
Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

author:Emotional Gillian

The warm sun of early winter shines through the clouds on the earth, and the breeze is light, as if nature is singing softly. This is the rhythm of nature and the melody of life. Winter reminds people of the importance of the body's immunity, and the "King of Immunity" is now revealing its true face! Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can effectively strengthen the immune system and make people feel at ease to meet the harsh winter.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

Mushrooms, a gift from nature, are not only the protagonists of delicious dishes, but also a magical creature with amazing nutritional powers. Mushrooms contain 18 amino acids, which are key nutrients that our bodies cannot synthesize on their own, but are essential. These amino acids act like the code of life, connecting the body's organs and systems to provide us with the energy and nutrients we need to maintain health and vitality.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

In addition to being rich in amino acids, mushrooms also have a unique immune-boosting effect. Traditional medicinal mushrooms such as yellow mushrooms, white fungus, and tea tree mushrooms have been regarded as the golden ingredients for health protection since ancient times. The polysaccharides in mushrooms, such as β-glucan, methylgalactose and mannan, can activate the immune system, improve immunity, and enhance the body's ability to fight diseases.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

The deliciousness and efficacy of mushrooms are attracting more and more people. However, there are many types of mushrooms, up to hundreds of species, so you need to be careful when choosing them. The following shares a mushroom pork rib soup, using more than a dozen common mushrooms, paired with pork rib stew, which is delicious and nutritious.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

【Mushroom Pork Ribs Soup】Prepare ingredients and seasonings: 300 grams of pork ribs, 1 pack of dried mushrooms, 6 red dates, chopped green onions, ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate. Method: Clean the pork ribs, then put them in a pot under cold water, add cooking wine to blanch, boil, skim off the foam, and remove them for later use. Soak the mushrooms in water and rinse them well and set aside. Put the blanched pork ribs into a pot, add hot water, then add mushrooms, red dates and ginger slices, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Finally, add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste, and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter

Each bite of mushrooms contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can effectively enhance the body's immunity and help us better survive the cold winter.

Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter
Each bite contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can enhance immunity and survive the winter