
Yongning Road Community, Xihuachi Town, Heshui County: "Small Grid" Serves "Big People's Livelihood"

author:Great beauty and water

This year, the Yongning Road Community of Xihuachi Town, Heshui County, took "grid" as the starting point, focused on the field of people's livelihood, gave full play to the functional role of grid members, and solved problems for the masses in a timely manner through visiting households and accurately touching and arranging, and strived to serve the masses in a practical and detailed manner, so that the "small grid" could serve the "big people's livelihood".

Yongning Road Community, Xihuachi Town, Heshui County: "Small Grid" Serves "Big People's Livelihood"

As the smallest unit of grassroots governance, the grid is the forefront and the most sensitive tentacle to open up and serve the masses. Zheng Mei, who lives in the Yongning Road community, is an elderly person who lives alone, suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes all the year round, and has been maintained by taking medicine. After the community grid members found out about this situation through visiting the household, they often came to help her clean, pay attention to her physical condition, chat with her about family life, and send her daily necessities during the New Year's holidays.

Yongning Road Community, Xihuachi Town, Heshui County: "Small Grid" Serves "Big People's Livelihood"

In order to further deepen the service management work, serve the community residents efficiently and with high quality, and give full play to the role of the "little speaker" of the grid. Through WeChat groups, household chats and other forms, the grid members of the Yongning Road community gave detailed explanations on issues such as civil affairs assistance, medical security, and chronic disease applications that residents were concerned about, so that the residents of the community could keep abreast of the latest policies benefiting the people. At the same time, in order to improve the living environment of community residents, the community also organized grid members and volunteers to clean up the garbage and graffiti in the community, and inspected the fire protection facilities in the community, and strived to serve the people's livelihood in a practical and detailed manner.

Yongning Road Community, Xihuachi Town, Heshui County: "Small Grid" Serves "Big People's Livelihood"

Since the beginning of this year, the Yongning Road community has actively carried out grassroots service to the masses, focusing on building a "grid team", and at the same time continuously integrating various resources, integrating the grid with volunteer services, understanding the needs of the masses in a timely manner, resolving contradictions and disputes, and gradually forming a grid governance pattern of "people walking in the network and things being done in the grid". According to statistics, this year, the Yongning Road community has discovered, reported and handled a total of 253 matters of various kinds, carried out public services 99 times, resolved 141 contradictions and disputes, and investigated 13 hidden dangers to public security.

Reporter Sun Lifang

Director: Tang Hongbin

Producer: Wang Tingbin, Qiu Jingjing

Editor-in-charge: Li Dina

Editor: Yang Qingqing