
Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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In the middle of the night, Zhang Min suddenly woke up from her sleep, she had just had a nightmare that she had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Although she knew that it was just a dream, the realism of the dream made her feel uneasy and emotionally nervous. Under the persuasion of a friend, Zhang Min decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive health check-up for psychological comfort.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

At the hospital, Zhang Min met the doctor Wang Lixing. Dr. Wang, an experienced internist, listened carefully to Min Zhang's description.

It was decided to undergo a series of tests for her, including blood tests, electrocardiogram and ultrasound, to ensure her health. The results of the examination showed that Zhang Min was in good physical condition and did not have any abnormalities.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

Dr. Wang Lixing said to Zhang Min in a gentle tone: "Physically, you are healthy, but I noticed that you may have been overly nervous and anxious recently. In fact, health is not only physical and pain-free, mental health is equally important. ”

After hearing this, Zhang Min felt a little comforted. Dr Ong continued, "For many people, longevity is a goal, but more important is a healthy and happy life. ”

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

Dr. Wang advises Zhang Min to do some relaxation activities, such as yoga, meditation or walking. "These activities help reduce psychological stress and improve the quality of life," he said.

Sometimes, mental relaxation and well-being are more important than just physical well-being. "Healthy living is not just about avoiding disease, it's about a balanced lifestyle.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

By the time she left Dr. Wang, she had already decided to start adjusting her life to focus on her physical health and mental health.

In the days that followed, Zhang Min began to practice Dr. Wang's advice, and she found that her mood became more relaxed and her life became more meaningful. She began to enjoy each day and stopped worrying too much about what might happen in the future.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

A healthy life is not just about longevity, it's about mental and physical harmony. We should not just blindly pursue the extension of life, but should focus on improving the quality of life and enjoying every moment.

True happiness and health come from the love of life and psychological satisfaction. Zhang Min started a new lifestyle on the advice of his doctor.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

She realized that the happiness of life comes not only from physical health, but also from peace and contentment of the soul. She began to reduce the pressure of work and give herself more time to enjoy life, such as reading, traveling, or gathering with family and friends.

With the passage of time, Zhang Min realized that his mentality had changed a lot. She is no longer as worried about the future as she used to, but has learned to enjoy every moment of the present.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

She found that when she started to focus on her mental health, her physical health improved. She sleeps sweeter and is more energetic.

Zhang Min began to share her experience with the people around her. She told them that a healthy life is not only about physical health, but also about spiritual happiness and peace. She encouraged them to find their own happiness and not be bothered by the pressures of life.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

Dr. Wang Lixing's advice and Zhang Min's experience have brought us profound enlightenment: health and happiness are two inseparable parts of life. We should not only pursue longevity, but also the quality of life.

By making reasonable lifestyle adjustments and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, each of us can have a healthy and happy life.

Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible

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Expert: Those who live to this age are the happiest, and they benefit from it as soon as possible