
Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?

author:Sports Lockdown


In the CBA competition, the Liaoning team has always been synonymous with peak strength, but a recent scene has been a big surprise. Not long ago, Liao Basket had a fierce matchup with a team known as the CBA fish belly. This game not only allowed fans to witness the weakening of the strength of the Liaoning team, but also caused dissatisfaction and anger within the team. Even the usually calm head coach Ugo lost control of his emotions and gave a rare harsh rebuke to his players. So, what kind of ripple effect will this war of words trigger?

Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?


Before this game, Liaoning team was generally favored, after all, they have dominated the past few seasons, winning multiple titles. However, in the showdown with the CBA fish belly, they met a strong opponent. CBA fish belly showed unimaginable competitive ability, surpassing the Liaoning team in the score again and again, forcing them to a desperate situation.

Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?

Such a situation has brought the Liaoning team into chaos. The players began to argue and blame each other, and the coordination on the pitch became disorganized. When head coach Ugo saw this scene, his anger burned in his heart. He has always been known for his composure, but this time he couldn't control his emotions and threw a rare lash at the players.

Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?

"You are the heart of the Liaoning team, representing the glory of the whole city! Are you just so easily beaten by your opponents? I've never seen a performance like this, it's not our style!" Ugo's voice echoed through the dressing room, inspiring the players' inner struggles and guilt.

Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?

Will this harsh criticism make the Liaoning team reinvigorate? This is a question that everyone is concerned about. Undoubtedly, Ugo's rebuke made the players feel their own inadequacy and responsibility. Everyone began to reflect on their mistakes in the game, and at the same time, they slowly regained their passion for the game.

Liao Basket CBA fish belly scolds each other, Ugo rarely angrily reprimands the players: how long can the residual heat in the arena burn?

The players of the Liaoning team decided to accept the challenge, knowing full well that only through unity and hard work can they regain victory. As a result, they began to intensify their training, improve their tactics, and improve their individual skills. In everyone's hearts, a flame was lit, and they vowed to fight back against the challenge of CBA fish belly with a stronger attitude.

And for CBA fish belly, this victory is undoubtedly a breakthrough of great significance. They proved that they are no longer a team called fish belly, but a competitor full of fighting spirit and strength. Such a victory gave them confidence and shook the whole league.

However, will the CBA belly be able to maintain its momentum after the victory? They need to consolidate their existing strengths while preventing pride and a mentality of underestimating the enemy. After all, the Liaoning team is an experienced and strong team, and they will not let go of any opponent easily.


The competition between Liao Basket and CBA Fish Belly is not only a game, but also a test of strength, teamwork and fighting spirit. Although the Liaoning team has been hit in this feud, they will return to the top with stronger conviction. And the CBA Fish Belly will continue to work hard to maintain their form and strive for more wins. These fierce matchups and Ugo's lash out will surely become a great story in CBA history, inspiring countless fans and young players to chase their dreams and never give up.