
The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought


In the long river of Chinese history, the historical archives of the Ming and Qing dynasties are not just the accumulation of words, they are living historical witnesses. These archives record the rise and fall and transformation of the two dynasties, carrying countless secrets and stories.

However, with the change of the times, these precious historical witnesses are facing an unprecedented crisis.

Luo Zhenyu, a scholar well versed in the value of history, was deeply shocked and disturbed when he learned that the archives of the Ming and Qing dynasties were facing the fate of being destroyed.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

One evening, in his study, Luo Zhenyu looked at the spread file, deep in thought.

"These files, every page, are the fruit of the wisdom of our ancestors. How can we just let them disappear into the dust of history?" Luo Zhenyu muttered to himself, his brows furrowed.

In that turbulent era, many precious historical documents gradually disappeared in the flames of war and ignorance. And the situation of the Ming and Qing archives is even more worrying. In order to make room for the Beiyang government, it actually disposed of these priceless treasures as waste paper, which is undoubtedly a blasphemy against history.

Luo Zhenyu decided to take action, and he began to run around, contacting bibliophiles and antique dealers in an attempt to save the archives. In a confidential conversation with an antique dealer, he expressed his determination.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"The value of these archives is far beyond monetary measure. I must do everything in my power to protect these historical witnesses. Luo Zhenyu said firmly.

After much hard work, Luo Zhenyu finally persuaded several antique dealers and bibliophiles to jointly finance the purchase of the archives.

They moved the archives to a safe place, temporarily avoiding the fate of being destroyed.

In the process of sorting out the archives, Luo Zhenyu found many precious historical materials, including the emperor's edicts, recitals and various important documents.

It was as if he had traveled through the long river of time and witnessed the changes of history with his own eyes.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"Looking at this recital, it turned out to be a detailed record of the frontier war. Luo Zhenyu said to his assistant, his voice full of excitement.

The assistant was also shocked by the weight of this history, and he replied in a low voice: "These are historical testimonies that cannot be replicated, and we must be careful to protect them." ”

However, Luo Zhenyu also knows that his personal power is limited.

He began to seek more support for the formal transfer of these archives to state institutions to ensure their long-term and proper protection.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

In a meeting with government officials, Luo Zhenyu expressed his concern: "These archives are a precious treasure of our country, and if they are not protected, they will be irreparably lost." ”

While officials expressed understanding, the government's attention to the matter was limited in the context of turbulent times.

Luo Zhenyu knew that he still needed to continue his efforts to find a safer home for these files.

In this process, Luo Zhenyu is not only rescuing archives, but also racing against time, trying to protect those papers that carry historical tears and smiles.

He knows that this is not only a reverence for the past, but also a responsibility for the future.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

The Shadow of Book Burning: The Tragedy of Ming and Qing Archives

With the passage of time, the crisis of the Ming and Qing archives became more and more serious.

In the eyes of the Beiyang government, these old archives that occupy space seem to be just a pile of waste paper, and they ignore the historical value behind these archives and decide to carry out large-scale cleanup and destruction.

In a dimly lit warehouse, thousands of archives are piled up haphazardly, waiting for their fate to be burned.

Government officials stood by the file, indifferently giving orders.

"To get all of this out of the way, we need to make a space. The official said to his subordinates, without a hint of hesitation in his voice.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

The workers under them went into action, unwittingly carrying sacks full of history, unaware of the impending tragedy of history.

After Luo Zhenyu learned the news, he felt unprecedented shock and anxiety.

He immediately went to the warehouse and tried to stop this.

"You can't do that! These are not just archives, they are the memory of our nation!" Luo Zhenyu shouted to the workers, trying to make them stop what they were doing.

The workers stopped what they were doing, looking a little confused. One of the workers responded: "We're just doing what we're told, and these are just some old pieces of paper." ”

Luo Zhenyu was anxious, and he knew that he had to take action as soon as possible.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

He began to negotiate with government officials to try to explain the importance of the archives.

"These archives document the history of our country for hundreds of years, and their value cannot be measured in monetary terms. Luo Zhenyu told the officials, his voice full of pleading.

However, the attitude of the officials is indifferent, and they do not seem to be interested in the value of history.

"This is the government's decision and we have no more options. The officer responded coldly.

Luo Zhenyu realized that it was difficult to change the situation on his own, and he needed to find more supporters. He began to run around, contacting other scholars and cultural workers, hoping to generate enough public opinion pressure to change the government's decision-making.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

In the process, Luo Zhenyu constantly explained the importance of these archives to all walks of life.

