
"Tonight" this year|Ice and snow are waiting to be "melted" and the two sides of the strait are looking forward to the spring flowers

author:Take a look at the news


On December 8, the results of the 2023 Cross-Strait Annual Chinese Character Selection jointly organized by institutions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were announced, and the character "Rong" was elected. Just a day ago, the results of the "Taiwan 2023 Representative Character Election" were announced, and the word "missing" was selected as the representative word of the year. On the one hand, the helplessness of "shortage" and the expectation of "integration" on the other side have profoundly interpreted the year of the two sides of the strait.

"Tonight" this year|Ice and snow are waiting to be "melted" and the two sides of the strait are looking forward to the spring flowers

General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed on many occasions that realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese sons and daughters and the meaning of national rejuvenation. In this year's government work report, it is clearly written that "firmly oppose 'independence' and promote reunification, and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations."

Opposing "independence" and promoting reunification is "the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era," and it is also the basic stance and important perspective of "Tonight" in observing the situation in the Taiwan Strait over the past year.

"Tonight" this year|Ice and snow are waiting to be "melted" and the two sides of the strait are looking forward to the spring flowers

During this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National People's Congress (NPC) this year, "Tonight" specially planned "Asking China to Govern China" and focusing on "Opposing 'Independence' and Promoting Reunification, How Can Cross-Strait Relations Usher in a New Atmosphere?", stressing that resolving the Taiwan issue is Chinese its own business and can only be decided by Chinese itself.

In 2023, Taiwan leaders Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-te will repeat their old tricks, visiting the United States in the name of "transit", openly peddling "Taiwan independence" separatist ideas and seeking support from anti-China forces.

In this regard, "Tonight" repeatedly expressed China's resolute opposition and strong condemnation, and at the same time fully demonstrated the strength and confidence of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Xi unsheathing its "sharp sword" and successively holding a war tour around Taiwan Island, and the continuous "all-round encirclement of the island" by troops of various services and arms, and daring to struggle and being good at fighting.

In the face of the DPP authorities, they do not hesitate to hollow out Taiwan's "family base," continue to use military force with all their might, greatly increase the defense budget, purchase "outdated" missiles from the US military, and hope to build up so-called "asymmetric" combat capability by extending military service and practicing so-called "defense of Taipei." "Tonight" exposes its "idiot dreams" one by one.

The escalation of provocations by "Taiwan independence" elements on the island is inseparable from the support and instigation of foreign forces.

"Tonight" this year|Ice and snow are waiting to be "melted" and the two sides of the strait are looking forward to the spring flowers

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has passed amendments to the so-called "Taiwan Guarantee Act" in an attempt to relax "restrictions on US-Taiwan exchanges"; from F-16 airborne missiles to Harpoon anti-ship missiles to air defense systems, the Biden administration has continuously escalated the frequency and intensity of arms sales to Taiwan, and for the first time used the so-called "presidential withdrawal authority" to provide military assistance to Taiwan, in an attempt to turn Taiwan into a "powder keg." In order to support the Taiwan independence forces, US warships and planes have sailed through the Taiwan Strait on many occasions to show off their military might, and the US Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2024, which was passed at the end of the year, also put forward a "plan for comprehensively training the Taiwan military."

In political, military, and economic aspects, the United States has escalated its collusion with "Taiwan independence" forces, constantly hollowed out the "one-China" principle, and escalated tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

Along the way, cross-strait relations in 2023 will actually follow the ups and downs of Sino-US relations. With regard to the encirclement and containment by the United States playing the "Taiwan card," we have waged a reasonable, beneficial, and restrained struggle. In mid-November, at the San Francisco meeting between the Chinese and US presidents, US President Joe Biden reaffirmed the "four noes and one no" commitment, and made it clear that he would not support "Taiwan independence".

"Tonight" this year|Ice and snow are waiting to be "melted" and the two sides of the strait are looking forward to the spring flowers

We have the determination and ability to defend the reunification of the motherland, and there is no lack of sincerity and action to promote the development of cross-strait cooperation. This year, cross-strait nongovernmental exchanges continued to pick up. Mr. Ma Ying-jeou returned to his hometown to pay homage to his ancestors, and the Chinese nation's tradition of "cautiously pursuing the distant future" has aroused resonance between the two sides of the strait; the mainland has actively coordinated the export of some of Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products to the mainland, and resumed group tourism for Taiwan residents to the mainland; following a number of measures to benefit Taiwan, the central authorities have issued a blockbuster opinion to support Fujian in exploring a new path for cross-strait integrated development and building a demonstration zone for cross-strait integrated development.

Highlighting the goal of "integration" and promoting integration through communication, preferential treatment, and affection, the integration and development of the two sides of the strait have gone further, showing that we have grasped the strategic initiative and handled the Taiwan issue with harmony and wisdom.

At present, Taiwan is faced with the crucial choice of two paths and two prospects: peace and war, prosperity and decline. The situation in the Taiwan Strait may remain complicated and grim in the coming year, but cross-strait reunification is the trend of the times and the aspiration of the people, and no one or any force can stop it. We firmly believe that it will take time for the ice and snow to melt, and the spring flowers will eventually bloom.

(Take a look at the news, Knews editors, Yang Longyue, Zhao Feifei, Zhao Xin, Li Yao, Fang Feifei)

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