
Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

author:Dr. Sun Xiaoqiang, Department of Cardiology

On an ordinary weekend, Mr. Li, a 50-year-old mid-level engineer, was enjoying his leisure time at home. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, a sensation that was not unfamiliar, but this time, it was more intense and lasting than ever. As usual, he thought it was just because he had eaten too greasy at his last meal, or because of his "old problem" — the occasional indigestion. However, over time, this pain has not relieved and has become more frequent and severe. Finally, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up, and it turned out that it was not just a simple indigestion, but a serious gastrointestinal problem.

Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

Behind the Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Unraveling the Common Triggers of Bloating and Painful Abdomen

Abdominal distension and pain, often misunderstood as simple indigestion, can be a source of more complex gastrointestinal problems. In this section, we'll take a deep dive into the common causes of bloating pain and provide practical advice to help readers better understand and manage this common symptom.

Digestive system dysfunction: Indigestion is often the number one cause of abdominal distension. It can be caused by eating too quickly, eating an unbalanced diet, or intolerance to certain foods. In indigestion, food stays in the stomach for too long, causing gas and discomfort.

Intestinal flora imbalance: A healthy intestinal flora is essential for digestion. When the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria, it can cause gas, pain, and even malabsorption of nutrients. Long-term dietary Xi and antibiotic use may affect the balance of intestinal flora.

Functional gastrointestinal disorders: such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia, these disorders are often associated with abnormal motor and sensory function of the stomach and intestines, resulting in abdominal pain, flatulence, and changes in bowel Xi.

Recessive signs of chronic disease: abdominal distension and pain may be an early sign of a more serious condition, such as abnormal glucose metabolism or increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries. These diseases can indirectly cause gastrointestinal problems by affecting the body's overall metabolism and blood circulation.

Influence of psychological factors: Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety have been shown to cause or exacerbate gastrointestinal discomfort. When you are in a poor state of mind, your body may reflect an internal imbalance through abdominal distension.

Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

Early detection, early prevention: uncover the hidden signs of gastrointestinal diseases

In the "Early Identification of Gastrointestinal Problems" section, we will delve into how to be alert in your daily life and recognize the early signs that may indicate a gastrointestinal disorder. This is essential for the prevention and timely intervention of gastrointestinal problems.

Unusual abdominal discomfort: early warning

Unusual bloating and pain: Unlike ordinary dyspepsia, bloating and pain can be an early sign of a gastrointestinal disorder if it is frequent or persistent, especially if there is no change in dietary Xi habits.

Changes in appetite and weight: Unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite may be a sign of abnormal gastrointestinal function.

Abnormalities in the digestive process

Frequent occurrence of indigestion: If you find yourself suffering from indigestion frequently, especially if there is no obvious eating fault, this could be a sign of an underlying gastrointestinal problem.

Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

Changes in bow Xi el habits: any significant changes in bowel habits, such as constipation or the sudden onset of diarrhea, should be alarmed Xi bowel movements.

Other possible signs

Recurrent acid reflux or heartburn: These symptoms may indicate impaired valve function between the esophagus and stomach, leading to reflux of stomach contents.

Nausea and vomiting: This can be a sign of delayed gastric emptying or poor gastric motility.

When to seek medical help

If the above symptoms persist or worsen, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor for professional evaluation and necessary diagnostic tests. In addition, if there is a family history of gastrointestinal diseases, you should pay more attention to these symptoms and have regular medical check-ups.

Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

Secrets at the table: how to protect your gut and stomach with your diet

When discussing gastrointestinal health, we often overlook the importance of diet and lifestyle. This section is intended to provide practical advice and information to help readers effectively maintain and improve their gastrointestinal health by adjusting their daily dietary Xi.

The importance of a balanced diet

Balanced nutrition: A balanced diet is essential for gastrointestinal health. Emphasize the importance of dietary fiber, protein, healthy fats and trace elements.

Examples: Show examples of a balanced diet throughout the day, such as a fiber-rich whole-grain breakfast, a protein-rich lunch, and a dinner with a variety of vegetables.

Avoid foods that upset your stomach

Irritating foods: Make a detailed list of foods that may cause gastrointestinal upset, such as excessive amounts of spicy, greasy foods.

Food substitution: Provide alternatives, such as using herbs instead of spicy spices and choosing low-fat foods.

Abdominal distension is not only indigestion, it can be a gastrointestinal problem!

The importance of water intake

Adequate hydration: Emphasize the importance of staying well hydrated for bowel motility.

Recommended amount: Provide a recommended daily intake of water and recommend avoiding sugary drinks and high-caffeinated beverages.

The importance of eating regularly

Regularity: Explain the benefits of eating regularly for gastrointestinal health.

Example: Discuss how irregular eating affects gastrointestinal function and provide suggestions for improvement.

Increase your intake of prebiotics and probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics: Explain how these ingredients promote gut health.

Food sources: List foods that are rich in these ingredients, such as yogurt, fermented foods, etc.