
They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"

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In the business world, the term "migrant worker" is no longer new. Most people, wherever they are, are part of this vast system, struggling to make ends meet. However, the recent outbreak of Dong Yuhui's essay turmoil within New Oriental has triggered people's deep thinking about the identity of "migrant workers" and corporate culture.

Dong Yuhui, as the anchor of New Oriental, became popular overnight in the live broadcast on Douyin and became a representative figure of the company. However, the unfair distribution of interests between the management and him intensified the conflict, which eventually led to Dong Yuhui's departure. This incident is not only an internal conflict for merit and profit, but also a complex collision of corporate culture, system design and human nature.

They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"

First of all, the incident highlighted the divisions between management and employees within the company. As part-time workers, employees create value for the company, but they may not be able to get fair returns in the distribution of benefits. Dong Yuhui's resignation has aroused employees' concerns about the fairness of the company's internal management, and has also made more people start to think about whether workers are assets of enterprises or objects of exploitation by capital.

Second, the turmoil involves a conflict between hero worship and corporate culture. Dong Yuhui became popular in the Douyin live broadcast and became a symbol of the company's heroes, and was warmly supported by fans.

They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"

However, when he had a conflict with management, the company's image suffered. This raises questions about whether hero worship can be sustained and have a positive effect on the company.

In addition, the institutional design issues involved in the incident are also worthy of attention. Whether the internal system of the enterprise can solve the rights and interests of employees fairly and justly is the key to the long-term development of the enterprise. The Dong Yuhui case reveals the fragility of the system in the distribution of benefits and employee relations in large enterprises like New Oriental.

From a broader perspective, the turmoil highlights the conflict between institutional design and human culture in corporate management.

They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"

Management tends to maximize efficiency and profits, while employees want to be treated fairly and fulfilled in the company. How to find a balance between the two is a difficult problem to be solved urgently in enterprise management.

Dong Yuhui's resignation finally aroused widespread public attention and sounded the alarm for the management of New Oriental. In the business society, workers are not silent, they are the cornerstone of the operation of the enterprise, and the management of the enterprise cannot ignore their concerns and needs. In the face of similar incidents, the company should pay more attention to system construction, protect the rights and interests of employees, and avoid negative effects caused by conflicts between management and employees.

They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"

Generally speaking, the internal contradictions caused by this turmoil from a small essay incident reflect the complex situation faced by migrant workers in the modern business society. Management needs to take a hard look at the systems and culture within the company to ensure that employees are able to work hard in a fair and equitable environment. For migrant workers, they also need to be more aware of their own rights and interests, actively participate in corporate decision-making, and promote the development of corporate culture. Only with the joint efforts of both parties can enterprises achieve long-term success.

They are all "workers", why do you still have to "fight"