
Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

author:Wenwen story-level

Recently, in a middle school in Fujian Province, two students discussed online games through small notes during class, and the head teacher of the school immediately reported to the school after discovering it, which aroused widespread concern from all walks of life.

I believe that the term online game is no longer unfamiliar. With the development of science and technology, online games have become a common entertainment activity and communication method in the lives of contemporary teenagers.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

Some well-designed online games, with a strong sense of interactivity and substitution, are popular among teenagers. However, there are two sides to everything. Online games are also often criticized for their possible negative effects: addiction to affect learning Xi, or exposure to bad information.

This paper aims to analyze the current situation, causes and countermeasures of the contemporary youth online game problem based on the latest incident of two middle school students in Fujian Province who exchanged views on online games during class.

It aims to draw the attention of all sectors of society to the issue of online games for minors, and how to start from schools and families to let minors grow up healthily.

Online games have become very popular among contemporary middle school students, and many students like to use online games for entertainment and communication in their spare time.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

On the one hand, moderate online game activities can enrich the extracurricular life of middle school students to a certain extent, and playing games with friends can also enhance friendship. But on the other hand, over-indulging in online games can also have a negative impact on secondary school students.

Many students who rely on online games for pleasure are likely to be absent-minded in class and have a decline in their academic Xi performance. Socializing with strangers online can also be a security hazard.

In addition, staring at a computer screen for a long time is also not conducive to the development of students' physical health.

In the face of the problem of online games for secondary school students, both schools and parents need to take proactive measures. Schools can appropriately increase the types of extracurricular activities to enrich students' extracurricular life.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

Parents need to communicate with their children and set a reasonable time for using the Internet to avoid game addiction. At the same time, you should also take the initiative to understand the content of your children's favorite online games and guide games with bad tendencies.

It is only when schools and families work together that secondary school students can have fun while avoiding the potential harms of online games.

It is understood that the two protagonists of this incident in Fujian are Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong (name pseudonym), a freshman in high school at the school.

In last Wednesday's Chinese class, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong sat next to each other. When the Chinese teacher was writing knowledge points on the blackboard, Xiao Ming suddenly took out a note, quietly folded it and handed it to Xiao Hong.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

Xiaohong unfolded it and looked at it, and it read: "My game character finally reached level 50 yesterday, and I actually dropped an epic piece of equipment, I'm super excited!" After Xiaohong saw it, she immediately took out a pen and paper and replied: "Great! My character is only level 40, and I hope to get good equipment as soon as possible." This game is so addictive that I can't help but want to skip class to play.

Just as the two of them were talking about the game, the Chinese teacher turned around and noticed their small movements. She immediately went over and took the small note away, and after carefully reading the content after class, she decided to report the situation to the school.

In the end, the incident of students discussing online games in class aroused the school's attention. After learning about the incident, some people questioned whether the head teacher's practice of calling the police directly when he found a small note was too harsh.

However, it is not difficult to understand the consideration of the class teacher. On the one hand, the problem of online gaming is very common among middle school students today, and failure to intervene in time is likely to lead to the continuation or even worsening of the problem.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

On the other hand, the small slips of paper that students pass during class time that are not related to the class are themselves something to be wary of. In addition, the online gaming problems reflected in the small note may indeed affect academic and physical and mental health.

As a class teacher, if a similar situation happens again, you may be able to communicate with the students individually to understand the weighing of online games in life, guide them to control the game time, and gradually solve the dependence.

Direct police may be a deterrent, but individual instruction can have a more profound impact on students.

Of course, it is a violation of the law for students to hand in small notes in class, so it is also the responsibility of the class teacher to inform the school. We still need to fundamentally solve the problem of students' online gaming behavior, rather than relying only on punishment to curb the problem.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

After learning of the incident, the school also expressed great importance and gave its own opinions on how to deal with the incident.

The school believes that the circulation of small notes by students during class time that are not related to the school Xi is itself a violation and needs to be punished accordingly. For the problem of online games, the school will adopt the method of education and guidance, and guide students to look at online games rationally and avoid addiction by organizing relevant special lectures and adding campus activities.

