the slightest royal shelf.

At this time, an old woman with a kind face, the expression on her face suddenly became serious, and there was a trace of displeasure in her eyes. The old woman walked in front of Emperor Kangxi, and said with a hint of respect but firmness in her tone: "Distinguished guest, please change your seat, that is the most honorable position on our grassland, specially prepared for important guests." ”

Emperor Kangxi didn't react for a while, he didn't understand why a simple seat was so exquisite.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

His attendants immediately sensed the embarrassment of the situation and hurriedly stepped forward and whispered to the emperor to explain this Mongolian Xi.

The attendant said: "Your Majesty, there is a unique etiquette on the grassland, and that position symbolizes honor and respect, and generally only the most popular guests are qualified to sit there. ”

After listening to the attendant's explanation, Emperor Kangxi smiled knowingly, he did not get up, but looked at the old woman with curiosity and playfulness, and said lightly: "Then I should sit here more." Although this sentence is a joke, it also reveals Emperor Kangxi's confidence in his identity.

Unexpectedly, these words made the old woman even more displeased, her brows furrowed, and the expression on her face became more serious.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

An unexpected discovery

The old woman looked at Emperor Kangxi dissatisfied, with a hint of reproach in her tone: "Honorable guest, the place where you are sitting is specially prepared by us for the emperor." Her words are filled with respect for tradition and reverence for royalty. After speaking, she walked to the picture frame with yellow satin, and gently uncovered the yellow satin with both hands, revealing a portrait of Emperor Kangxi with rosewood trim.

Emperor Kangxi's eyes fell on the portrait, which was his portrait, painted lifelikely, revealing the royal majesty. Emperor Kangxi looked at this portrait and showed a more obvious smile on his face.

In his heart, he felt great satisfaction in the loyalty and reverence of the old woman, and at the same time felt a wonderful connection of fate.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Emperor Kangxi slowly stood up, he walked to the portrait and looked at the painting carefully.

He noticed every detail in the painting, from the looks to the costumes, which were depicted vividly.

Emperor Kangxi secretly thought to himself that this portrait must be the work of a talented painter, and this old woman can cherish this portrait so much, which makes him feel even more admired.

The old woman stood aside, she watched Emperor Kangxi's reaction, and there was a trace of doubt and curiosity in her eyes.

She didn't know that the guest in front of her was the emperor she revered.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Emperor Kangxi turned around and said to the old woman: "I am very touched that you can respect the emperor so much. His words were calm and sincere, revealing a deep respect for this ordinary old woman.

The old woman listened to Emperor Kangxi's words, and a smile of satisfaction and relief appeared on her face.

She replied, "The emperor is our guardian, and enshrined his portrait is our way of expressing our loyalty and admiration." This simple conversation made everyone present feel an indescribable warmth and respect.

In this small yurt, Emperor Kangxi felt the love and respect of the people for him.

This feeling is new and precious to him. He is not only the king of a country, but also the son of this country, and the love of the people makes him feel a special responsibility and mission.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Subsequently, Emperor Kangxi and the old woman had more conversations.

He listened to the old woman tell the story of the steppe and learned about the culture and customs of the Mongolian people.

Emperor Kangxi showed great interest and respect, and he was full of curiosity about every detail.

The old woman was also happy to share her story with this suave guest, who recounted life on the grassland, traditional festivals and celebrations.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

During this exchange, Emperor Kangxi deeply felt the depth and uniqueness of the grassland culture.

He was filled with respect for this way of life, but also realized that as an emperor, he had a responsibility to protect such cultural heritage, so that it could be passed on and carried forward.

As time passed, the sky began to darken. Emperor Kangxi realized that he needed to continue his journey. He got up to say goodbye and expressed his deep gratitude to the old woman. The old woman and her family also came to the door of the yurt to see this special guest leave.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

Parting and gifting

After the meal, Emperor Kangxi and his entourage prepared to leave the yurt.

The air is filled with the aftertaste of food, warm and satisfying.

Emperor Kangxi was very satisfied with this simple and sumptuous meal, and he deeply thanked the old woman and her family.

However, just as they were about to leave, one of the attendants suddenly changed his face and whispered to Emperor Kangxi about an unexpected situation: they had forgotten to bring enough silver to pay for the meal.

This news made Emperor Kangxi frown slightly.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

He originally hoped that this private interview with Weifu would be low-key and peaceful, but now there is such a small episode.

Emperor Kangxi thought for a moment, he didn't want this private visit to Weifu to leave any regrets, and he didn't want to owe this kind old woman a favor.

So, Emperor Kangxi decided to leave an item in return.

He asked his attendant to take out a bright yellow horse coat from his accompanying luggage, which he had specially carried when he traveled, with bright colors and high materials, and was one of the symbols of the royal family.

Emperor Kangxi handed the old woman this horse coat and expressed his gratitude for their hospitality.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

The old woman took the bright yellow coat, her eyes shining with surprise and awe.

She carefully observed the gown, feeling the delicate materials and exquisite craftsmanship on it.

The old woman knew that such an item was extremely precious to them, let alone a royal reward.

An indescribable wave of gratitude welled up in her heart.

The old woman turned around and said to her son, "This horse coat is a gift from the emperor." It is not only a symbol of our family's glory, but also a symbol of well-being. We must preserve it and pass on this glory from generation to generation. Her voice was full of solemnity and pride.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

The son listened to his mother's words, and his eyes also showed awe and pride.

He nodded in understanding, and silently vowed in his heart to take good care of this precious horse coat.

For the family, it was not just an object, but a story, a legend, a testament to their delicate connection to the royal family.

It is reported that the yellow coat treasured by the old woman is now in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Bahrain Right Banner Museum.

Subsequently, the Kangxi Emperor and his entourage bid farewell to the old woman and her family.

When saying goodbye, both the old woman and her family showed deep respect and gratitude.

Emperor Kangxi responded with a smile, his heart filled with deep feelings for this land and the people here.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

The group left the yurt and continued their journey.

As the night darkens, the grassland under the stars appears more tranquil and expansive.

Emperor Kangxi rode on a donkey and walked slowly, reminiscing about today's experience in his heart.

He felt the simplicity and kindness of the people, as well as the power and far-reaching influence of culture.

This private visit to Weifu is not only a spiritual baptism for Emperor Kangxi, but also a profound cultural experience.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat

He was full of respect and respect for every inhabitant of this land, every Xi.

He knew that as emperor, his responsibility was not only to govern the country, but also to protect and promote this unique cultural heritage.

Late at night, Emperor Kangxi and his entourage found a safe place to camp on the grassland.

They sat around the campfire and shared their experiences and feelings about the day. Emperor Kangxi looked at the blazing bonfire, and his heart was full of anticipation for the future and cherishing this journey.

Wild History: The emperor went to an old woman's house for dinner, the old woman: You can't sit here, the emperor: Appreciate the yellow coat


许向乾. 细说康乾盛世[M]. 2018