
The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

author:Big Mouth Chef

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

In winter, due to the cold weather, many people have cold hands and feet, and no matter how thick they are, they don't feel warm, which is a reminder that you are short of qi and blood, and you must pay close attention to replenishing qi and blood. When the blood is sufficient, the blood circulation is accelerated, the body is naturally warmer, and the complexion is better.

Winter is the golden period of replenishing qi and blood, to supplement the body with enough nutrients, to eat more protein, iron-rich food, today I recommend one to you, much more affordable than Ejiao, only a few yuan a catty, but the replenishment of qi and blood is very good, it is pork liver. Pork liver is rich in protein, iron, vitamin A, etc., and has the functions of nourishing the liver and eyes, nourishing blood and skin care.

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

It is recommended that you eat pork liver 3 times a week in winter, nourish qi and blood, warm hands and feet, and share several simple methods, which are nutritious and delicious.

1. Pork liver soup with spinach

Prepare spinach, pork liver, ginger, wolfberry, sesame oil, salt, cooking wine, starch, water, chives, white pepper, soup treasure, sesame oil.

1. Wash the pork liver, soak it in water for 1 hour, cut it into thin slices after no blood seeps out, add an appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine, starch, white pepper, and marinate evenly with your hands for 20 minutes. Bring water to a boil, add the marinated pork liver slices, cook until discolored, remove immediately, drain and set aside.

2. Pick and wash the spinach, cut off the roots, and cut into long sections for later use. Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil, pour in the spinach and cook for 1 minute, remove the cold water after it becomes soft, drain the water and set aside.

3. Heat oil from the pot, add green onion and ginger shreds and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, put in a thick soup to boil, put in the boiled pork liver slices and spinach, add an appropriate amount of salt and white pepper, sprinkle with wolfberries and cook for 1 minute, pour sesame oil on the pot.

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

2. Stir-fry pork liver

Prepare pork liver, pepper, salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, cooking oil, green pepper, red pepper, onion, garlic, ginger and chives.

1. Cut the pork liver into thin slices, put it in clean water and wash it for a few minutes, squeeze out the water after washing off the blood, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, cooked rubber powder, edible oil, mix evenly with your hands, and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Remove the seeds of green and red peppers, wash them and cut them into pieces, peel and cut the onion into pieces, cut the green onion into sections, shred the ginger and slice the garlic. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, starch, pepper and water to the bowl, and stir well with chopsticks.

3. Heat the oil from the pot, pour in the marinated pork liver slices, fry over high heat until it changes color, and set aside. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the green and red peppers and onions and stir-fry for a while, pour in the pork liver slices, pour in the juice and reduce the juice over high heat, and then you can get out of the pot.

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

3. Five-spice braised pork liver

Prepare pork liver, ginger, star anise, bay leaves, Sichuan peppercorns, rock sugar, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and pepper.

1. Soak the pork liver in water for 2 hours, soak in blood water and wash it off. Add water to the pot, put in the pork liver, add green onions, ginger slices, cooking wine, cook for 5 minutes, skim off the blood foam, remove and rinse for later use.

2. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, put in a handful of rock sugar, fry over low heat until sugar-colored, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water and stir well. Heat up again, heat again, add Sichuan pepper, star anise, bay leaves, ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and pepper.

3. Put in the blanched pork liver, boil over high heat and simmer for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for a while, take it out after it is naturally cool, cut it into thin slices and eat, or adjust a dipping sauce.

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

Fourth, cold pork liver

Prepare pork liver, cooking wine, ginger, garlic cloves, millet pepper, coriander, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, Sichuan pepper oil, and chili oil.

1. Wash the pork liver, soak it in water for 1 hour, add cooking wine and ginger slices to a pot under cold water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, remove it and let it cool and cut it into thin slices. Finely chop the ginger, mince the garlic cloves, cut the millet pepper into rings, mince the coriander, and pour hot oil into a bowl to bring out the fragrance.

2. Add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper oil, chili oil, stir well, pour on the pork liver slices, stir evenly, and mix evenly.

The hands and feet are cold, the complexion is not good, eating this dish is the most replenishing! A few yuan a catty, it is more affordable to replenish qi and blood than Ejiao

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