
Scored 40 points in the air, the championship giants declined, and they didn't cherish Harden.

author:Frank Coke PQV

Recently, a shocking thing happened on the basketball court, when a player scored 40 and 39 points on his own in two consecutive games. That player is Harden, a former key player for the Houston Rockets. Sadly, however, the player's efforts have not been appreciated and recognized as they deserve.

Scored 40 points in the air, the championship giants declined, and they didn't cherish Harden.

The Houston Rockets, once a championship contender, are now in a slump and have lost their past glory. And all of this goes hand in hand with the contempt for Harden. There is no doubt that Harden's talent and ability as a superstar cannot be ignored. However, in the eyes of the team's management, Harden seems to have become a player who can only "cut in the air", ignoring his all-round performance on the offensive end and his contribution to the team.

Scored 40 points in the air, the championship giants declined, and they didn't cherish Harden.

This lack of appreciation for Harden is a wrong choice and a high price to pay. As a championship-contending giant, losing a player like Harden has not only lost a scoring machine, but also a leader who can lead the team to victory. Harden not only has excellent scoring ability, but also accurate passing vision and excellent playmaking. He's an all-round player who has a lot more impact on the team than just the scoreline.

It's often said to "cherish the people in front of you," and the Rockets didn't do that when they faced Harden. They treated the superstar as a pure scoring machine and ignored his all-around play on both the offensive and defensive ends. Not only is this offensive and unfair to Harden, but it also hurts the team's overall strength and morale.

Scored 40 points in the air, the championship giants declined, and they didn't cherish Harden.

Basketball is not only the embodiment of individual heroism, but also a symbol of teamwork and tacit cooperation. Each player has a different role and responsibility, and true success can only be achieved if they play to their strengths wisely and work together with each other. And Harden, as the core of the team, also needs the support and recognition of his teammates. It is only through solidarity and joint efforts that the team can achieve brilliant results.

Scored 40 points in the air, the championship giants declined, and they didn't cherish Harden.

Finally, we should understand that the game of basketball is not a one-person game, but a group competition. Valuing the hard work and talent of every player is what makes the team truly successful. For the Rockets, who have lost a talented player like Harden, they will have to pay the price and learn from it.

On the basketball court, don't take the hard work and dedication of any player lightly. Because every player is an indispensable part of the game, and only through team cooperation and hard work can the ultimate goal be achieved. Cherish and respect every player, so that we can witness more miracles and brilliance!