
China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

author:Emotional Teaching Hall

A helpless Chinese baby girl

One day in July 2001, Wuzhou, Guangxi Province ushered in a hot midsummer. At this moment, a faint baby cry broke the brief silence in the hospital.

A newborn came crying, her skin delicate and her sparse black hair on the top of her head standing out in the lamplight. The nurse gently picked her up, but vaguely felt the body in her arms feeling unnaturally cold and shivering.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

It turned out that less than a week after the birth of this poor baby girl, she was abandoned by her biological mother. Late one night, the baby, who was left alone, was left alone at the door of the welfare home and almost died.

Fortunately, she was found and sent to the hospital in time for treatment, and her life was extended. However, the trauma of losing her mother's love has left an indelible shadow on her young heart.

At the same time, in the distant United States, Shirley is sitting on the balcony looking at the clear blue sky, and the clouds floating in the sky are like white children. Her hand gently covered her heart, there should have been a life growing here, a flesh and blood being nurtured, but God's arrangement was cruel after all.

The diagnosis of infertility made her no longer able to experience the joy of motherhood. Adoption became her only hope of realizing her mother's love.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

After a long period of preparation, she finally came to the distant land of China and met 2-year-old Morgan in a welfare home in Guangxi. That thin figure, that delicate face, made her decide in an instant - she would bring the purest love in the world to this poor baby girl.

The grief of abandonment

Soon after Morgan was brought back to the United States, he experienced his first birthday. For this toddler, who is not yet 3 years old, all she can feel is the love and care from her adoptive mother, Shirley.

She still doesn't fully understand the grief of being abandoned, but in the dead of night, she unconsciously curls up in the corner of her bed.

On perhaps the eighth night since his birth, Morgan opened his sleepy eyes again. Through the gap in the curtains, she saw the moonlight outside the window. But in an instant, the moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and her world was suddenly engulfed in darkness.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

"Don't leave me, Mom!" Morgan shouted in horror, but no one answered in the darkness. She cowered in fear, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew that she had a mother who had left her, and she couldn't stop her from leaving.

Hearing the movement, Shirley hurriedly ran to Morgan's bed. She gently hugged Morgan, wiped the tears from her face, and softly lulled her to sleep. Morgan felt the warmth of his adoptive mother and slowly fell asleep.

However, in her heart, there is still the pain of being abandoned by her biological mother. During the day, Morgan actively participates in various activities and experiences hard-won happiness. But whenever night falls, she can't help but think of the scene when her biological mother left her.

Why did she say goodbye without saying goodbye? Did I do something wrong? Morgan couldn't find an answer, so she could only hug her adoptive mother tightly and seek that little comfort.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

Fortunately, Shirley was always by her side. Morgan gradually realized that blood ties do not determine a good mother, and giving love and care is what she needs most as a child.

The pain of the past will eventually pass, and this beautiful adoptive mother friendship will be the most valuable treasure in her life.

Discover gymnastics talent

Under the careful care of his adoptive mother, Morgan grew up. In order to adapt to life in the United States as soon as possible, and to cultivate her hobbies, Shirley asked her to sign up for various extracurricular activities.

At first, Morgan tried drawing, singing, etc., but none of them were her strong suit. Until one day, she came to the gymnasium.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

"Mom, can I go play with that?" Morgan's eyes lit up and he asked, pointing to the uneven bars in the middle. "Of course you can, but be careful to be safe. Shirley readily agreed.

Morgan happily ran over, grabbed the handlebars with both hands, and flew up and down with ease. She runs back and forth on the narrow balance beam, agile as a happy bird.

It turns out that this is where Morgan's talent lies. Her natural flexibility and balance make her suitable for Xi this competitive sport that requires excellent body control. Seeing her having so much fun, Shirley immediately decided to send her to formal gymnastics training.

At first, the intense training brought a lot of pressure. Morgan has to practice Xi gym for seven hours a day, and she has to practice dozens of times from basic to difficult movements Xi so she can master it.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

Muscle soreness and an old elbow injury often hindered her progress, and failures and setbacks filled every stage of her training.

But whenever she remembered her mother's expectant gaze and her childhood dreams, Morgan perked up. She watched the video to find the gap, adjusted her mentality to stay optimistic, and finally was able to persevere.

The sweat of hard training has not been in vain, and every success she has brought a huge sense of achievement.

The international arena is rising

After a long and hard training, Morgan finally got the chance to join the state gymnastics team at the age of six. This marked her step into the ranks of professional athletes. In the provincial races, she easily beat the other competitors to earn a place in the national championships.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

At the age of nine, Morgan passed the Grade 4 test, the highest level of amateur gymnastics in the United States, a rare achievement for children of his age. At the age of 13, she was even qualified for the national team with a high score of 10 in the major, which impressed everyone.

In 2017, the 16-year-old Morgan officially took his first test in the senior competition. She represented the U.S. team at the World Cup in Stuttgart, Germany, where she finished third against a strong opponent from all over the world.

Despite the poor performance in the next few games, Morgan was not discouraged. She adjusted her mindset and trained with all her might, ready for the next level of challenge – the fierce competition at the World Championships.

Finally, in the highest temple of gymnastics, Morgan ushered in the glorious moment of his life. She turns pressure into motivation and gives her all on every project.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

Under the sun, she swayed freely, smiled like a flower, and completed one moving performance after another. In the end, she narrowly defeated the runner-up and stood on the top podium! The audience burst into applause and her name spread all over the world.

Adhere to the original intention and not be ungrateful

After winning the championship, Morgan became a household name as a star athlete. In the face of media interviews and public attention, she chose to dedicate the honor to her adoptive mother Shirley. "All my achievements are inseparable from my mother's care and companionship over the years, and my own heart of never giving up. Morgan said.

Indeed, a good athlete not only needs talent, but also the understanding and encouragement of his family. Morgan was able to receive high-intensity training because he had his mother behind him.

Whenever she encounters a setback and wants to give up, the thought of her mother's expectant eyes can rekindle her fighting spirit.

China's 2-year-old abandoned baby was adopted by the Americans, and now she has become a world champion, saying that she will not return to China to find her relatives

Many people may not understand why Morgan refused to return to China to find his birth mother after receiving the honor. But in her heart, the kindness of her adoptive mother Shirley is far more than that of a biological mother who only leaves her.

It was Shirley's love that melted the pain of her abandonment and allowed her to see again in the darkness.

"A person's life is not only a few years, I will spend my life repaying my mother's kindness to me. Morgan said firmly. She hopes that her experience can make everyone reflect on the importance of blood, but loving care is the key to a child's growth.

Every life is precious and deserves to be treated with passion. Maybe one day, she will set up a foundation to help more abandoned babies like herself find happy homes. Because she knows that the meaning of home is not only in blood, but also in love.

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