
The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

author:A little chatter

Once upon a time, the exquisite and touching princesses of the dead country deeply touched people's hearts. They have grieved eyebrows, and have distressing fates and encounters, but they still stand tall and shine in their own unique way.

However, time has passed, and when we see the group portrait of the princess of the dead country on the screen again, their image and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes - their faces are yellow and thin, their heads are dejected, and they are lifeless, like a walking corpse.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

The contrast is so great that it's jaw-dropping.

In fact, the image of an excellent princess who died in the country should reflect the stubbornness and tenacity in her bones, revenge must be avenged, ideals must be struggled, and no matter how many setbacks and tribulations she has experienced, she will shine. Their stubborn vitality is the source of miracles that support them in the face of adversity.

On the other hand, the princess of the dead country on the screen today has lost her former edge. We have to think deeply about whether it is the director's mismanagement, the actors' poor performance, or the rigidity of the entire industry that has caused this classic image to be superficial.

In the face of the bleakness of the aura of the princess of the dead country, it is necessary for us to deeply analyze the characters of the princess of the dead country who are recognized as "works of gods". The classics of these classics must be enlightening.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

For example, Situ Jing, the cute little girl in "The Savage Princess", has been carefree all her life, and has never set foot in the quagmire of hatred in the ups and downs of her life, but has always maintained her love and kindness to the world.

Her hard-won frank happiness is like a gift from nature, which makes people happy.

For another example, Princess Yanyan, who has only shown one or two faces in "Three Thousand Crows Killed", has a tall posture and firmness in her eyes, not so much that she is a weak woman who needs pity, but that she is an admirable woman.

She gives people the feeling of being like a plum tree in the winter snow, standing proudly.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

Of course, the metamorphosis in growing up is also shocking. In "The Legend of Chu Qiao", Princess Yuanchun, who was originally pampered, transformed into a responsible person after experiencing grief and loss, and the growth trajectory of growing from a delicate girl to a serious woman is particularly touching.

And "Nightshade" is willing to endure the pain of burning in order to save the world, which is even more awe-inspiring.

It can be seen that the great princess of the dead country will never be crushed by the times, but will grow up brilliantly in the cruel baptism. They have backbone, responsibility, and the power to grow infects and inspires people.

This is the core symbol of the image of an excellent princess who died in the country, and it is also the true meaning of her personality charm.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

If the life trajectory of the princess of the dead country can be attributed to the word "growth", then Princess Yicheng represents another spiritual trait - determined to restore the country. In the drama "Long Song Xing", Princess Yicheng has grown old, but she still stands stubborn and proud, and wants to avenge her homeland.

This is exactly the same as the real Princess Yoshinari in history. Research found that Princess Yicheng boldly deceived the enemy army in order to save the royal family of the Sui Dynasty, and later took the risk of taking in the dependents of the late Sui Emperor; And even after the death of the country, she never gave up and wanted to return to the country.

It can be said that this unswerving devotion to the feelings of the homeland is the spiritual symbol of the princess of the dead country.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

Despite the unforgiving years, Princess Yicheng still persists, watches lonely, and cares about her homeland. This spirit is truly awe-inspiring. This is also the core connotation of the group portrait of the princess of the dead country, who spend their lives interpreting what it means to be a pure heart.

At present, we must face up to the serious lack of the image of the princess of the dead country, which requires film and television practitioners to explore and restore it with their hearts. Just like the careful casting of "Dream of Red Mansions" back then, it needs to have a unique aesthetic vision, so that the charm of the princess of the dead country can be naturally revealed from the inside out.

First of all, the fate of the princesses of the dead country is bumpy, which requires the director to think from their point of view, understand and substitute, in order to sort out their emotional world; Secondly, the princess of the dead country never shirks responsibility, which requires the director to have a sense of responsibility and responsibility; Finally, the image of the princess of the dead country should be positive, which requires the director to create with a pure heart and the original intention of thinking about the public.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

Specifically, a good princess of the dead country needs to reflect the following three dimensions: first, she has a sense of backbone and justice, and is indomitable; second, to exude positive energy, infect and influence others; Third, educate the public in the process of transformation and growth.

These three dimensions are indispensable, and all aspects of character creation need to be strictly controlled.

In fact, today's China is in a period of development and transition, and the tenacious will and sense of justice contained in the princess of the dead country can be said to be in line with the current national conditions. As a medium of education and enlightenment, film has the important responsibility of promoting these spirits.

Therefore, restoring the glory of the princess of the dead country is not only a inheritance of the classics, but also a response to this era.

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

To sum up, in the face of the serious alienation of the group portraits of the princesses of the dead country, it is necessary to re-examine and reshape this classic image. The "god-level" characters in works such as "The Unruly Princess", "Three Thousand Crows Killed", "The Legend of Chu Qiao", "Nightshade", etc., the shining aura on their bodies is worthy of repeated consideration, refinement and sublimation by today's people.

Specifically, the first thing to do is to achieve three-dimensional and full-bodied characters, and the process of their growth from innocent and simple to experienced female men can have a strong edifying effect;

Secondly, the princess of the dead country has the selfless spirit of giving up her small family for everyone and being selfless, which can be described as a good medicine in today's society, which can effectively convey a positive value orientation;

The 5 ceilings of the "Princess of the Dead Country" actresses, some people are more miserable and beautiful, and some people are gods in only 2 seconds

Finally, the resilience and love for her family and country in the bones of the princess of the dead country are also valuable spiritual wealth worth learning from and Xi of our generation.

Therefore, if film and television workers can dig deep into historical allusions and reshape the plump and multi-faceted image of the princess of the dead country, it will definitely effectively stimulate the national spirit, promote positive energy, and promote social progress.

This requires people in the industry to calmly deal with the relationship between business and art with feelings and responsibility, and to work steadily and consistently.

People are looking forward to the day when the newborn princesses of the dead country will bloom, move the heavens and the earth, and reshape the classics. At that time, they will surely shake people's hearts and make this generation blood and spirited.