
Why, nowadays, the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse?

author:Rakuten system wave iH

There are many reasons why the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse, and one of the main reasons is that they don't think about after-sales problems at all. Many people who repair computers only care about solving the problems in front of them when repairing their computers, and do not think about what to do if the computer goes wrong later. Either they will shirk their responsibilities, or they will find someone else to deal with it, which is a common way of operation in Xi'an Computer City.

Why, nowadays, the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse?

Another reason for the decline in the skill level of computer repairers is their lack of expertise. Many people who repair computers are extremely anti-intellectual, and they have little understanding of the principles and structure of computers. In this case, even if they are able to solve the problem at hand, they are helpless when it comes to more complex computer failures.

Why, nowadays, the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse?

When I was working with a merchant, the boss asked me to teach them how to repair printers, and I told them that they should pay attention to their ideas when repairing things, and they should not toss them as soon as they come up. However, they are dismissive of learning the principles and structure of Xi printers, and this attitude leads to their poor computer repair skills.

Why, nowadays, the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse?

In addition, another reason for the decline in the technical level of computer repairers is their lack of enthusiasm and sense of responsibility for the industry. Many people who repair computers just want to make money to repair computers, they don't really love the industry, and they don't have a sense of responsibility. This attitude leads to the fact that they are not serious and responsible when repairing computers, but only perfunctory, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the level of technology.

Why, nowadays, the technical level of computer repairers is getting worse and worse?

In order to solve the problem of the declining technical level of people who repair computers, we need to take a series of measures. First of all, we need to strengthen the training of computer repairers, so that they can understand the principles and structure of computers, and improve their professional knowledge. Second, we need to strengthen the supervision of computer repairers to ensure that they are responsible for repairing computers. Finally, we also need to guide computer repairers to establish correct values, so that they can love the industry and enhance their sense of responsibility.

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