
In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

author:Xu Chenyuan's study

(All content in this article has official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article)

Text/Xu Chenyuan's study

In December 2023, China's traditional festival, the Spring Festival, was listed as a global holiday by the United Nations resolution, and some countries that are already wealthy on holidays can enjoy the Spring Festival, an ancient traditional festival, and such a decision not only shows the world the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture, but also makes the world feel China's international influence.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

But before this news is announced, there will be some countries that will also use the Spring Festival as a New Year's festival during the Chinese New Year.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Vietnam, is a socialist country in Asia, bordering China's Guangxi and Yunnan regions, and also has a historical relationship with China, which only completed the reunification of the north and south of Vietnam in 1976, and the people in Vietnam will also use the lotus flower as the national flower, with a population of about 98.47 million as of 2022, and about 900,000 Chinese in Vietnam.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Vietnam is also a multi-ethnic, multilingual, multicultural country, before 1884, will also be Chinese characters as the official language has been used, and since the founding of the country, it has also used a variety of languages, such as Chinese characters, mants, Chinese and French 4 kinds, in Vietnam's first lunar month, is also its important Spring Festival.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Vietnam, which has a neighborly relationship with China and has a certain historical origin, in addition to the Spring Festival, also has Labor Day on May 1 and the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, which are similar to Chinese festivals, and will also use Saturdays and Sundays every week as their public holidays, and there are more or less shadows of Chinese customs in Xi Xi and Xi customs.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Singapore, known as one of the "Asian Tigers", is an island country in Southeast Asia, consisting of Singapore and its nearby 63 small islands, but it is the world's first country in urban infrastructure construction, the number of Chinese in this country is very large, so on the important day of the Spring Festival, of course, it is not to be missed.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

The official language in Singapore is English, and English will be the main language in economic and business transactions or official documents, but in the official language, there will also be a mixture of simplified Chinese characters or traditional Chinese characters, and Singapore is also a country of immigrants, where there are many ethnic groups, such as Chinese, Indian, Malay, etc.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Under the strict traditional education and Xi habits, the Chinese still retain the Xi Xi and customs of traditional Chinese festivals after immigration, and the Chinese-dominated Singapore country will naturally celebrate the Spring Festival as an important local festival.Xi

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Malaysia, is also a constitutional monarchy federal country in Southeast Asia, as a capitalist country in the nineties of the twentieth century, because of the rapid development of the economy, is also listed as one of the "Asian Four Little Tigers", and Singapore is somewhat similar to the Chinese population in Malaysia, so the importance of the Spring Festival is self-evident.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July 2022, Malays account for 69.4% in Malaysia, and Chinese are 23.2%, although Malay is the local Chinese language, but the use of Chinese is more extensive, and Malaysia's festivals are also hundreds of kinds, but also in terms of culture and ethnicity, more diverse countries, New Year's Day, Spring Festival will also be celebrated.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

The Chinese in Malaysia are also very artistically talented, in 1988 jointly created a drum performance, "24 Festival Drum" was also listed as Malaysia's intangible cultural heritage in 2009, so the Chinese here have always had respect for the traditional festivals of the motherland, and the Spring Festival has also become a local essential festival.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Suriname, inhabited by the local Surinamese people, was originally inhabited by the American Indians, a small country in the north of South America on November 25, 1975, declared an independent republic, although Dutch is the official language, but Surinamese and Hakka are the official languages of the region.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

In 2014, the Surinamese government also made a decision to make the Lunar New Year, the first day of the first lunar month, a permanent public holiday.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Although the Chinese New Year festival is celebrated with China, it is very different in some Xi, the local man proposes to the girl by giving fish, and if the girl cooks and gives back to the man, the marriage between the two is completed.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Suriname is rich in natural resources, with agricultural development, processing and manufacturing, petroleum, gold and aluminum mining as its main industries, and China has maintained friendly relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in May 1976.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Mauritius, 2,200 kilometers away from the African continent, is an island country in East Africa, and is also one of the few rich countries in Africa, with the title of "African Switzerland", and is also a world-famous tourist destination, which is also the most important foreign exchange industry in Mauritius, and Germany, France and the United Kingdom are also the main sources of tourists.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Although the locals will regard Christmas as their favorite and favorite festival, the official holiday of January 1-2 is also the local New Year, and February 1 of each year will also be the Chinese New Year.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Thailand, although it does not border China, is a country where Chinese travel more abroad, especially in northern China, where the winter is colder, and Thailand, which is located in Southeast Asia, is at a suitable time for the climate, and people with conditions will choose to go to spend the winter.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

