
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia

author:Paekjong Cultivator


In 2023, a number of popular internet celebrity animals have emerged on the internet. These animals have not only gained great popularity on the web, but have also presented various amazing and interesting trivia to the public. Here are the trivia facts about the top 10 internet celebrity animals in 2023.

1. Owl Monkey: This monkey is known for its distinctive owl-like swirling eyes. Surprisingly, their eyes can not only rotate 270 degrees, but also clearly see their prey at night.

2. Giant Turtles: A giant turtle named "George" became an internet celebrity. It has a lifespan of up to 80 years, making it one of the longest-lived animals in the world.

3. Flying Frog: This frog that is able to glide through the air attracts a lot of attention. Their skin has a special texture that allows them to form air sacs in the air, allowing them to glide through the air for hundreds of meters.

4. Blue Whale: As the largest animal in the world, the blue whale's breathing holes allow a person to come and go freely. Their breathing holes can inhale large amounts of water and expel it through their huge lungs.

5. Giant Conch: The spiral shape of the giant conch is one of the most perfect geometric shapes in nature. Their shells can be up to 1 meter long and weigh up to 45 kilograms.

6. Giant Octopus: Giant octopuses are one of the largest invertebrates in the world, and their tentacles can be up to 9 meters long. They use suckers to suck on their prey and spray ink to escape.

7. Flamingos: Flamingos are known for their bright plumage, but did you know that they move every year? They migrate to the Arctic during the breeding season and then return to South America during the non-breeding season.

8. Giant seals: Giant seals are one of the largest seal species in the world, weighing up to 1 ton. They use their strong teeth to prey on fish and squid.

9. Blue Whale Shark: Blue whale sharks are one of the largest fish species in the world, and they can reach up to 18 meters in length. Despite having "blue whales" in their name, they are not really cetaceans.

10. Gibbons: Gibbons have arms that are longer than their body length and can reach more than 2 meters. They use their long arms to move quickly and catch food in the woods.

2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia
2023 Top 10 Internet Celebrity Animal Trivia

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