
Contemporary Prose|Running to Tomorrow

author:Fantasy Magpie M

Text/Li Guangyan

One is renewed, and everything is renewed. Many cities have a "welcome run" on New Year's Day every year as promised, with the starting gun sounding, and everyone at the starting line is like an arrow, running to welcome the new year.

Long-distance running makes people high-spirited and courageous, and the long-distance running for the new year enlivens the vigorous rhythm of a city and witnesses the wonderful changes of an era. Nowadays, long-distance runners are like crucian carp crossing the river, and various marathons come and go, and the two races that impressed me this year were in Hubei.

Contemporary Prose|Running to Tomorrow

In the golden autumn of October, the Yidu Half Marathon started in the National Citrus Agricultural Park, the track connects the golden orange orchard and the ancient town of Qingjiang, the runners shuttled all the way through the orange grove, advanced to the bank of the Qingjiang River, breathed the breeze of the fields, bathed in the clear water and blue sky, and traveled through the "past and present" like an elf, a beautiful picture of the rural revitalization corridor.

Qianjiang City is a corner of the ancient Yunmengze, the lakes are dotted, the river network is criss-crossed, and the water conservancy comprehensive management such as returning land to lakes and diverting rivers to irrigate lakes has been carried out year after year, and a number of original ecological waters have been restored. In the early winter, the domestic and foreign masters compete for the "Water Town Garden" marathon, and the Huiwan Lake Scenic Area is very lively, and the contestants run on the lake embankment and pass through the lush metasequoia forest, which can be described as a tide of 10,000 people running like a tide, as if they are in the water town. I stood by the side of the track with my camera in hand, and the touching scenes came into view. A middle-aged man with a crippled lower limb in a wheelchair, accompanied by five or six volunteers, pushed the wheels with both arms, sometimes gritting his luck and looking up at the front. A husband and wife side by side, the woman was powerless on the last journey, the man held her hand and ran to the finish line. A veteran dressed in a "Chinese veteran" cultural shirt saluted the camera, showing his military demeanor. None of the latecomers who came one after another left the team in discouragement, or gave a thumbs up, or made a "V" gesture, enjoying the happiness of "persistence is victory".

Long-distance running is good for the body, can enhance immunity, increase lung capacity, slim and strengthen muscles, and promote metabolism. Running is also an emotional vent, which can relieve anxiety and eliminate troubles. I'm not a good runner, but I envy long-distance runners. The staff of the Hangang River Authority are keen on long-distance running, which is probably related to the long embankment. When Wu Weijun was a soldier, he was stationed at the Yangtze River Bridge in Zhicheng, and the five-kilometer weight-bearing cross-country long-distance running was commonplace.

Contemporary Prose|Running to Tomorrow

Tian Chengzhi was alive and well in the province's water conservancy "Youth Cup" basketball field, and after participating in the Qianjiang Marathon fitness run, he sighed: Running 8 kilometers at a time is much more tiring than playing a few games of basketball. Every step in life is also the beginning of a life-changing life. Zeng Xiufang has been working as a copywriter all year round, and after falling in love with running, she participates in an 8-kilometer fitness run every year, "I can beat myself as long as I run!"

The quiet and beautiful environment is suitable for long-distance running, the marathon track is generally along the river and around the lake, and the green of the city paves the ecological background, from which the runners can appreciate the beauty of the lake and water, which can be said to be a race on the bank of the river and lake, running into the ecological era. The mass marathon is also a window to show the ecological civilization of water conservancy. "Running on the embankment is refreshing, admiring the beautiful Han River, enjoying the soothing river breeze, and the achievements of embankment construction can be seen along the way......" Talking about long-distance running, Tan Dezhong, who is in the prime of life, is full of interest and vitality, he has suffered from high blood pressure, and his weight is not light, he feels that the strength is not enough after joining the "travel friend", turning to the "running friend", from the "half marathon" to the "full marathon", he has participated in many events including the Beijing Marathon, belongs to the elite of amateur runners, running all the way, the medals are dazzling, and now he is the president of the Qianjiang Running Association. He said that long-distance running challenges perseverance, gathers motivation and shows vitality, and we will carry out the "Dream of the Han River" embankment long-distance running activity every spring, and we will continue to run passionately in the spring of the Year of the Dragon, welcome the New Year and move towards the future.

Contemporary Prose|Running to Tomorrow

At the end of the article, I thought of the bleak scene of Liu Changchun in 1936 on the track of the Berlin Olympic Games, who was ridiculed by the West as the "sick man of East Asia". History has "run" step by step to today, China is becoming stronger and stronger, there are countless world champions and Olympic medals, sports are widely popular, and sportsmanship is important in participation and hard work. In 2024, we will usher in the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Year of the Dragon, the descendants of the dragon, the future will be stronger and stronger, and we will get closer and closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the long-distance running track of world history.

A new starting point, start again, and run towards a better tomorrow!

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