
"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

author:Stream Quest

The beginning of a miserable life

Liu Yupu was born in an unhappy family, as the only daughter in the family, she has never been loved and spoiled by her parents. Her young and weak mind endured corporal punishment, verbal injuries and mental torture from her family for a long time, which became the source of her suffering for the rest of her life.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

One of the things that hurt her the most was a series of bizarre rules that her father had set for the whole family. For example, it is strictly forbidden for her to close the bathroom door, and even her mother can't do anything about it.

If she violated this absurd family rule, her father would inflict cruel corporal punishment without mercy. She once gently closed the bathroom door while taking a shower, and her father broke through the door and kicked her on the ground.

This abuse and torture continued throughout her girlhood. Liu Yupu is such a child who longs for love, but is destined not to taste a little warmth and kindness.

She couldn't escape the fate of being bullied at school, and no one wanted to be friends with her, as if she was born to be the loneliest one abandoned in the corner.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

However, this tough girl did not give up on herself. She dimly realized that only through unremitting efforts to change the status quo could she one day break free from this painful quagmire in the future.

So Liu Yupu immersed himself in studying for the Xi exam, with the goal of leaving this cold "home", and lit a bright lamp of hope for himself.

A backlit star, the most beautiful Zhao Min

After graduating from high school, Liu Yupu left her parents' suffocating "home" and began to pursue her own life. By chance, she entered the entertainment industry, and was soon trained by the company with her outstanding appearance and hard work Xi

Here, Liu Yupu tasted the sweetness of being valued for the first time.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

The agent values her potential and offers the opportunity to choose her development direction. Either rely on a beautiful face to eat, or work your skills and quality to become an excellent martial arts actor.

Liu Yupu chose the latter without hesitation, she longed to have a skill to make herself unique in this circle, and no longer the poor person who could be replaced and trampled on at will.

With hard training and talent, Liu Yupu quickly grew into a popular martial arts actress, and she was constantly invited by well-known directors to participate in her skills, and she also played the role of a female martial arts master in many Jin Yong dramas.

When she perfectly interpreted the role of Zhao Min, the reputation of "the most beautiful Zhao Min" spread far and wide. The noble temperament and hidden sorrow in his exquisite hands have conquered the hearts of countless audiences.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

Everyone on the set looked at this big beauty and was happy to take care of it.

Liu Yupu, who has finally had smooth sailing in her career, has not yet gotten rid of fate's ridicule of her. At this time, her parents, who only remembered their daughter's existence after she succeeded, began to come to the door one after another to ask for money.

There is no escape from the abyss of marriage

When his career was in full swing, Liu Yupu, who had always paid attention to the spiritual world, began to frequent the church to seek spiritual solace in his faith. Even though she is in the entertainment industry, the wounds and pain in her heart have never really healed.

However, fate did not spare this unfortunate woman after all. At the church, Liu Yupu met a pastor, and the two quickly fell in love. The other party's gentle and considerate character and words temporarily filled her long-empty heart.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

Immersed in this sudden sweetness, Liu Yupu married each other in a hurry and soon gave birth to a child.

But the bubble of happiness bursts just as quickly. Her husband's job as a pastor was not as glamorous as he had imagined, and it didn't take long for him to ask Liu Yupu for support in starting his own business.

Liu Yupu invested a lot of savings without thinking, and took the initiative to quit the entertainment industry and take on the responsibility of taking care of the family. She longs too much for a complete, happy home, even if it is built on sand.

However, disappointment still came as expected. Soon after, the husband's business ended in failure, and he himself underwent a great change in temperament, and his temperament was perverse, often yelling at his wife and children for no reason.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

Liu Yupu only felt that she had returned to the "home" that had no temperature in the past, and her depression worsened day by day.

In desperation, Liu Yupu even tried suicide many times. Every time she was treated, hospital staff called her family. The indifferent voice of the parents on the other end of the phone left only one sentence: "She let her stay in the hospital."

For her, the world is ultimately left with irresistible malice and indifference.

Died alone, and ten thousand people wept bitterly

After experiencing the double devastation of domestic violence and failed marriage, Liu Yupu's psychological defense line completely collapsed. She left her cold and selfish husband and lived alone in a small rented house, and her life was at its lowest point.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

She has a short life, and she has nothing to do with except for the monthly rent.

One day in May 2009, an old friend suddenly remembered that there had been no news of Liu Yupu for three days, and a strong sense of unease hit his heart. When she came to her rental house, she was greeted by an airtight room and the body of Liu Yupu, whose face was unrecognizable and smelled in the center of the room...... It turned out that she passed away silently in this shabby and dirty corner a few days before Mother's Day.

This bad news exploded like thunder, and it instantly stirred up on the Internet. Countless people were heartbroken and posted articles to commemorate the "most beautiful Zhao Min" who suffered a lot during his lifetime.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

They combed through all the misfortunes that Liu Yupu had encountered in her life, expressed their admiration for her tolerant and kind temperament, and denounced her family and lover for torturing this flower that should have bloomed brightly.

What's more, there is endless pity and sympathy. A woman with such a peerless appearance and inner sentiment should live in love and pity; A life that has worked so hard to chase its dreams and strive for self-improvement deserves more rewards.

But she just left in the most beautiful years, and even the moment of death lost the last trace of warmth and companionship. This has inspired countless tears and heartache.

"The most beautiful Zhao Min" was discovered 3 days after his death, and tens of millions of people were in tears after his life experience was exposed, which was too pitiful

May time go back and let Liu Yupu be reborn; May she come to the world again, and she must be deeply loved by the people around her; May every new life she takes over be a hundred times happier than the previous one...... People prayed like this.

But all this can only be pure fantasy after all. Liu Yupu's lonely life came to an end.