
"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

author:Magic Universe YA

This is a popular saying that means that there are some taboos when placing photos at home, otherwise it may have an adverse impact on family fortunes. This saying is very common in Chinese folk culture, and many people take special care to avoid committing these "taboos" when decorating their homes.

"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

To put it simply, it means that when placing photos at home, we should pay attention to the following three taboos: 1. Do not put the photo mirror of the deceased relative at the window; 2. Do not put the photo of the deceased and the living person together at the same time; 3. Do not put the wedding photo in the bedroom.

"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

The origin of these taboos is out of respect for family and individuals, as well as the pursuit of a balance between yin and yang. First of all, placing a photo of a deceased loved one in front of the window will allow ghosts and spirits to enter the home through the window, affecting the peace and harmony of the family. Secondly, if you put photos of deceased relatives and living people together, it is easy to conjure up emotions of life and death, bringing depression and ominous atmosphere to the home. Finally, placing wedding photos in the bedroom is reminiscent of marital and relationship problems, which can have a certain negative impact on family harmony and the relationship between husband and wife.

"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

However, although these taboos are widely inherited in folk culture, we should also look at them rationally and not be too superstitious. In modern society, people's ideas have undergone great changes, and scientific and rational views have gradually replaced some superstitious concepts. The happiness and harmony of the family is determined not only by the simple act of posing photos, but also by mutual respect, understanding and communication between family members.

"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

Of course, we must also respect traditional culture and the beliefs and Xi of others. If you believe in these taboos and are willing to abide by them, there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone's attitude towards family culture and furnishings is different, and the key is to build on mutual respect and understanding.

"If you don't put three photos, your home won't be prosperous", what's wrong? Check your home

In short, "the photo is not let go, the family is not prosperous" is a traditional concept in Chinese folk culture, and for some people, this concept is closely related to their beliefs and Xi. Despite the emphasis on science and rationality in modern society, we can still find some wisdom in family harmony and happiness from these traditional concepts. Therefore, when furnishing your home, whether you believe in these taboos or not, you should make choices based on your beliefs and emotions, respect traditional culture, and pursue the happiness and satisfaction of yourself and your family.