
Suining released the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List

author:Purple Cow News

Listen to the stories of good people, draw moral strength, and promote new trends in society. On the afternoon of the 25th, the release ceremony of the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List was held in Suining County, Jiangsu. At the event, 10 civilized families in Suining County in 2023, 10 "Suining Good People" nomination awards in 2021-2022, 10 "Suining Good People" in 2021-2022, and the 4th Suining County Moral Model List were released.

Suining released the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List
Suining released the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List

Gao Jianmin, secretary of the Suining County Party Committee, delivered a speech at the event, he pointed out that Suining County focuses on the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, vigorously promotes the excellent traditional Chinese culture and traditional virtues, and continues to guide everyone to advocate virtue and courtesy, civilization and goodness, and a large number of moral models and all kinds of good people have emerged, making civilization vivid and touchable in small things, and passing on virtues in good deeds and righteous deeds, setting an example for the society to learn from Xi and building a monument of morality.

At the event site, Suining County selected a number of moral models such as helping others for fun, righteousness and courage, honesty and trustworthiness, filial piety and love for relatives. For more than 20 years, he has repaid more than 70 yuan of debts for his son, and has shown people what is an honest Xiong Jiaqun with his actions. has been taking care of her elderly father-in-law's good daughter-in-law Gao Ling for 12 years.

Suining released the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List
Suining released the 2021-2022 "Suining Good People" and the 4th Moral Model List

At the event, the good people of Suining told the ordinary but touching stories that happened to them, and their experiences also touched every audience at the scene. The organizers of the event also performed wonderful cultural programs based on the deeds of good people.

Gao Jianmin, secretary of the Suining County Party Committee and captain of the county's New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Corps, said that the county should take this event as an opportunity to vigorously cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, closely follow the virtue of cultivating people, pay attention to cultural people, and guide the majority of cadres and masses to strive to be builders of lofty morality, defenders of civilization and fashion, and creators of a better life, and promote the whole society to see the wisdom and wisdom, advocate heroes, and strive to be pioneers.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Ma Zhiya

Proofread by Faye Wong