
Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

author:Little Hongshu
Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

I've been in an unusually depressed mood these days

One is to see the jingle of poverty in a certain area, and the finance can use 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but the snow has not been swept away, and I don't know where the real money has been spent?

Another message called for teachers' salaries to be too low, and young teachers could barely support their families with four or five thousand a month's salary

And the most infuriating thing is that there are netizens below, not shouting randomly, if you are too low, you can resign, there are a lot of people who want to do it!

Let's think about it, if all the teachers quit, wouldn't your children have to go to school? Can you really teach the knowledge in books?

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

Why do so few students who graduated from Qingbei go to become teachers? Why do those high-achieving students flock to take the public examination? Is this the progress or regression of the times?

Yesterday my daughter, a sixth-grade elementary school student, came home and didn't even have time to eat a bite of dinner, so she went straight into her study, where exams were approaching, and every day her subject teachers would send them a lot of homework for them to come home and complete.

She wrote from 6:40 to 10:30 when she returned home, and the teachers of Chinese, mathematics, and English left a total of 14 papers.

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

I said to my daughter at the time, you can pick some key questions, types of questions that you haven't done in school to Xi practice, and leave the rest of the papers for me, and I will write them for you.

But my daughter is one of those good children, and although she has a lot of homework, she still gritted her teeth and finished it.

She was in her room, writing and writing, and I secretly opened a crack in the door outside her room, and through the crack in the door, I looked at my daughter's small body, and there was a small stack of papers on the desk. I really feel sorry for the child.

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

My husband said to me, why do children have so much homework every day?

While washing the dishes, I said that because the end of the semester is approaching, the teachers of all subjects are under pressure, so they are desperately leaving homework, but these homework is actually ineffective for students who Xi well and students who do not Xi well

Students who are very good at Xi do not need to do this kind of large number of repetitive homework, and students who are very poor in Xi, even if you keep these homework, they are not knowledgeable, this kind of large number of questions tactics, only for those students with average academic Xi grades, has little effect.

Last night, while I was accompanying my children to do their homework, I sighed at the same time, if when they went to school, their grades were very mediocre, their qualifications were mediocre, and even when they were in school, they did not master any Xi very good learning methods, if they went to the position of teachers in the future, then it would be useless to harm the next generation?

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

These teachers will put the experience they had in relying on brute force and relying on the tactics of the sea of questions on their students.

Even some teachers who are not very qualified will take the homework as a punishment for the students, if there is a disobedient student in the class, the teacher will ask him to write the same homework content three times, five times or even 10 times.

In the long run, learning Xi is a very easy thing, so in the eyes of children, learning Xi will become a chore, children will be afraid of learning Xi, avoid learning Xi, and even regard learning Xi as a flood of beasts, which in the final analysis is caused by the low quality of some teachers in the teaching team.

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

So having said that, how can more elites be willing to engage in the work of teachers, give up the public examination, but be willing to walk on the three-foot podium and share their good learning methods Xi back then, so that our children can learn Xi easily?

At present, in some places, the salary of teachers is less than 3,000 yuan, and now 3,000 yuan is not even a migrant worker. If the salary is raised to one million per year, you can see if you can invite some high-quality people to become teachers.

Is it really financially difficult? You can take 2.8 billion yuan to clear the snow, but you can't raise the salaries of front-line teachers?

Take, for example, my daughter's class.

Their teachers, in addition to completing their usual daily teaching tasks, also have a variety of statistics

From counting students' insurance contributions, counting all kinds of information about parents, and even asking parents to learn all kinds Xi of things, all these tasks are now falling to teachers

There are some uninformed parents who will complain about the teacher, but in fact, the teacher also has a hard time, and they are also fulfilling the indicators given by the superior.

The information of the parent group is from more than 6 o'clock in the morning to more than 10 o'clock in the evening every day, and there will be teachers in it from time to time to send messages, so it can be seen that teachers basically dare not leave the mobile phone every day, in addition to staring at the students' Xi, there is a lot of messy work.

So, is the teacher's day eight hours a day? I don't think it's enough

And the teacher's monthly salary is spread evenly every day, and the income is really not high, even lower than that of waiters in some front-line areas

So as a teaching and educating position, such an important position, but the salary has not come up for a long time, why is this?