At the same time, the school will also strengthen the observation of students' daily behavior, and detect and intervene in some bad tendencies in a timely manner. Class teachers and tutors should strengthen psychological counseling for students, take the initiative to communicate with students, understand their ideological dynamics, and avoid relying solely on punishment to solve problems.

The school said that it will work with parents to pay full attention to the growth of students, and strive to create a healthy and progressive campus environment, so that students can receive good education and guidance.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

In response to this incident, education experts said that the problem of students' online games needs the joint attention and guidance of families, schools, and all walks of life.

Experts said that parents should be honest about their children's online games, communicate calmly with their children, understand the reasons for their children's online games, agree on a reasonable game time, and supervise the implementation.

You can also win your child's trust in life, become a mentor and friend to your child, and guide them to establish a correct concept of online games.

In terms of schools, experts suggest that lectures and special courses can be organized to improve students' cognitive ability and risk awareness, so that students can understand the pros and cons of online games.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

At the same time, it enriches students' extracurricular activities and provides more diversified entertainment options. When a problem student is identified, guidance can be provided with the parents instead of relying solely on punishment.

The expert also said that all sectors of society should also form a positive and healthy atmosphere of public opinion. Game companies should assume their due social responsibilities and pay attention to the gaming time and consumption of minors.

The media should do something to spread positive energy and provide the right entertainment guide for young people. As a parent, if your child has similar problems with online games, you need to deal with it calmly and rationally.

First of all, parents should control their emotions, communicate peacefully with their children, and understand the specific situation and feelings of their children's online games, rather than blindly criticizing and blaming. As adults, we need to understand that children are at a stage where they are easily attracted to all kinds of things.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

Secondly, parents can help children analyze the positive meaning and potential harms of online games, so that children can build the ability to think independently. We can also agree on specific game time and learn to arrange Xi entertainment time reasonably, so as to avoid addiction.

In addition, parents should provide their children with more healthy recreational activities to enrich their extracurricular life, not just online games. Participating in a variety of outdoor activities with your child can also strengthen the parent-child relationship.

Finally, if the game problem is serious, parents can also seek guidance and help from school teachers and professionals to solve the problem positively and reasonably.

As a student involved in this incident, he also needs to deeply reflect on his own behavior.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

During class time, we should not do things that are not related to the Xi of learning. Circulating small notes and discussing online games are all signs of disrespect to teachers and classmates. As students, we need to focus on Xi during class time, which is a sign of responsibility for ourselves.

In addition, we should also be wary of the possible negative effects of online games. Gaming is just a recreational activity and should not take up too much time and energy. We must prioritize our studies and physical health, and control our game time reasonably.

While the game brings fun, real life is more colorful. We also need to develop a wide range of hobbies, not just games.

This has taught us that there are many ways to grow in ourselves. We will learn from this and adjust the wrong way of thinking and acting. At the same time, I would also like to thank teachers and parents for their care and reminders.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

We will cherish their earnest entrustment and strive to become a responsible and idealistic young person.

This paper analyzes the incident of two middle school students in Fujian Province discussing online games in class, and discusses the current situation, problems and countermeasures of contemporary teenagers' online games.

Online games themselves are not absolute "sugar-coated poison", the key is how to "discard the dross and extract the essence". Teenagers should cultivate self-discipline, plan their time, and treat online games reasonably.

Parents and schools should take active guidance to provide healthy and recreational options for their children. The whole society also needs to form a positive value orientation.

Two middle school students used a small note to chat about online games in class, and the head teacher shivered when he saw the note and called the police

On the road of teenagers' growth, online games can only be landscapes, not destinations. It is also necessary to be tempered and improved in many aspects before it can grow into a pillar of society.

I believe that through the concerted efforts of all sectors of society, we will be able to guide the healthy growth of young people, so that online games will no longer become a hidden danger, but a part of a rich and colorful life.