
Hu Fuji, who was sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the doxxing "Orphaned" case: abducted and sold children three times, repeatedly abused his ex-wife, and did not pay a penny for his mother's funeral

author:Red Star News

Jimu News reporter Yu Yuan

On December 27, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, publicly pronounced a verdict in accordance with the law in the case of child abduction and trafficking of defendants Hu Fuji and Tang Lixia, and sentenced defendant Hu Fuji to death with a two-year reprieve, deprivation of political rights for life, confiscation of all personal property, and restriction on commutation of defendant Hu Fuji's sentence for child abduction and trafficking; Tang Lixia jointly compensated the plaintiff in the attached civil lawsuit for material losses of more than RMB 50 yuan.

Hu Fuji, who was sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the doxxing "Orphaned" case: abducted and sold children three times, repeatedly abused his ex-wife, and did not pay a penny for his mother's funeral

Hufuji's hometown

The court found through trial that between 1997 and 1998, the defendants Hu Fuji and Tang Lixia abducted and trafficked four children, Li Mouhui, Guo Mouzhen, Yang Mouhao, and Li Mouhao, for the purpose of betrayal. In 2001, the defendant Hu Fuji conspired with others to abduct and sell the child Yang Mouyu for the purpose of betrayal. Defendants Hu Fuji and Tang Lixia jointly committed the act of abducting and trafficking four children for the purpose of selling, and Hu Fuji conspired with others to abduct and sell one child for the purpose of selling, and both of them constituted the crime of child abduction and trafficking. The court made the above judgment on the basis of the facts, nature, and circumstances of the two defendants' crimes.

As early as 2021, a Jimu News reporter visited Hu Fuji's hometown in Linzhou, Henan Province, and restored his life trajectory through the stories of Hu Fuji's family members and fellow villagers.

Alcoholics, often domestic violence ex-wife

On July 13, 2021, a Jimu News reporter visited Hu Mouji's hometown in Hujiayao Village, Caisang Town, Linzhou City, Anyang City, Henan Province.

The dilapidated house seems to reflect Hu Mouji's turbulent life.

Hu Mouji had a marriage, after the marriage he was lazy, drunk like life, often beat his wife after drinking, and eventually his wife and daughter left the country; in 1988, Hu Mouji was sentenced to three years in prison for committing theft in Beijing; in 1996, Hu Mouji was sentenced to eight months in prison for committing the crime of extortion; in 1997, Hu Mouji and his lover Tang were abducted in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, and the "orphan case" In 2000, Hu Mouji abducted a one-and-a-half-year-old boy Xiaohu in Hongdong County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, and in 2001, Hu Mouji and his girlfriend Cheng Mouxiang abducted a two-year-old girl in Yongnian County, Handan City, Hebei Province.

In the eyes of his younger brother, Hu Mouji is a person who is "worse than his neighbors". Hu Mouji's younger brother told the Jimu News reporter that when his mother was buried, Hu Mouji did not take a penny for the funeral.

In the eyes of his fellow villagers, Hu Mouji is definitely a homeless person.

Li Qingqiu, who runs a clinic, told Jimu News that when she first moved to the village 20 years ago, Hu Mouji had already left her hometown for many years. Unlike other people who work hard, the time for Hu Mouji to return to her hometown is irregular, and the number of times she has seen Hu Mouji is only a handful.

Hu Mouji's neighbor Aunt Li told the Jimu News reporter that Hu Mouji's family has five brothers and sisters, and Hu Mouji is the second. When Hu Mouji was 8 years old, his father had already died, and due to the lack of his father's discipline, Hu Mouji embarked on a crooked path step by step. After Hu Mouji dropped out of primary school, he began to run outside frequently. In the mid-80s, Hu Mouji married a rural woman, and the two also gave birth to a daughter.

Aunt Li recalled that more than 30 years ago, Hu Mouji asked her to borrow 50 yuan to buy milk powder for her daughter, but she has not repaid the money until now. In addition to being idle, Hu Mouji is also a drunkard, once Hu Mouji was drunk, so he beat his ex-wife. At that time, she heard the movement in Hu Mouji's house, and hurriedly went to his house to persuade him, Hu Mouji stopped and fell asleep, Hu Mouji's ex-wife could only endure the pain, saying that it was over.

However, in a nightmare marriage, Hu Mouji's ex-wife still chose to leave. Because Hu Mouji was imprisoned for two crimes, his ex-wife finally couldn't bear it anymore and left the village.

Hong Xu, from the same village, said that after Hu Mouji and his ex-wife separated, they found several girlfriends one after another, and in 2008, Hu Mouji returned to the village with a girlfriend.

