
The house rented to foreigners glows green at night, and the owner reports it to the national security and receives a major reward

author:Ticket Yao Lieutenant

Counter-espionage is a war without gunpowder, which requires both the continuous crackdown by the state security organs and the cooperation of every Chinese citizen. Just recently, the Ministry of State Security announced that Li, a Chinese citizen, successfully assisted the national security organs in cracking down on foreign espionage activities, and gave Li a major reward. #军史观察团#

The incident happened in a coastal city in the mainland, and the owner Li owned a high-end house, and the room was not full, so he rented it to a foreigner. At first, there was nothing unusual, but when everyone else turned off the lights and rested at night, the foreigner's room emitted a strange green light, which made Li feel wrong, and he suspected that the other party might be suspected of espionage, so he immediately called the national security agency to report it.

The house rented to foreigners glows green at night, and the owner reports it to the national security and receives a major reward

The reason why Li saw the green light and contacted the espionage activities was because his residence was very close to a naval base on the mainland, and as long as he used professional equipment, he could steal some details of the military base. In addition, there are many suspicious things when foreigners rent a house. Therefore, after answering Li's report call, the national security organs attached great importance to it, and then launched an investigation with Li's close cooperation. Sure enough, the room that glowed an eerie green light was being spied. The so-called green light is actually the light emitted by various secretly recording and secretly photographing equipment.

The intention of foreign forces is very simple, that is, to secretly record and secretly photograph the details of China's naval bases for a long time, and then transmit videos, pictures, and other materials to foreign countries, and finally hand them over to professionals for sorting and analysis. This is because China's naval base, which is secretly recorded and photographed by foreign forces, not only undertakes various important military tasks and activities every year, but is also responsible for the training and operation of the navy's "killer" equipment. Fortunately, Li discovered it in time and the national security organs cracked down quickly, which effectively curbed the sinister intentions of foreign forces, otherwise national security would be seriously endangered.

Of course, citizens have meritorious service in reporting spies, and the national security organs have not forgotten Li, and in accordance with the "Measures for Rewarding Citizens for Reporting Acts Endangering National Security", they will issue him with rewards for major contributions. However, this is not the end of the matter, after all, the espionage activities of foreign forces against the mainland are very frequent, and the national security organs and citizens should remain vigilant for a long time.

The house rented to foreigners glows green at night, and the owner reports it to the national security and receives a major reward

In fact, foreign forces represented by the United States, Britain and Taiwan, have never given up stealing military intelligence from Chinese mainland. Just recently, the US media "Wall Street Journal" also wrote an article mentioning US espionage activities in China. The article said that since China cracked down on US spy networks in China 13 years ago, the United States has not yet fully recovered. In this regard, the reason given in the article is that most of the Chinese intelligence collected by the United States is not human intelligence, but signal intelligence.

Even so, the United States has not stopped its intelligence-gathering activities against China. The article said that every week CIA Director Burns holds an important meeting on China. It can be seen from this that the US intelligence agencies have lost their minds.

Of course, through the US media articles, we can also find some information from it, that is, the US espionage activities against China, in addition to the traditional methods such as sending spy agents, bribing personnel who plot against us, and installing equipment for secretly filming and recording China, are gradually turning to new means based on cyber attacks.

The house rented to foreigners glows green at night, and the owner reports it to the national security and receives a major reward

According to public information, China's data output last year was 8.1 zettabytes, and the total reserves were 724.5 exabytes, including almost all fields of classified information in the mainland. The scale of the digital economy generated by these data is as high as 50.2 trillion yuan, which is equivalent to Japan, South Korea + two Singapores. It is precisely for this reason that in recent years, the United States has launched a "hunting" operation against China, Russia, and the DPRK. China, which has the most outstanding overall strength, has become a key target of cyber attacks by the United States.

The specific sectors attacked by the United States include Chinese government agencies, secret-related units, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and organizations, and databases of high-tech and information companies. There are generally three types of attacks: direct attacks, indirect attacks, and infiltration attacks. Direct attack refers to the use of espionage weapons such as "hive", "electric curtain operation", and "acid fox" to directly carry out cyber attacks. Indirect attacks are attacks that use the "backdoors" left by U.S. hardware, software, and applications to engage in destructive attacks or steal data. Infiltration attacks refer to stealing the personal information of senior executives of relevant departments, enterprises, and institutions, and then buying them off and then colluding with internal and external parties to "bury mines" or transfer data.

The house rented to foreigners glows green at night, and the owner reports it to the national security and receives a major reward

In short, foreign forces led by the United States have frequent espionage activities on the mainland and use various methods, and it is difficult for them to rely on the national security organs to cover all aspects, and they need close cooperation from citizens. Just like Li, as long as he finds something suspicious, he can contact the national security organs. Once verified, not only can the acts endangering the mainland's national security be stopped in a timely manner, but the whistleblowers will also be rewarded accordingly.