In Thailand, there will not only be Chinese tourists, some business-minded Chinese, will also go to develop their careers, or choose to live in Thailand, China's third largest trading partner in ASEAN is Thailand, which also makes the Chinese who develop their careers here, not only do their own business prosperous, but also drive the local economic development.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

The number of Chinese in Thailand is very large, and the number of Chinese-Thai mixed blood combined by Chinese and locals is no longer a minority, among some highly educated stars in Thailand, it is not difficult to find people with Chinese ancestry, and in addition to Thai and English as official languages in Thailand, it will also be more commonly used, Hainan dialect and Cantonese, Chaoshan dialect.


Mongolia, located between China and Russia, is mostly covered by grasslands, the world's second largest landlocked country, with animal husbandry, agriculture and other major economic industries, 95% of the local residents, are Mongolian, and Lamaism is regarded as the local state religion, only some of them believe in Islam and Christianity.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Mongolia's food culture is mostly influenced by Russia, and it is not possible to take off your coat or dine in a restaurant, but in terms of festivals, it is slightly similar to China, such as January 1 every year is the New Year, the first and second days of the Tibetan calendar is the Spring Festival, in Mongolia it will be called the White Moon Festival, and March 8 is also Women's Day.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Influenced by Westernization more, Mongolians are more taboo to be touched hat and head in the Xi customs, and try to use the right hand when passing things, which will be considered to respect others, formal occasions to dress appropriately, women to wear makeup, etc., in addition to some statutory holidays, Western Christmas or Valentine's Day, local celebrations will also be held.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

North Korea

North Korea, located in the north of the Korean Peninsula, bordering parts of Liaoning and Jilin in China, is a socialist country with a high degree of national happiness, the lingua franca is Korean, and has some historical roots with ancient China.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

In North Korea in 1967, because of the issuance of the instruction of "eradicating the remnants of feudalism", the Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival also disappeared for a period of time, and it was not until 1989 that these three major festivals were re-defined as the "three major folk festivals", but in terms of specifications are smaller than the celebration of the leader's birthday.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


South Korea, is located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula capitalist developed countries, and North Korea in the north is divided by the 38th parallel, because of the "Han River miracle" created during the period of rapid economic growth, it is also one of the "Asian tigers", but in terms of literature and art, although South Korea is called Korean culture to the outside world, most of them originate from China.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

The lingua franca of South Korea is Korean Chinese, of which about 69% of the pronunciation is Chinese diacritics, 10% is from English diacritics, and about 10% of them are inherent words of Korean, which is basically the same as Korean pronunciation, but the difference is more in the accent.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

South Korea also celebrates the traditional festival of the Spring Festival on the first day of the first lunar month, but during Japan's rule on the Korean Peninsula, the prohibition of the Spring Festival also disappeared for a period of time, and it was not until 1999 that the "Spring Festival" festival was truly restored in Korean festivals.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

For the Spring Festival in South Korea, it is not like in China, the warm and festive of red tongtong everywhere, the Korean Spring Festival culture will choose more white, the Spring Festival or red envelopes will be white as good, which is difficult to understand in China, but in South Korea it is the most Xi behavior of the people, and the number of red envelopes is also less than that of China.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

With the continuous improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, China's international status is also rising, and in many parts of the world, you can also see the figure of Chinese, who are sparing no effort to promote Chinese culture to the world, and China itself naturally has to celebrate the Spring Festival every year.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?

Nowadays, the joyful atmosphere of China's Spring Festival has also entered more countries and families, in this happy reunion festival of the family, which belongs to China's World Spring Festival, it is also coming soon, many people from all over the world will also join hands with Chinese to celebrate the Spring Festival, and are very much looking forward to this lively, and global cultural event.

In addition to China, there are nine countries in the world that also celebrate the Spring Festival, guess which countries?


Guangming Network - "The United Nations General Assembly Adopts a Resolution to Recognize the Spring Festival as a United Nations Holiday"

New Evening News - "These countries in Asia also celebrate the Spring Festival, do you know?"

Baidu Encyclopedia - Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Suriname, Mauritius, Thailand, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea

Baidu Encyclopedia - "Korean New Year", "Mongolian Festival"

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - "Malaysia Country Profile", "Celebrating the Chinese New Year and Creating a Better Tomorrow - A Sidenote of the 4th Suriname Spring Festival Temple Fair", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Spring Festival is both Chinese and the World"

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