Hu Fuji, who was sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the doxxing "Orphaned" case: abducted and sold children three times, repeatedly abused his ex-wife, and did not pay a penny for his mother's funeral

Hujiayao Village

Abducted and trafficked children with his girlfriend

In the summer of 2009, the arrival of the police shattered the tranquility of the village, and Hu Mouji was taken away by the police and sentenced to seven years in prison.

Li Qingqiu remembered that this incident caused a lot of discussion at the time, and at that time, there was a saying in the village that "Hu Mouji was wronged".

However, the real situation is very different from the version passed down by some villagers.

According to a criminal verdict obtained by a Jimu News reporter, Hu Mouji was criminally detained by the Linzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau on August 12, 2009, and was arrested by the Linzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau on the 25th of the same month. The prosecution alleges that at about 15:00 on October 31, 2001, the defendant Hu Mouji and Cheng Mouxiang (handled in a separate case) abducted Shan Moumou (born in 1999), the daughter of Shan and Ma, to Linzhou City in Yongnian County, Hebei Province. Later, after Zhao Moumou's introduction, Shan Moumou sold Shan Moumou to Qin and Li at a price of 8,000 yuan. On August 12, 2009, the victim Shan XX was rescued in accordance with law.

Back then, Hu Mouji confessed to the public security organs that eight or nine years ago, he and Cheng Mouxiang rented a house in a village north of Yongnian County, Hebei Province, and sold food at the gate of a school. That day, a neighbor next to his rented house asked him to help take care of his granddaughter, and because he was about to escape, he asked Cheng Mouxiang to send the little girl back, but the little girl came back with Cheng. He thought of taking the little girl back to his hometown to find someone to adopt and profit from it.

The two of them took a taxi to Handan, reversed to Linzhou, and found a hotel to live in the county seat, during which they met Zhao Moumou. Later, Zhao Moumou contacted the buyer who was willing to give 8,000 yuan, and he and Cheng Mouxiang gave the little girl to each other.

The court held that the defendant Hu Mouji trafficked children for the purpose of selling, and his conduct constituted the crime of child abduction and trafficking, and the Linzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate charged him with the crime of child abduction and trafficking. In the joint crime, the defendant Hu Mouji played a major role and was the principal offender. Unlawful gains shall be recovered. The defendant Hu Mouji was found guilty of child abduction and trafficking, and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment and a fine of 14,000 yuan.

Hu Fuji, who was sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the doxxing "Orphaned" case: abducted and sold children three times, repeatedly abused his ex-wife, and did not pay a penny for his mother's funeral

Hu Mouji once opened a welding shop here for two months

In the eyes of his younger brother, he is "not as good as his neighbors"

Because of his father's relationship, Zhao Li is one of the few villagers in the village who knows the truth about Hu Mouji's 7-year imprisonment.

In Zhao Li's eyes, Hu Mouji is a "Adou who can't be helped". Zhao Li told the Jimu News reporter that his father had a very good relationship with Hu Mouji's younger brother, and for this reason, his father also took special care of Hu Mouji on weekdays, but Hu Mouji was the kind of person who was taken care of and had to speak ill of people behind his back, "very unlikable".

Many relatives and friends advised him to follow the right path, but he didn't listen to him. Zhao Li said that Hu Mouji is idle on weekdays, and one of his hobbies is drinking, and sometimes he will go crazy when he drinks too much. Previously, many relatives and friends had advised Hu Mouji to find a legitimate job, but with little success, because he borrowed money everywhere, and some relatives and friends had cut off contact with him.

Hu Mouji's younger brother now lives in Shanxi, and when talking about his brother with a Jimu News reporter, he said, "He and I are not as good as a neighbor."

"We don't share the same path, we're not all the way at all. Hu Mouji's younger brother told Jimu News that his father died when he was only a few months old. Because his family was poor, when he just turned 14, he had to go out to work in order to survive, but Hu Mouji always wanted to think crookedly.

The Jimu News reporter noticed that the previous public criminal verdict mentioned that Hu Mouji had many criminal records before abducting and selling children. In 1988, Hu Mouji was sentenced to three years in prison by the Beijing Daxing County People's Court for theft. In 1996, Hu Mouji was sentenced to eight months in prison for extortion.

Regarding the crimes committed by the above-mentioned elder brother, Hu Mouji's younger brother told the Jimu News reporter that his brother was still young when he was first imprisoned, and when he was imprisoned for the second time, he had already left home to work, and he had never visited the prison during this period, so he did not know the specific crime. My brother never talked about being imprisoned for a crime, and almost every time he found him, he borrowed money from him.

"I borrowed and never repaid. Hu Mouji's younger brother told the Jimu News reporter that later he began to refuse to lend money to his brother, and once or twice refused too much, his brother began to alienate him, and the two slowly broke off contact. What chilled Hu Mouji's younger brother the most was that when his mother died in 2008, Hu Mouji did not pay a penny for the funeral.

