
Professor Huang Youguang suggested that the price of oil should rise to 24 a liter, which can ease traffic, which is simply a fantasy!


Professor Huang Youguang's suggestion that the price of oil should rise to 24 a liter can ease traffic is simply a fantasy! This view has aroused widespread controversy and discussion. Some people think it's a ridiculous idea, while others think it's a question worth exploring.

Professor Huang Youguang suggested that the price of oil should rise to 24 a liter, which can ease traffic, which is simply a fantasy!

First, let's take a look at why Professor Huang Youguang made such a suggestion. He believes that the current oil prices are too low, causing people to rely too much on private cars, which exacerbates the problem of traffic congestion. He suggested reducing the use of private cars by raising fuel prices, thereby easing traffic pressure. However, this view has been questioned by many people.

First of all, raising oil prices is not a viable solution. While high gas prices may reduce the use of private cars, it can also place a significant burden on low-income groups. These people may not be able to afford the high oil prices, causing them to be unable to travel normally. In addition, high oil prices may also lead to an increase in the use of other means of transportation, such as public transportation, bicycles, etc., which will further exacerbate the traffic pressure in the city.

Professor Huang Youguang suggested that the price of oil should rise to 24 a liter, which can ease traffic, which is simply a fantasy!

Second, raising oil prices will not fundamentally solve the problem of traffic congestion. Traffic congestion is caused by a variety of factors, including poor urban planning, inadequate road construction, and excessive population density. Solving the problem of traffic congestion by raising oil prices alone is a palliative approach. On the contrary, we should start from multiple aspects, such as improving urban planning, strengthening road construction, and promoting public transportation, in order to truly solve the problem of traffic congestion.

Finally, raising oil prices can lead to wasted energy. When the price of oil rises, people may choose more energy-efficient means of transportation, such as public transportation, bicycles, etc. However, if the price of oil is too high, some people may choose to forgo traveling, resulting in wasted energy. Therefore, raising oil prices will not necessarily achieve the desired effect.

Professor Huang Youguang suggested that the price of oil should rise to 24 a liter, which can ease traffic, which is simply a fantasy!

To sum up, Professor Huang Youguang's suggestion that oil prices should rise to 24 a liter to alleviate traffic congestion is a debatable point. While high gas prices may reduce the use of private cars, it can also place a significant burden on low-income groups and may lead to an increase in the use of other modes of transportation. In addition, raising oil prices will not solve the root cause of traffic congestion, but may lead to wasted energy. Therefore, we should take a comprehensive approach to solve the problem of traffic congestion from multiple aspects.