"These archives belong not only to us, but also to future generations, to history. Luo Zhenyu said passionately in a public speech.

Although Mr. Luo's efforts have won some support, the government's decision remains firm.

Under these circumstances, Luo Zhenyu and his colleagues began to plan a covert operation, and they planned to secretly transfer some of the archives at night to avoid all of them being destroyed.

On a dark and windy night, Luo Zhenyu and several colleagues quietly entered the warehouse where the archives were stored.

They carefully selected some of the most precious archives and tried to preserve as much as possible in a limited time.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"We have to hurry, time is running out. Luo Zhenyu whispered to his colleague, his hands trembling slightly.

They seem to be walking on the edge of history, and the transfer of each archive is full of tension and danger.

But for Luo Zhenyu and his colleagues, this is not only a rescue of archives, but also an adherence to historical responsibility.

This section depicts in depth the process of the destruction of archives in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the rescue operations of Luo Zhenyu and his colleagues.

Through detailed scene descriptions and dialogues between the characters, their determination and actions in safeguarding cultural heritage, as well as their anxiety and helplessness in the face of the destruction of historical heritage, are shown.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

The Last Guardian of the Archives: The Choice of the Years

Although Luo Zhenyu and his colleagues managed to rescue some of the archives on that stormy night, most of them still faced the fate of being destroyed.

Over time, the instability and financial pressures of the Beiyang government made the preservation of these archives even more precarious.

In order to alleviate the financial difficulties, the government decided to sell these files, which were deemed useless.

A scribbled announcement was posted on a corner of the city with information about the sale of these archives, but almost no one was interested.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"We can't just let these archives just disappear. Mr. Luo told his colleagues at an emergency meeting that his voice was full of urgency.

Luo Zhenyu decided to make another move, and he began to run around seeking support from all parties to acquire the archives that were about to be sold.

In negotiations with a wealthy businessman, Luo Zhenyu tried his best to explain the historical value of the archives.

"These are not just papers, they represent hundreds of years of our country's history. Luo Zhenyu explained to the wealthy businessman.

Wealthy businessmen, while interested in history, were skeptical about the value of these dilapidated archives.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"Are these files really as important as you say?" The rich merchant asked suspiciously.

"Yes, more than any treasure. Luo Zhenyu replied firmly.

After some painstaking efforts, Luo Zhenyu finally persuaded some businessmen and scholars to co-finance and purchase the archives. However, due to limited funds, they can only choose the most important part to acquire.

On a rainy spring afternoon, Luo Zhenyu and his assistant carefully selected files in the warehouse.

Every time you turn a page, it's like reading a page of history.

Looking at this recital, it records an important decision of Zhu Yuanzhang. Luo Zhenyu said to his assistant, his fingers sliding lightly over the yellowed paper.

The assistant nodded, feeling a great responsibility.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

"We must protect these archives and not allow them to suffer again. ”

However, despite the efforts of Luo Zhenyu and his colleagues, the fate of these archives remains uncertain.

With the fall of the Beiyang government and the establishment of a new government, these archives were once again placed in a state of disobedience.

Many archives have been lost or damaged during regime change and war.

In the years that followed, Luo Zhenyu continued his efforts, but as he grew older, his body became weaker and weaker.

In the last years of his life, he handed over the preservation of these archives to a younger generation of scholars.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

Epilogue: The Keeper of History – The Final Chapter of the Archives

In this story about the archives of the Ming and Qing dynasties, we witness Luo Zhenyu's unremitting efforts and the relentless challenges of history. From the urgent action to save the archives to the dilemma of regime change, Luo Zhenyu is like a guardian, sticking to the post of history.

Every effort he makes is an affectionate tribute to those obscure and little-known historical witnesses.

However, the wheels of history roll forward, mercilessly running over those unknown corners.

This story is not only a record of Luo Zhenyu's personal struggle, but also a reflection on the background of the entire era.

It teaches us that history is not just a record of the past, but a cornerstone of the future.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought

Although Luo Zhenyu was unable to completely save all the archives in the end, his efforts became an inspiration and inspiration for a new generation.

His story is a tribute to those who have stood firm in the face of the storm and a reminder to each of us: cherish history and protect cultural heritage.

The long river of history rolls forward, and the marks left by the years are deeply imprinted on every file.

We may not be able to change history, but we can choose how we remember it.

Luo Zhenyu's story is such an unchanging memory, reminding us that at the intersection of history and reality, there are always some watchmen who are telling the story of time in their way.

The most precious items of the Ming and Qing dynasties were sold as scrap for 8,000 sacks, and now billions of dollars cannot be bought