Hu Mouji's younger brother also said that Hu Mouji had a marriage and had a daughter, but in the end Hu Mouji divorced his wife, and the daughter also followed his ex-wife. Since then, Hu Mouji has had multiple girlfriends and gave birth to two daughters with one of his girlfriends, Cheng Mouxiang. In 2009, after Hu Mouji was imprisoned again, his two daughters have been taken care of by his sister.

Hu Fuji, who was sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the doxxing "Orphaned" case: abducted and sold children three times, repeatedly abused his ex-wife, and did not pay a penny for his mother's funeral

He had hoped to return to calm and was arrested again

Perhaps, Hu Mouji, who returned to the village, had the luxury of returning to a peaceful life.

Li Qingqiu told the Jimu News reporter that a few years ago, Hu Mouji moved back to his old house, during which Hu Mouji went to work in the factory, and later he opened a welding shop. There are many professional pig farmers in the village and nearby villages, and Hu Mouji often welds iron pig farrowing beds for farmers. It's just that the shop was forced to close after only opening for a month or two, because Hu Mouji was taken away by the police again.

At that time, the villagers had many speculations about the reason why Hu Mouji was taken away, but few people thought that it was child trafficking.

This case of child abduction and trafficking dates back 21 years. On January 30, 2000, a one-and-a-half-year-old tiger who lived in Changqing No. 2 Village, Dahuaishu Town, Hongdong County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, suddenly disappeared while playing in front of his home. After receiving the report from Xiaohu's family, the police immediately launched an investigation and visit, but based on the limitations of the era, no valuable clues were obtained.

The child went missing, which plunged Xiaohu's family into great grief. For more than 20 years, Xiaohu's family has never given up looking for their son, and they have been working while searching, covering many provinces across the country.

has never given up their efforts, as well as the Hongdong County Public Security Bureau, they have never stopped looking for Xiaohu for many years. Since the Ministry of Public Security launched the "Reunion" operation at the beginning of this year, the Party Committee of the Hongdong County Public Security Bureau has attached great importance to investigating clues involving missing and abducted children, and has used advanced technology to sort out information. The police collected blood samples from Xiaohu and his wife, and after inspection and comparison by the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Linfen City Public Security Bureau, they compared Hao Moudong, a suspected abducted child in Linzhou City, Henan Province. After receiving this news, the police immediately went to Linzhou City for verification.

After careful investigation, the police successfully locked up the two suspects, Hu Mouji and Guo, and arrested them. During the further investigation of the case, the police in Liaocheng, Shandong and other places interrogated Hu Mouji, and they found out that Hu Mouji was also suspected of abducting Guo Xinzhen in the prototype case of the movie "Lost Orphans".

The villagers watched the news and found out that he was a human trafficker

The "Orphaned" case ushered in a happy finale.

After 24 years of searching for their son, Guo Gangtang and his wife finally found their son Guo Xinzhen.

On July 13, 2021, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing, at which it reported on the relevant situation of the "Orphaned" case, and the suspect who abducted and trafficked Guo Xinzhen also surfaced.

Tong Bishan, deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, introduced that the Ministry of Public Security's technical comparison and battle team recently issued instructions after discovering clues, and the public security organs in Shandong, Henan, Shanxi and other places worked closely and solidly to successfully recover Guo Xinzhen, the prototype of the abducted child in the movie "Lost Orphans", and investigated along the line, and arrested two suspects, a man and a woman, who abducted and trafficked Guo Xinzhen. The two suspects are Hu Mouji and his girlfriend Tang Mou, who abducted Guo Xinzhen from Liaocheng, Shandong to Linzhou, Henan 24 years ago in order to make money.

"It's hard to associate him with traffickers, but the facts are right in front of you. Li Qingqiu told the Jimu News reporter that it was not until the news of the "Orphaned" case spread all over the world recently that everyone suddenly discovered that Hu Mouji was the person who abducted and sold children. In Li Qingqiu's eyes, Hu Mouji looks like an ordinary villager, and for more than 20 years, she has never heard of a child in the village.

Villager Cai Yu and Hu Mouji live in the same team, and she was a little chilled when she learned about Hu Mouji's abduction and trafficking of children. Cai Yu said that the child was abducted, and no one could bear that kind of pain, "I don't know why he did such a thing."

When the Jimu News reporter arrived at Hu Mouji's old house, the neighbor Aunt Li was using a big broom to clean the fallen leaves in front of the door. Although there is no one left, the front of Hu Mouji's old house is very clean and tidy.

Aunt Li told the Jimu News reporter that for many years, Hu Mouji has not been at home, and when she cleans her house, she will always help Hu Mouji's house sweep.

The dirty door can be cleaned over and over again, but Hu Mouji's life will never have a chance to do it again.

Source: Jimu News