
2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

author:Long Xue said history

In 2023, we have experienced many tragedies in the Internet celebrity circle. May has just passed, but the suffocating and heart-wrenching things have happened one after another.

10 well-known Internet celebrities, regardless of men, women and children, they ended their too short lives. Some of them were originally sunny and cheerful, some were kind and enthusiastic, and some had a bright future, but fate ruthlessly took away their precious lives.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

These 10 influencers have different life experiences, but they also remind us to value the passage of time, because life is precious but also fragile. We all have family and friends waiting for us, so we must not let down every new sunrise.

These 10 deceased people must also hope to see us in heaven to take a positive approach to life and strive to live the meaning of life. In addition to grief, we should be grateful to them for bringing joy to the world, and grateful for their stories to remind us to protect the preciousness of every life around us.

March is a season that should be thriving. However, this month, 28-year-old young dancer Su Riman ended his short life in tragedy.

Su Riman is a beautiful girl who has won a dance award by a dance major. But just when her career was on the rise, the shadow of cancer suddenly enveloped her. From the discovery of the illness to the death, only 8 months were full of pain and suffering.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

We can't imagine how desperate and helpless a 28-year-old young life is. However, Suzhman chose to face it bravely. She was actively treated and even though her hair fell out, she was strong enough to complete the stage performance.

Su Riman has infected and inspired countless people with his courage. Although his life was ultimately defeated by illness, Su Riman's optimistic and strong spirit will always live in people's hearts.

Her story reminds us to pay attention to our bodies and to be positive about life's misfortunes, because we all have the strength to overcome the gloom.

Flowers that were supposed to bloom in spring were ruthlessly destroyed in March. Tan Yuan, a girl in her early 20s, was buried underwater in order to save her ex-boyfriend, and her young life was hopeless.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

Tan Yuan's ex-boyfriend chose to commit suicide in an emotional dispute, but Tan Yuan didn't just watch him die. She jumped into the water after her, trying to save his life.

However, the cruel reality is that neither of them broke free from the clutches of death, and both drowned in the icy water. When Tan Yuan fell, her bright smile froze, and her beautiful youth and future also came to naught.

This accident is full of the brilliance of human nature, but it is also deplorable. Tan Yuan is still so young, she could have had a life of infinite possibilities. But in an instant, she gave with her life, trying to exchange hope for others.

Tan Yuan's bravery and fearlessness, her obsession with life, all show the preciousness of life. She illustrated the greatness of love with her life, which is worth remembering forever.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

If life is a gamble, then Xu Daring is a brave gambler. She struggled with illness for three long years, but finally lost to a cruel fate.

But in this gamble, she showed admirable willpower and kindness.

Xu Daring, a Nanjing girl with disabled parents, could have chosen suicide to escape the cruelty of life, but she didn't. Even if her fiancé abandoned her, she still chose to fight hard.

During the long process of treatment, she constantly shared her experience online, infecting countless patients with her mentality. Even though she herself is battling illness to the death, she still gives courage and hope to others.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

Xu Daring faces the cruelty of life with a smile and defeats despair with hope. Although the flame of life will eventually be extinguished, the light she lights will continue to illuminate those in the dark.

Xu boldly explained to us what it means to have a loving heart, and her spirit is always worthy of admiration and Xi.

The news of the death of the 31-year-old eating and broadcasting Internet celebrity "Brother Wenwei" in March has cast a shadow on this spring that has not yet been fully enlightened.

"Brother Wenwei" is a humorous and funny young man, and his eating broadcast is loved by many fans. However, the long-term intake of high-protein foods and the consumption of food and broadcast have aggravated his pre-existing diseases.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

As a living being, we all have the responsibility and obligation to love ourselves. But "Brother Wenwei" constantly consumes the lamp oil of life for the sake of traffic and money. By the time the disease really hit, it was too late.

The tragedy of "Brother Wenwei" reminds us that in this era of valuing traffic and despising life, we must be a person with responsibility and bottom line. We will eventually die, but we must not be tempted by money and fame to continue to destroy ourselves.

"Brother Wenwei" was so young when he died, he could have had another life. Thanks to him for his own lessons, he warned us to eat reasonably, stay away from the cancer of life, and learn to take care of our bodies.

This is the capital of our life, and it is also an important foundation for continuing to pass on love.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

In May of this year, a bloody tragedy was staged in the online anchor world. A female Internet celebrity was stabbed 13 times with a kitchen knife by a man in her home, bleeding all over the ground, and then died.

This female Internet celebrity is called Shanmei, a girl from Shandong. And the murderer is her number one fan, this male netizen always gives gifts generously in her live broadcast room to express his "love".

However, feelings are not something that can be measured in terms of money and gifts. When the male netizen wanted to sublimate the relationship, Shanmei refused. On impulse, the man bought a kitchen knife and killed her at Shanmei's house.

This sensational tragedy shows us the dangers lurking behind virtual networks. It also warns people that a relationship cannot be measured by money, let alone blackmailed by the other party.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

We all want the Internet to be a place of sunshine and joy, but violence and sin can also come at any time. Therefore, it is up to each of us to make the Internet a safer and warmer space, rather than a festering place where violence can consume lives.

Only reason and love can overcome ugliness, and we must use our own strength to protect this pure land.

In 2022, we experienced a series of tragedies. In just 5 months, 10 well-known influencers have left this world one after another. They were all so young that they should have endless possibilities.

But the fragility of life inexorably ended their story.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

The 102-year-old "arrogant grandma" is synonymous with vitality in our minds, and her departure is a great loss for this era. The 26-year-old could have continued to amuse the public with his humorous jokes, but the illness showed no mercy.

The kind-hearted "Scholar and Cat Time" could have continued to accompany the cat and dog and pass on the warmth, but fate deprived him of the opportunity. They have all brought joy and hope to the world, but the fragility of life has made them reluctant to call a curtain call.

In fact, life has always been fragile. We're all going to grow old and we're all leaving. But the meaning is not how long you live, but what kind of life you live.

These 10 deceased people tell us to strive to shine and pass on warmth. We can all be a beacon in someone else's life and continue to pass on love. And every self-growth, every good deed, will make the world a better place.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

The stories of these 10 influencers inspire us to live every life to the fullest, so that even if we die young, we can have no regrets.

At the beginning of 2022, the successive tragedies in the Internet celebrity world made people sigh. So many lives have been ruthlessly taken away in the prime of life, reminding us to cherish every day of our lives.

Life is so fragile, we should all be grateful that we can still see the sun and see the flowers bloom. In the stories of these Internet celebrities, we see the meaning of life and the strangeness of death.

Every life has shone and left a memory. We can all be the light of this world, so please strive to live life with meaning. We all grow old, but we can choose to laugh at life, so that even if we die young, we will have no regrets.

2023 has just passed May, and 10 Internet celebrities have passed away, and they have gained fame and fortune during their lifetimes, who will remember them after they leave?

The meaning of life lies in the fact that it illuminates other lives. Thank you for the warnings of the deceased, let us protect the preciousness of life together.